Infidelity & Cheating in a marriage...If a child is born as a result, should the spouse except the child?

If a child is born as a result of infidelity and cheating in a marriage should the spouse accept the child? More and more this is a topic amongst believers and non-believers. It is very touchy because many feel that the child being innocent in all of this deserves to have both mom and dad. What say ye?

For the sake of discussion and because this is the most common scenario, we will use the husband. Please understand what you are asking to suggest that a wife accepts her husbands child born out of infidelity. I do know of case where the wife did accept this and the husband ultimately ended up leaving her for the woman whose child he fathered.

In saying that, is it wrong if a wife decides to play the role of Sarah and demand that her husband send the woman and her child packing with no further contact.

Genesis 21:10
Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.

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The Jacob scenario doesn’t apply to this forum. No one crept into someone else’s territory, every wife and concubine knew of each other. In case you haven’t noticed, multiple Wives are not permitted in today’s time in Christianity. Therefore, the wife trumps the mistress IN GOD’S EYES.
Ivy said: EW, you seem so angry about this whole situation. Let me ask a question. You said that you were a bastard child. Did you have a relationship with your dad? If not, how do you feel about him and not having a relationship with him?

Sister Ivy, I am merely describing what it means to be an illegitimate child from a biblical standpoint. Bastard is just a definition of this. It is what it is and if offense is to be taken then we must show it towards God seeing that it originated in his word. I am not angry as some suppose, I am just more of an advocate for the sanctity of marriage.

I don’t feel anger towards my bio-dad and as my little sister stated, me and my older sister were blessed to not have him in our lives. We see him on occasion when we visit St. Louis but, I am a grown woman with my own Husband and Children and don’t harbor any anger towards my bio-dad. I see him as a child who needs Jesus.
This is a awesome Topic....

SIDE BAR!!! Can we switch this around please!!!

What if the Wife was the cheater... and she became pregant with another man Child... Do you really beleive Her Husband will truly stay with her!!!!
Men are less likely to forgive adultery than women are, and a baby to complicate matters might be the nail in the coffin for this marriage, but I have to say there are those that have done it.

and thinking on Joseph and Mary and I know that's a stretch of expectation for the man of today, especially since a angel told Joseph it would be alright
This is an awesome side bar!!!!

It is kind of hard to say, some may, some may not. Many times a man will want to knock her block off. If he does stay, he may not want her to keep the child or he may just tolerate it. Each situation is different.


That is the whole point, I‘ve been trying to make. If someone involves themselves with another person’s spouse and the spouse wants to reconcile with the mate, then it is not healthy for THE OUTSIDER, MISTRESS OR MISTERESS TO CONTINUE CONTACT. THEY NEED TO BE OUT OF THE EQUATION IF THIS MARRIAGE IS TO RECONCILE.

A child does not automatically mean you have to end your marriage just to appease an outsider. 1 + 1 = 2 not 3.
I think everyone is missing the point here. Not every man who was in an adulterous relationship wanted to produce a child. Some were taken in by lust and had no intentions on leaving their families. A very close friend of our family had an adulterous relationship with a woman and she threatened to tell his wife and he shot himself in the head with a shot gun. Now his wife, children and the mistress and her child are without him. Some woman play games and if you knowingly sleep with someone else’s husband then you must realize that things may not go your way.

All of this fairytale stuff I’m hearing is for the birds. Just because a man impregnates a woman, this doesn’t mean he wants to deal with the baby mama drama that will end his marriage and ALIENATE HIS OTHER CHILDREN.
EW I see your first I didn't............. the statment that you made Not every man who was in an adulterous relationship wanted to produce a child ......that is a true statement...But sin will find out in the long run..either you going to get caught, come up with a diease, or a child will conceived....I beleive a wife have a choice to forgive/forget and stay in the relationship.... Or Forgive/forget and leave..... it's up to the individual....

More and more children are born out of wedlock each year. As ministers of the gospel, we must draw the line in our teaching and preaching. There is a bastard child curse in our Country and no one wants to address the real issues.

Here is what is happening:

A rise is divorce
A rise in homosexuality and lesbianism
A rise in illegitimate children
A rise in adultery

A decrease in marriage

The family structure that God intended is rapidly disappearing and all I hear anyone saying is what about the rights of the other woman and her child.
EW.. no you didn't go there ...LOL... well step on in there....

Yes that is true Children are rapidly being born out of wedlock.. and it's a shame that is happening....It's does sadden my heart to see a child without a 2 parent home....I thank God that my children is being raise by Me and my husband....

.I can see where you going with this topic.....

When a spouse cheat and conceive a child....with the other woman.... Now either he going to stay with wife or either go with the other woman................... either way............. the children will be without a father
Evangelist Kyles,

Glad to see someone sees where I'm coming from. My husband and I really teach our children the value of Marriage from a biblical standpoint. Our daughters understand about keeping themselves for their husbands and our sons understand how to treat woman and look for a Godly wife. My sons will learn from the best when it comes to how to treat a woman. I am not boasting but I thank God for a saved husband who fears God and will not allow someone to intrude on what God has given him (a saved family) Neither of us will even put ourselves in a position where something this awful can happen.

That is now our duty to teach young men and woman how to value marriage and let God due the joining. Too many are making excuses for this type of behavior and not standing up for how God intends for things to be. By the grace of God my husband will remain a faithful testimony to both God and me.
No there is no bastard child curse, lets keep to scripture, the sin was ADULTERY, and there are repurcussions to sin.

1. You better believe 20% of the paycheck is going to the mother of the that child- that's a relationship like it or not

2. The men are very quiet on this subject and it's not because they have not noticed it, its because they know that it is asking a lot of them to turn their back on their seed

3. We are dealing WITH CHILDREN, nobody has the right to harm a child physically or mentally, keeping one from it's father is not Christ like, bottom line.

4. What if your son were to meet his sister and fall in love, these children are drawn to one another, somebody got to have some sense, preferably the adults


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