These are some trying times that we are living, and many are contemplating on just giving up. I heard a preacher say one day that, "Some people have been down so long until getting up just ain't on their mind." Unemployment is at an all time high, there are people attacking our President for something the previous administration caused. Gas prices go up and down, but mostly up and even in our churches there is unrest. I was a candidate for a church recently who had been without a pastor for about two years I witness unrest. I sat in the study prior to the service and a couple of deacons came in for consecration along with the Interim Pastor. Immediately, they started to verbally attack one another, I really was afraid that they might even result in physically fighting with each other and the Interim completely lost control of the situation, it was only after a senior deacon stepped in that they decided to cool down.

This is what causes splits in the church because one group cannot get along with another, but we as a body of believers need to persevere through opposition even if the opposition is in the church. Perseverance, also known as persistence, steadfastness, and patience is the ability to hold on to your dream and hopes and not let go and just give up. You would be surprise (or maybe you wouldn't) to know that there are many preachers who just walk away from the pulpit because they can no longer cope with the daily pressures of pastoring a church, especially a church in conflict. And perserverance is indeed necessary because anything worthwhile is difficult to do.

What I am saying is that we have to expect roadblocks, opposition, disappointment, and rejection from time to time. If we are a child of God, then we do have the power to persevere, but please don't confuse perseverance with obstinacy, in other words don't keep banging your head against the wall until you smash your skull. If you can't pass a roadblock after a reasonable number of tries, then its time to take another route.

How do we persevere? We can go to the Word of God, in John 8: 31b Jesus says, "...If you continue in my Word, then are you my disciples indeed;" In other words, those of us who really began to believe will "continue" in the Lord's Word. He/she will continue to both study and do the Word of God. Suffice it to say, a person who does not really believe will not "continue" in the Lord's Word. How do we persevere? Abide (continue) in the Lord's Word--come what may. Verbal attacks by other church members, financial disasters, illness, marital problems, etc. Our objective is to continue in the Lord's Word and I will assure you that then you can and will persevere.

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We persevere in times like these by getting serious about God and His word as well as denying self, picking up His cross and following Him. The reason why God is removing some of our comfortable lives is to move us out of our comfort zone and disney land existence in america and start fulfilling the mandates and commands to look past our own selfish concerns and engage the local and global harvest where people are suffering and dying and hopeless in the world where Christ Jesus name is not yet known. Lets not lose focus on God's ultimate plan which is to reconcile the world to Christ. The only way God can accomplish in moving us from a lukewarm state to a hot one is to take away our provision. How was God able to move the Prophet Elijah from drinking by the brook and being fed by ravens meat, to go on a journey to make a widow and her son comfortable when the widow set in her mind that she and her child were going to starve to death after preparing one last meal? God removed Elijah's meat and dried up the brook! That's how........


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