James 4:7b
..... Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Do you notice that most often people are only taught HALF of that instruction? Why is the first part omitted?

James 4:7 READS...
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Why are people being taught to come against the devil when they haven't submitted to God?

Another question?

Matt 16:19 -- Is the devil bound just because we say the words "I BIND YOU DEVIL/SATAN"?

If so, who keeps letting him or his demonic forces loose? Is this what this scripture really means?

Is this what is being taught, to simply say, "I BIND YOU SATAN" and that's it?


Lastly, do you teach that to rebuke the devil is by saying the words, "I REBUKE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS"? What is the specific rebuke?

Don’t you rebuke him with the specific Word of God for that specific situation that he is messing with? Didn't Jesus quote specific scriptures to the various temptations from the devil when He was in the wilderness? Every temptation had a scripture that was used to rebuke the devil.

How did Jesus handle Peter's demonically influenced rebuke as Jesus foretold of His death. Did Jesus stop at saying, GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN.. or did He say more? Matt 16:23

And Jesus’ use of "GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN.. to Satan, did He qualify it with a scripture? Luke 4:8

I've often wondered why spiritual warfare has been taught the way it has been taught. Since Jesus is our example, shouldn't we follow his example of dealing with our Adversary?

Shouldn't we follow His example of how to rebuke the devil?

How did Jesus deal with those He came in contact with who were possessed with demons? Matthew chapter 8

Following Jesus' example, how did Paul deal with the demon-possessed woman who was following them around? Do the scriptures show that Paul repeated "I rebuke you satan" or did he just command the demon to come out of the woman?

And Paul also tells us something else... 2 Corinthians 10:5

Does Ephesians chapter 6 look more like James 4:7 ??
Ephesians 6:1-0 submitting to God
Ephesians 6:10-12 resisting the devil

If what we are saying or doing is not how Jesus did it or how we have been instructed in scriptures, then is it even really working? Or are people being set up to come running back like the sons of Sceva (Acts 19:13-17)

The purpose of this discussion is NOT to teach teachers and preachers on spiritual warfare but to ask, what are you teaching?

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Does anyone truly understand this doctrine????
The devil is a spirit, and they that deal with him must deal with him in the spirit and with the truth. Yes simple words are able to bind him up and cast him out. But these words must be mixed with power and with faith. You must belong to God. When you submit yourself unto God, the devil have no place in you, so that when you come to resist him he have nothing with which to use against you. His only recourse is to flee. When you use the words of God properly you are in effect welding a sword. The right word from the right vessel has great prevailing power against the enemy. God has given us power over all the power of the devil. If you believe you have this power, the devil knows it. If you don't believe, then he also knows this as well. How the devil is cast out is of no consequence. What difference does it make in the words that you say or the method that you use so long as the devil is out? Jesus said, it is as easy to say thy sins be forgiven thee as it is to say arise take up your bed and walk. Let us not get tangled up in semantics. You are either a devil stomper or you are not. Everybody's not cut out for it. There has been times when I have commanded the demon to come out. There have been times when I rebuked the devil and he left, There have been times when I layed hands, I have spoken a word to heal and deliver, and once I even beat the devil out of a man. (No I am not proud of it, but when I was done, the pastor of that church was able to get his pulpit back). There was this one time where a woman was sorely vexed with a devil. Her mother and husband had decided to commit her to a psych hospital. She was on strong medication and they had to keep her sedated regularly for her safety and the safety of others. Her children were afraid of her and her husband was about to put her away by way of divorcement. They tried doctors, psychologists, deliverance preachers, prayer warriors and the like, but to no avail. When they got in touch with me, they were at their wits end. Other preachers had given up on them. They claimed that I was their last hope (for they had heard that I cast out devils). I went in the first day and saw the young lady. She was almost animalistic in her behavior. I opened my bible and began to teach her. When I was done, I closed the book and walked towards the door. Her mother began to emplore me to stay and cast the devil out. I told her that the devil was coming out and that I would see her on the morrow. The next night I taught the whole house via a bible study, but especially the afflicted woman which was possessed of the devil. When I was done I went home, and returned the next day. This went on for four days. On the last day of teaching her the word, and declaring it's truths to the devil, I simply breathed on her put my hand on her belly and simply said NOW! with a loud voice. She screamed and immediately fainted. Her mother cried "She's dead!" I explained that she was not, as she was still breathing. Well why can't I wake her she explained. I replied She will wake up and in the morning she will be Linda. She is free. Well needless to say, she was made free in that same hour about 12 years ago and is now in a deliverance ministry preaching the same gospel that freed her. There are different administrations but the same Spirit orchestrates and maneuvers the work at His will. This spirit came out of Linda by a taught word, some come out by a spoken word, some by laying on of hands, some by rebuke, some by exorcism, some by prayer, some by fasting and prayer and the like. But they all come by faith.
Thank you Pastor King for this awesome testimony.

I've heard it said many times, "new level, new devil:" would this have anything to do with your statement here . . .

In other words, devils respond to the Word in accordance to their level/rank.

some come out by a spoken word, some by laying on of hands, some by rebuke, some by exorcism, some by prayer, some by fasting and prayer and the like. But they all come by faith.
In a manner of speaking, yes. But moreover, they all respond to the word, not according to their level only, for they all must respond to the word. But they respond to the word mixed with YOUR level of faith. One man full of faith has a power greater than a thousand devils. It is written that one shall put a thousand and two ten thousand to flight. When we join together, our power against the enemy is multiplied expenintially. But one man has power over a legion of them. The devil recognizes authority. They knew Jesus (an authority). They knew Paul (an authority). But who were the sons of sceva? They knew they had no authority (power), yet they still tried to stand on the authority of Jesus of whom Paul preacheth. They got their just desserts. As I have stated before, the devil know when you believe. He can see your faith. He is a spirit, and faith is spiritual. He has the advantage over men because he operate in the spiritual arena, exercising a spiritual law against a carnal minded people. He is sensual with a spiritual edge. He is as crafty as the serpent that he is. When men learn to weld the spiritual sword of God's word, and descern spiritual things, while walking in the authority of who he himself is because of Christ and His blood, He becomes a dread to the enemy. Sometimes devils will flee just because he walked into the room. Believe this. Well... gotta go to work. God bless you and fill you with His peace is my prayer for you.
Thanks again Pastor King & Pastor Lee (Spoken):

I have always been somewhat curious as to how the ministry of deliverance really works. However, I agree that everyone is not gifted and trained for this type ministry, including me. But I do believe that we can, at the very least, cast out demons from our homes in the name of Jesus.
Thanks Pastor Lee (Spoken) for the words of caution and wisdom. I have no intention of trying to operate as a demon slayer. I do look to others who are strong, spirit led prayer warriors for that needed help whenever I am under attack.
Pastor Lee, You wear your modesty well, but I see that you are wiser than you are ready to acknowledge. Reading your exerpts has been a pleasure. Your honesty is compelling, your hummility is refreshing, your counsel is comforting, and your understanding is sound and beneficial to those of us who have been privileged to gleen from your words on this matter. Thank you for being you, wise woman of God.
Amen Pastor King.

Praise God for your wise counsel as well.
I'd like a comment from those posting here....

What are your thoughts on internet deliverance ministries or ministries that are online that also work in the area of deliverance? Keep in mind these ministries would mostly be able to minister in word only, not lay hands, etc.

Have any of you experienced (facilitiated) a deliverance via the net? (IM, chat room, email, text msg or even on the phone)
What are your thoughts on internet deliverance ministries or ministries that are online that also work in the area of deliverance? Keep in mind these ministries would mostly be able to minister in word only, not lay hands, etc.

I was unaware that internet deliverance ministries existed. I would be most interested in learning how this works.


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