My fellow ministers, we have followed titles as the name of THE FATHER for along time now and we need to know the TRUE name of the FATHER. Fellow ministers the name jehovah, yahweh, I AM, and others are not the name of the father but rather titles, and our Heavenly Father must not have the titles as His name. But by the grace of the Father, the has been revealed and my mission to make all nations know Our Heavenly FATHER and know everything of Him. Because these things, are being difficult for christains of today and Father did make us that way. Christ said "You will know the Truth and the truth shall set you free" but many but lack this truth, So are reveal the truth about the Father to all churches who will invite us, because our Mission CHRIST-LIKE to make man return to the glory of being like God.
contact me on yahoo messenger ( or to Know about the TRUE name of THE FATHER. May peace be with you all.

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Chaplain Pat Harris, I have no hate against you so please do not take what i wrote personal. Trevor T. Greene take it easy okay, I do not mean condemn anyone.
Its the mission's duty to let all churches know this TRUE and understanding the Christlike Ministry, but before We let this out, we will take you through all the lessons here for you to understand before the name.
We would to know opinion on this,

May peace be with you all

We do not know the other half of his name. We only know Yah.. His half name is used on many Prophets, and on the end of HalleluYAH. Although Hashem is not His name... we call Him Hashem out of respect. It's more better to respect Him by calling Him Yah or Hashem, then to call Him names that are not even in the scripture!


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