I recently came in contact with a police officer who was quite ignorant when it comes to the Word of God. "Ingorance of the law is no excuse" but this officer stated to me "Even the Bible says we must obey those that have rule over us". And yes the Word of God does say this but what does it really say. How many people actually have study ALL of what Paul the Apostle was saying to the Church? Or did we all just assume to accept what some man in a suit told us it meant? 


The last time I read the Bible there was/is a verse in there that tells US to, "STUDY to show OURSELVES approved to God, a WORKMAN that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the WORD OF TRUTH." 


So have you did what just that?


Lets see history tells us that, "God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it" -- Daniel Webster in a speech to the senate on June 3, 1834.


For those who teach this scripture the incorrect way... answer me these questions:


If your teachings are correct, why did/do we have so many people that have done the opposite, including Pastors?



  1. Was  it right for Joseph to disobey his boss's wife (Genesis 39)?
  2. Was it right for Moses' parents to disobey the civil authority over them and not kill their baby (Exodus 1)?
  3. Was it right for the Hebrew midwives to disobey the Egyptian government and save the babies (Exodus 1)?
  4. Was it right for Rahab to disobey the king of Jericho (Joshua 2)?
  5. Was it right for Ruth to disobey her mother-in-law (Ruth 1)?
  6. Was it right for the judges in the Book of Judges to take up the sword, organize and army, and overthrow wicked governments?
  7. Was it right for Sampson to disobey the Philistine government officials (Judges 16)?
  8. Was it right for David to disobey his older brothers and not go home as ordered (1 Samuel 17)/
  9. Was it right for Jonathan to disobey his Father and not deliver David to Saul (1 Samuel 20)?
  10. Was it right for David not to surrender himself to the will of the king who wanted him dead and destroyed (1 Samuel 19-30)?
  11. Was it right for the younger prophet to disobey the older prophet (1 Kings 13)?
  12. Was it right for Naboth to refuse the offer of King Ahab to purchase his property (1 Kings 21)?
  13. Was it right for Elijah not to obey the summons of a king Ahaziah (2 Kings 2)?
  14. Was it right for Elisha to disobey Elijah and not "Stay here" (2 Kings 2)
  15. Was it right for the Israel to submit to her idolatrous kings (2 Kings 17)?
  16. Wasn't Israel sent into captivity because they obeyed their idolatrous kings (2 Kings 17)?
  17. Wasn't Israel chided by God for obeying the laws of King Omri (Micah 6:16)?
  18. Was it right for Jehoiada the priest to resist the de facto queen and over throw her rule (2 Kings 11)?
  19. Was it right for the three Hebrews to remain standing after the king's order to bow (Daniel 3)?
  20. was it right for the other 2000 Jews in the crowd to bow at the Nebuchadnezzar's executive order?
  21. Was it right for the three Hebrews to stand when the king order them to bow (Daniel 3)?
  22. Was it right for Daniel to pray after an executive order forbidding prayer to any god but the king (Daniel 6)?
  23. Was it right for Habakkuk and Zechariah to encourage Israel to disobey the Persian king and revive the building of the temple after they were ordered to stop (Ezra 4 & 5)?
  24. Was it right for the prophets of Israel to rebuke the government for not submitting to the laws of Yehowah and risk life and limb for their message (Hebrews 11)?
  25. Was it right for Peter to keep on preaching Christ after Israel's government ordered him to stop preaching (Acts 5)?
  26. Was it right for Paul to keep preaching Christ after they told him to stop?
  27. Was it right for Jesus to destroy the money changers in the temple?
  28. Was it right for John the Baptist to disobey the ruler over him?
  29. Was it right for Matin Luther King Jr to disobey those that had rule over him?
  30. Was it right for the Civil Rights Leaders to disobey those that had rule over them?
  31. Was it right for Martin Luther to disobey the Pope (15th Century).
  32. Was John Huss wrong for resisting the hierarchy of the Catholic church (14th Century)?
  33. Was it right for John bunyan to refuse to take a government license to preach the gospel-- something that cost him years in prison (16th Century)?
  34. Was it right for the Pilgrims not to submit to the King of England (1620)?
  35. Was it right for John Hancock, George Washington, Patrick Henry to declare independence from rebellious King George because of taxation and other reasons (Declaration of Independence)?
  36. Was it right for Pastor Gad Hitchcock circa his election day sermon in 1774 to say, "with respect therefore to rulers of evil dispositions, nothing is more necessary than they should believe resistance, in some cases to be lawful.
  37. Was it right for the Germans at the concentration camps to obey their wicked, elected officials and kill Jews?
  38. Was it right for the French underground to disobey the German authorities and to smuggle Jews out of France?
  39. Was it right for General Robert E. Lee to teach his slaves how to read and write so they could earn a living upon their release when the laws of Virginia forbid him to do so?
  40. Was it right for General Robert E. Lee to resist the federal forces marching into Virginia, to take up arms, and resist the order of President Lincoln?
  41. Was it right for Bostonians to trespass on private property and to dump tea in the Boston Harbor to protest a tea tax?
  42. Should Christians in the 1850s should have obeyed the Fugitive Slave Laws and sent runaway slaves back to their owners?
  43. Was it right for the South to secede from the union because the north was taxing them into poverty?
  44. Was it right for the South to take up arms to resist northern aggression?
  45. Was it right for Jesse James to strap on his gun to defend himself against corrupt civil rulers in Kansas and Missouri--corrupt republican governors that sent their troops to pillage, plunder, rape, mutilate, burn, and steal property of southerners?
  46. Was it right for Rosa Parks to not obey the local segregation ordinances and given up her bus seat?
  47. Was it right for Judge Moore to disobey an order from the fideral judiciary and refurse to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from an Alabama Court Room?


Generally speaking, Christians should obey the laws of the Government, but there are times obedience to God demands disobedience to the government; that is, there are times when disobedience to government is considered obedience to God. If there is not a time to disobey the government, then the government is God!


Rembmber, Jesus was put to death by people who had "no king but Caesar." (John 19:15)


"The Restraint of Government is the True Liberty and Freedom of the People"

[Eighteenth-Century Common American Saying]


If we going to teach the Word of God, let us make sure we teach the TRUTH and not what we have learned out of ignorance!!! (James 3:1-3)

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