To all my brothers and sisters in Jesus the Christ. To all of those also who has yet to make Christ Jesus there choice. Their is/are a lot of false doctrine and teaching here on this site. I have no problem with anyone expressing and shareing God's word, will, and way. We may not agree on everthing and thats ok .We can respectfully agree or disagree in love . Yet i must warn all to beware of the false teaching here. If a point or statement does not line up with the word of God. PLease discard it from your heart, mind and spirit. The bible says that satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The bible also says the people parish for lack of knowledge. The bible says that satan desires to Sift us like wheat. I encourage all to know God's word for yourself.We don't realize our soul salvation and those of others. Depends on us Knowing God in spirit and in truth. I am not to proud to Beg of you this point. Heaven and hell are real,man,woman, boy, and girl Die Unsaved everysecond. The bible says to Study to show yourself Aproved unto God. We must not get away from spending quality time in study and prayer. The antichrist is not coming.The Antichrist is Already here. I Beg of you study God's word for yourself. scripture ref. John 14 1-6

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Any and all posts that deny the diety of Jesus the christ , and the wriiten word ofGod[Bible]
And teachings that deny what is written as being inspired of God...if I may say so myself.
If you are referring to topics that are posted that do not line up with the Word, then I can see where they would be considered false doctrines/teachings. But if someone who is responding to any given topic that is misinterpreting scripture because of what they have been taught and/or believed based on their own understanding, but is willing to accept correction, should be excluded from being rebuked as a false teacher.
Sister Pat,
I am indeed referring to topics that are "...posted that do not line up with the Word..."
And even "...if someone who is responding to any given topic that is misinterpreting scripture because of what they have been taught and/or believed based on their own understanding..."

But hopefully may we all accept correction. But some are not.
I found it CRAZY that people could come on a Christian website and called the Holy Child --> a pagan god. Nobody said anything - be it out of 'tolerance' or not wanting to 'offend those that offend God' - I dont know.
But its high time to put a stop to it.
Now anyone calling our God a "pagan" needs to be addressed with boldness in the Word, but without hatred in their heart.

You are right, newview, many of us tend to tolerate these posted slanderous views as "their right" to free speech. While others simply do not want to be challenged.

Like you, newview, I have no problem speaking "what thus saith the Lord."


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