Ephesians 6:18

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Oftentimes we begin an endeavor, such as a called to the ministry or even a new occupation an even starting our own business, and if we do not have a dedicated resolve when obstacles come our way we tend to give up. Just as Christians are encouraged to persevere in our Christian walk we must do likewise in our daily activities whether business, ministry or job occupations.
In every endeavor we are sure to face obstacles, but we must persevere if we are to succeed in the undertaking endeavor. Obstacles come our way for different reasons, such as being tested to see just how deep our resolve is in the endeavor. What one must do is recognize the obstacle as a test and say "I will persevere unto the end." If God has called you to the ministry or open the door to a new opportunity He wants to see if you are committed to obeying His call or grateful to His blessings. See, God knows your limits and He steps in right on time. Job remained committed to God even when his wife wanted him to give up on God. Paul persevered in spite of his many afflictions, being beaten and jailed for preaching Christ.
Let me close by encouraging all to persevere to the end because "a quitter never wins and a winner never quits" (author unknown).
Perseverance holds the key to victory.
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