Follow peace with all men, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.

I see so many Apostolics falling from holiness standards. Whats wrong with Apostolics today? Isn't sin still sin? I see men with there pants to tight, pants falling off dragging the ground almost talking about the seat of there pants. I see women cutting there hair, wearing make-up, earrings, rings on every finger, Isn't sin still sin. Come out from among them and be ye seperate saith the Lord.

The Apostolics are no longer Apostolic - Why Not?

God Bless,
Pastor Carl Davis

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Praise the Lord,

I agree, inward transformation should be the main focus and the results of that change will have outward manifestations.
Beautifully said! I have read all of the posts, but yours said the most.
Well done!

Amen and Amen!!!!
man of god you are rigth no fear god.the fear of god is the beginnig of wisdom

Praise The Lord...


     It's easier to confirm that it is to reform and outperform those that live so easily in the world. Truthfully the body of Christ has taken to doing what the Romans do so well that we have perfected the art of conformity. Our kids can look like the kids in the world and dress, walk and talk like them. Our Sister's can shave their heads, put holes all up in their faces and don't get me started on the tattoes and other piercings. I'm not saying that you can't be saved and look like folks from a fashion standpoint but lets never get so far out on the water that folks can't tell you saved by you talk or you walk.


     I grew up in the old school...YUP...They scared us so bad back then that you safely assumed that if you backslid that you were making a reservation on the express train to hell. I'm not so sure that they were wrong for scaring us back then. I held onto some stuff that is precious to me and most. My wife (now former) was my first and only love to date and not many can say that but when we lower the standards to meet the worlds expectations then we lower the mark that we say we press too in order to attain and achieve the high calling which is and will always be in CHRIST JESUS. I am divorced and I can't and wont remarry because I have a living wife and I still feel that while the Church is OK with Ministers especially being married multiple times and leading up people, I struggle with us being careful about what messages we sent when we stand in leadership and conviently don't Preach about isses that are personal to us such as Divorce, Fornication, and other Issues.  


     Let's lift the standard of Holiness

When we finally understand that holiness is NOT merely what a person wears and we take our main focus off that, we will win souls to Christ.  I grew up PAW and excess is the sin of the church... we forget to teach men and women to live in temperance... we EAT too much and forget that gluttony is sin... we must be holy in that area...I saw families torn apart because folks were taught to be at church ... and not tend to family... Adam had a job, had a family then we see sacrifice and altars...(please note that I am NOT saying all those things precede a relationship with God... but running to church every time the door is open does NOT guarantee a relationship... it shows membership and they are two different things...)


we gag at gnats and leave the weighter things in the balance as Jesus said of the Pharisees... those of us who insist we know all of what holiness entails and yet we focus on earrings and pants and dress standards... are standing as modern day Pharisees.  Call me rebellious but it wasn't until I left the PAW that I learned that true holiness was a process that begins with an inner work that manifests on the outside... because I have been taught how to love my brother, I wont wear anything that will cause him to fall... because I love my sister, I will not put my mouth on her, but pray... and because I spend time in the presence of the Spirit of God, I allow HIM to tell me what to wear and what not to wear...

when will we teach people to make Jesus Lord and not just Savior?  When we teach people to keep their eyes on Christ and not on men, when we teach people the standard of the fruit of the Spirit, we wont have to worry about who has on what... because our focus will no longer be on others... but on Jesus. And if you think the dress code is what makes an apostolic, please search the scripture... for in them ye think ye have eternal life... Israel was a blessed people... they wore lots of gold and silver and earrings and nose rings... and if you read in the book of Isaiah, they were not judged for these things... they were judged because of haughtiness in their hearts and disobedience to the ordinances of God... church dress codes are nothing more than ordinances of men...and it seems that this is the only STANDARD of holiness left in many apostolic churches... leaving the weightier matters undone... such as justice, peace and love... its very sad...

Preach woman of

We call ourselves preaching holiness to sinners a message of condemnation and wonder why we only got 3 people and rejoice cause we calling the downward road crowded. Truth they are ministering to hurts while we fighting over stuff that dont mean a thing to God


well the writter said inpeter 3-3-4whose adorning let it not be that outward adorningof the plaiting of the hair,and wearing of gold,or of putting on of apparel ;but let it be the hidden man of the heart,in that which is not corruptible,even the ornamentof a meek and quit spirit ,which is in the sight of god of great price. 

Holiness is not what you wear; it is a standard of life. We call ourselves apostolic where did Jesus or the apostles say one could not wear make up or jewelry? the word said modest apparel and dont go to the gold or braided hair cause We stripped from that and still dont possess a meek and humble spirit wich is the meat of that scripture. cutting ones hair is in the scripture but is one going to hell for cutting their hair? stop majoring in minors. that is why we sitting in churches that are dying cause instead of preaching the Gospel what Jesus told us to preach we fighting each other over a cut out shoe or earring. Im not saying walk around and look like a whore but Im not saying walk around looking like my grandmother either, Peace be unto you
Holiness is not what you wear; it is a standard of life. We call ourselves apostolic where did Jesus or the apostles say one could not wear make up or jewelry? the word said modest apparel and dont go to the gold or braided hair cause We stripped from that and still dont possess a meek and humble spirit wich is the meat of that scripture. cutting ones hair is in the scripture but is one going to hell for cutting their hair? stop majoring in minors. that is why we sitting in churches that are dying cause instead of preaching the Gospel what Jesus told us to preach we fighting each other over a cut out shoe or earring. Im not saying walk around and look like a whore but Im not saying walk around looking like my grandmother either, Peace be unto you

After leaving the PAW many years ago i see that the mindset of people is still the same...i wonder how many people with skirts dragging the sidewalk wearing clear powder on their face are hurting inside. you can take God's Word and make it say anything you want to promote a "doctrine" that Christ never stated. and He said that if you add to his Word, He will add plagues to you. (Rev. 22:18) while i do agree that there is a lot of inappropirate dress in the church (cleavage showing, skirts too short, etc) Biblical holiness starts in the heart. a person can have on a long skirt at church and have whoredom in their heart, which means they are still going to are you only concered with externals? a whole lot of plain-faced women and men wearing skinny ties and no beards are going to bust hell wide open. why? because they are hateful, mean, controlling, judgemental, walking in the works on the flesh, looking 'Holy" on the outside but inside they are full of uncleanness, just like Christ said. Matt. 23:27-28. there is so much more to salvation than Acts 2:38. Salvation is the entire Word of God, not just the parts that you use to condemn people. The same Bible that talks about earrings being attached to Egypt commands you not to eat pork and shellfish, but how many of you can't wait to get home on Sunday afternoon to dine on swine, which God calls unclean?  Christ sent devils into swine at their request...and you love to eat it. What about that?

You have no heaven or hell to put anyone in. Come out from the hypocrisy and examine your own hearts. Then you won't have so much time to be looking at other people's sins. There is a lot more I could say, but I won't. I'm done. God bless you.



This is no different that folks who hand churches down like family heirlooms. See God gives vision but Pastoring is not in your blood, it's a calling. I'e seen mantles handed off and people and minitries destroyed literally. We must be careful to not make professions out of discipleship. The ALL IN THE FAMILY concept is not new, we have just perfected it.


To be honest, I see this Co-Pastor thing as a way for HUSBANDS to keep their wives busy. See women compete with the Church for their husbands so why not level the playing field you see. If she got EQUAL POWER then she keeping watch over the home and God's house and the thing I worry about is where the balance comes in?


You had to take us here.


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