Salvation is it eternal regardless of the circumstances or not come on lets get everyone’s opinion

But what is your take on what would have happened if the prodigal son or anyone who had received salvation backslides by rejecting the Father, His Son, the Holy Ghost and totally turned away from the faith and DIED without having repented or had the opportunity to return to the fold. Would that person be heading for hell or heaven? This is a conversation that came up with a couple of my work colleague when we were in an after discussion on Luke 15:11-32 so I would be interested in having a discussion and receiving everyone's point of view.

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And who are we to judge who is truly righteous when they profess to be born again like you said Preacher we don’t make to choice to serve God we are call to serve him so was Judas called and some of us turn back it is not for you and I to say they were never born again to begin with Eze 18:24 state what happen if the righteous start to walk in the way of the unrighteous. I also urge you to let the Holy Spirit help you to understand Ez 18:24 as you fail to respond to it time and time again and the book of Revelation

Now Preacher I don't profess to be an expert of the Scripture what I do is allow the Holy Spirit to lead me into all truth so when the Holy Spirit tells me that we need to turn away from sin because sin means there is a separation from God and you tell me it does not matter if I sin because I already receive salvation so I will go to heaven I will say to you Preacher you need to listen intently to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Because my Bible tells me sin has no place in heaven so if I sin I must repent or die in my sin. And if I die in my sin I cannot enter heaven because all my righteous deed s were forgotten the moment I walk in the path of sin.

Now I don’t know about you Brother but someone need to study and let the Holy Spirit confirm and it sure isn’t me what it means to receive and maintain salvation which we got by Grace.

And for your information Jesus in Matthew 25: 31 to end is dealing with believers some of these who profess to be believers but who did not walk in the path of righteousness, which brother is likely to be the faith for believers who think that because they were saved by Grace they can walk the path of the unrighteous. one who is truly born of God can turn back...the very fact that you believe that shows me that Its most likely you don't know know God you would know that you can't turn back...can I get one witness in here? ; ) remember what Jesus said?

1 John 2:19
They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.

Preacher I am waiting for your understanding of Eze 18:24
I believe I answered that one...righteous-one apparently such; as in Mt 9:13, "I came not to call the righteous," &c., that is, those who fancy themselves righteous. Those alone are true saints who by the grace of God persevere (Mt 24:13; 1Co 10:12; Joh 10:28, 29).
In case you are reading the wrong verse . Here it is in Print Preacher this verse seem pretty clear are you saying it is not clear are do you need more understanding on what it says

Exekiel 18:24

'But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die'.

Which word of the verse do you not understand Preacher or are you just trying to avoid saying what this verse actually says. This verse does not say one who fancy themselves as righteous it say but when the RIGHTEOUS turn AWAY from RIGHTEOUSNESS.

It says when a BELIEVER turn away from God to SIN their righteousness will NOT BE REMEMBERED they DIE IN SIN is it clear enough now
Preacher if you walk in the way of Christ for 30 years then decide to reject him and turn your back and follow a satanic lifestyle who am I to say you were never save in the first place.

As Jesus said we must abide in him but people think abiding means just attending church one morning a week and that is why some fall away because they have not the full armor of Christ and is not able to defend themselves from the attack of the enemy.

Preachers need to be preaching to people the importance of wearing the full armor of Christ not that they will go to heaven even if they are living in sin
My sister..I can't explain that verse to you any more clear than I already have...If the so called...RIGHTEOUS turn away...when you study the word of God you have to compare scripture with scripture..we know that Christ is the author and finisher of our faith,,,and because he starts and finishes it..we will not...turn away...that would be impossible...we have been given a new nature that we want to please God...

those who know God,know they will never turn away...there is nothing to tuen away to...but thoes who are not saved...but have a way that seems right with God can turn away...because they have never been truly born again...I gve scripture in my last response...Jesus said if they were truly of us,they would have remained with us...but they were not of they turned away...another verse says they will not endure sound doctrine...they can't endure it because the truth isn't in them..

Being the author and finisher of our faith does not mean that all will finish. When you watch a marathon. How many actually win 1st place? Do all win first place? Of course not!

Sure, we want to please Yah, but do we please him 100% of the time? No! So, if its possible to sin, then its possible to get caught up in sin for good. Scripture refutes OSAS in everyway... from Genesis - Revelation.

Belonged to us had nothing to do with belonging to Yeshua. As the Prophets have spoken, a true born again man can turn from his righteousness.
. turn from . righteousness-not one "righteous" as to the root and spirit of regeneration (Ps 89:33; 138:8; Isa 26:12; 27:3; Joh 10:28; Php 1:6), but as to its outward appearance and performances. So the "righteous" (Pr 18:17; Mt 9:13). As in Eze 3:19 the minister is required to lead the wicked to good, so in Eze 3:20 he is to confirm the well-disposed in their duty.

Jesus said belonging to him means they are sent or drawn by God to become children of God...belonging means this...

John 6:37
All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.


You are manipulating the scriptures. If you turn from righteousness, then how can you be walking after the obedience of Yah? If a man turns from righteousness(obedience), then he is not abiding in the way of Yah. Indeed. Yeshua said when you come to him, by that, He will not drive away. A few chapters later, Yeshua said that you must abide in Him, for if you do not, you will be cut off.

If you turn from righteousness, then you're turning from Him who is righteous. It makes no sense to say that, while you turn from righteousness, you're not turning from the righteous one. Thats blasphemous. Preacher, if you was to decide to stop obeying Yah now and forever.. see if you inherit eternal life. This righteous life we live is progressive. WE must make the decision everyday to walk in obedience.

Will you say that, when Israel rebelled, that they were not really saved in the first place? How evil to believe! If that was the case, then they would not have inherited the land of Canaan. IF you read the Torah, you will find out that the requirement for entering the land of Canaan, was to agree to obedience to the covenant and Torah.

And the Israelites had to continue to obey the commands of Yah to remain in the land. It is the same with us. We who obey Yah are to continue to obey Him to maintain eternal life. It is a gift, and this gift can be forfeited, just like Yah kicked Israel out of the land, and into captivity.

Now, for those who were saved, and then given up their salvation, will go through some sort of captivity. Its up to YOU to want to return. Many Israelites who went into captivity, did not return, because they got caught up in paganism, and died in it. The bible is a pattern of repeats. Endure to the end, and you will be saved.
One cannot turn from salvation...the righteousness God is referring to in the verses you posted is not salvation that one turns from...that would not be possible...
Its never up to us...thank God...or none will remain saved...

1 Peter 1:23
For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.

Christian brotherhood flows from our new birth of an imperishable seed, the abiding word of God. This is the consideration urged here to lead us to exercise brotherly love. As natural relationship gives rise to natural affection, so spiritual relationship gives rise to spiritual, and therefore abiding love, even as the seed from which it springs is abiding, not transitory as earthly things.

which liveth and abideth for ever-It is because the Spirit of God accompanies it that the word carries in it the germ of life. They who are so born again live and abide for ever,



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