Illegal Aliens - Conservatives Say They Are Breaking The Law, Taking Our Jobs and Receive Free Health Care

If you knew a guy and his family was here illegally - would be for Amnesty?
Or would you want them to return to their country and get in line like other people that have been waiting?

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Exactly right Chap Pat about the 'job market.' It's dangerous for Americans who can't find a job. The Latinos have seemingly 'won' the Spanish/American war Pt. 2 by reason of them 'outnumbering' Americans. Texas is theirs', or, will be, or, will cause a outcry that's sure to bring violence. Let's face it, with the 'Minutemen' type of overt and maybe justifiable 'overt' hostility, that's where this is all leading to. Honestly, what else could it be?
I can understand and sympathize with people living in 3rd world countries, especially if their under cruel dictatorship. But Texas is at Mexico's back door, and this country is controlled by the drug cartel. Every individual sneaking into this country is not looking for a safe haven and an opportunity to work and take care of their family. There are many who are criminals in the drug business looking to expand their territory.
Exactly CP, Exactly! In the news we are now hearing of 'kidnapping' of family members of 'drug users' who owe the cartel money. That is a regular happening in Mexico and Latin American countries but now it is here. This is why there will be an outcry to remove these people, it will have to be for they are over here to lift up the 'demonic', downright, 'savage and barbaric' customs that they are used to in their own country.

Besides that, this new crop of foreigners be they Latin American, Middle Eastern, Asian, etc., do not adhere to the Constitution as we Americans understand it. They are over here clustered solely among their own and behaving in the exact same way they behave in the countries out of which they came forth.

Those 'demonic', 'barbaric' principalities are now erected in the U.S. by reason of them being acted upon by these foreigners who should NOT have been let in.

We are now hearing of 'brothels' elevated all over the place. Brothels consist of enslaved girls with abolutely no rights being sold for sex. It's all alarming, disgusting and anti-Christ end-time madness that if not quickly removed from the U.S. will be our ultimate downfall.
Sis. Johnson you are dead on target with your assessment. What is even worse, the New World Order cartel are actually running the international drug trade, that's why we can't win the war on drugs. It's another tool of the demonic powers to weaken and enslave the people while they continue their plan for a New Babylonian World Order, which is all in preparation for the The Anti-Christ to take his throne in this world.
Whew! Chaplain P, and what does the Bible tell us? 'When we see these things happening, look UP, for our redemption draweth near.' Praise God! Praise God! We are going to be rescued from the full-frontal 7 yr. tribulation effects of this horror that IS setting itself up!


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