Proactive/protective steps to avoid sin:
1. Do you have an accountability partner or group and do you meet with them regularly and honestly? (This is critically important for pastors who do any serious counseling at all.)
2. Do you leave the office door open or the window in it uncovered?
3. Do you keep your desk between you and your counselee? Physical distance between you and the counselee is very important for her security and comfort, and for enabling you to resist any improper contact. Close personal proximity is not necessary for healing.
4. Avoid even casual physical contacts. We recommend not even shaking hands with counselees of the opposite sex. You can make them feel safe, comfortable, and welcome without physical contact.
5. Ideally, men should counsel with men, women should counsel with women. This is not always possible. Teaming up with a trusted and professional partner who can assist the male pastor when meeting female counselees, is a good idea. If the counselee is unwilling to meet with the pastor along with his designated partner, it may be time to refer.
6. Never assume a self-concept of sexual invincibility. Given the wrong circumstances, every pastor is vulnerable to temptation, sin and the abuse of power.

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Hah Hah! I know thats right!
The devil is seeking whom he may devour - be on your P's and Q's pastors.
This is very good advice for any brother.

Romans 13:14
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

When we use to have rental property, my husband and I always met with tenants together. I had one of our female tenants tell me that she only wanted deal with my husband and I politely told her that she will not be dealing with Mr. Banks but Mrs. Banks. Any repairs you need can come by me and the both of us would be there to handle it. At this point she backed down.

I am not saying that she definitely had ill intentions but I simply wasn't going to provide the opportunity for one either. It is not wise for any brother to allow women to set traps and snares. If a sister is having problems many times she can consult with one of the mothers of the church. The Pastor doesn't need to counsel a sister on sexual matters as that is a clear RED LIGHT.

EW, you may have been born at night but nobody can accuse you of being born last night!

Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves...
Sho ya right, sister. LOL Forgive my slang, but the scripture says a wise woman buildeth her house and a foolish woman plucketh it down with her hands. I trust my husband with all my heart but I don't trust a single women renting a house from us requesting my husbands services.

This has nothing to do with jealousy or insecurity but wisdom. I would be a fool to say, honey go ahead and check Ms. Smith's plumbing out and fix any broken pipes and I'll see you later. is not wisdom but ignorance. I have heard to many times where a woman that was expecting a man to come to her home for various reasons, meeting him at the door in her birthday suit. I would not set my husband up this way by sending him on a repair job alone.

Christian woman must be wise and not foolish.


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