Hebrews 11; James 5:16C


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen. The effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much.


During my private Morning Prayer time and pondering what to talk about in today's discussion the Lord directed me to prayer and faith as these two go together. I make this statement because without faith in our prayers they are just empty words. I was taught early in life that if you pray don't worry, but if you worry then don't pray, because  worry shows a lack of faith in God and are failing to trust Him with your cares and concerns. According to 1 Peter 5:7, God wants us to bring Him our cares. His shoulders are larger enough to handle our little problems. Why? Because if we believe through faith that the God of heaven created the world by His Word (Hebrews 11:3), then He is certainly capable of handling every situation we bring to Him.

In our Model Prayer we are to ask that God's will be done (Matthew 6:10); in doing so we are aligning our will with God's will and is acknowledging that He is all powerful and faithful to His Word. According to His promise He will supply all our needs and will take care of our problems.

What are we to do when God delays His answers? We are to continue in prayer thanking Him for answering our prayers and all His blessings while remaining faithful and trusting in Him knowing that He will bring you through. God knows the extent of our faith. He wants us to grow in faith and draw nearer to Him; in doing so we establish an intimate relationship with Him. Then too God looks at the heart and knows the sincerity of every prayer that is prayed. Therefore, pray to God in faith from the heart and with all sincerity.

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16). Pray in faith God answers.

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