Praise Him, for the Lord is always doing great things!
I understand what you are are trying to say. yet I believe that as belivers we spend so much wasted time or debating God's Name, denominational issues, titles, and trying to re-interpert the Word of God. What if we took that same energy and invaluable time and just spent time "Laying under The Son Jesus Christ. What if we spent our energy and time building our relationship with the Lord? What if we spent that time surrendering and submitting to the Will of God for our lives? What if we spent the time walking in Agape Love and compelling men, women and children to be saved? What if we spent that precious time and energy with the help of the Holy Spirit bringing people out of bondage, breaking the cycle of abuse within our communites, saving our children, building lives instead of more church buildings, going after God instead of money, things and status, getting these men of of the street corners and out of the judicial system, becoming surrogate fathers and mothers to the over 500,000 children worldwide in foster care, breaking the cycle of abuse in families and prreventing the statistics of over 1, 540,000 women that died as a result of domestic violence just last year, or teaching some of these men how to be fathers and breaking that vicious cycle of some children growing up without their fathers, how about spending that energy and changing the statistics within our communites that over 70% of the homes are without fathers, or educating women and men by helping to stop the Aids epidemic in our community whereas over 60 % of all new cases are African-American Women. The list is endless but their is more than enough for all of us to pick up one of our issues and social ills within our communites.
As believers we spend to much invaluable time on issues that in the end really won't matter when it is all said and done. Just take a look at how many responses have come in for the forum about cross-denominational fellowship and for some people that have responded more than one time. Yet I don't see a forum at all about the issue that plague our families, communites and our lives.

"The Body of Christ is out of alignment, there is absolutely no balance. This is the very reason why demoniac forces are running rampid in our lives, families and communities. We are suppose to be the "Light of the World" , but we shine in the things that are irrelevant and trivial, and not the things concerning the Kingdom Of God and Souls. This world is going to pass away it is not going to be here forever. Yet so many times as the Body of Christ we set up things as if this is our permanant home. The world is in darkness and they are lost, we are suppose to be the "signpost" of the Lord, pointing to Christ. These days everybody almost looks exactly the same. People are so busy worshiping their Pastor and some of these big name Bishop. Jesus Christ has been pushed out of the forefront. The Lord is treated like an afterthought and His Holy Name is used as a mere object to obtain things and money. Jesus Christ is the Center, He is the Constant and we are the variable. This means that we are suppose to change and confrom to His Will, His Way and certainly not the other way around. Everytime you look around believers are adjusting the message, the music, the work, The Word of the Lord and the things of God to please others. People that are not even saved are so confused because as a whole we are sending the wrong messages. Where is the Love that is to say Agape Love, especially in the household of faith? Where is the passion and love for lost souls?Jesus Christ is surely going to judge this nation with righteousness and I wonder who will be able to stand? Judgement is coming to the household of faith first!

This is the season of the "Great Seperation in the Body of Christ. There will be a falling away.There are many people that have put their trust in people and not in the Lord. God has to seperate the truth from a lie, the fake from the real, because souls are hanging in the balance and His Body in many ways is in bondage.It is also the season where long term demoniac behaviors, and different bondages, and things that have been done in the dark will be exposed. God will always cover us, but if we try and cover ourselves with our pride, rebellion, stubborness, and arrogance He will then uncover us. This is also the "Season of Transition, Positioning and Reaping".

Shalom Always, Prophetess Renee Weeks

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