Salvation is it eternal regardless of the circumstances or not come on lets get everyone’s opinion

But what is your take on what would have happened if the prodigal son or anyone who had received salvation backslides by rejecting the Father, His Son, the Holy Ghost and totally turned away from the faith and DIED without having repented or had the opportunity to return to the fold. Would that person be heading for hell or heaven? This is a conversation that came up with a couple of my work colleague when we were in an after discussion on Luke 15:11-32 so I would be interested in having a discussion and receiving everyone's point of view.

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Wow...You didn't go there did you? You just gone let folks that are saved come at God any ole kind of way when they come out the box and not have a provision if need be to say FATHER FORGIVE ME? You need to read the Lord's Prayer. I think it clearly makes provision for repentance and a repentant heart. FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE THAT TRESPASS AGAINST US. I THINK THAT IS REPENTANCE. 


You saying that my kids can treat me different because they are my children but only kids outside my house need to be disciplined and live right...Actually that is not afar off for the reason the world is out of order.


Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Rev. Anthony R. Watson: "Repentence occurs when the unrepentent sinner turns from sin."


Where do you get this stuff? YOU are stating theological belief. True repentance is of God, not man. Your beliefs are scary sometimes.


Speaking of sin there is more sin in the church than one can imagine. John in speaking to believers said "Repent and be baptized for the remission of sin." He was not talking to the heathens or pagans.

God keeps calling for the CHURCH to repent which is turning from OUR wicked ways and beliefs. It is beliefs that hold people captive. Repentance means two things, being grievously sorry for what we have done and then turning and go in a hopefully better direction.


 Theology teaches this, "The formula goes something like this, Repentence (The human side: turning from sin.), Conversion (turning to God), Justification (to be declared righteous: has to do with our change in standing), Regeneration (Divine side: the new birth, to be born again: has to do with our change in nature), Adoption (Has to do with our change in position). All of these things occur instantaneously at the moment the believer accepts Jesus Christ. Sanctification (has to do with our change in character, and it happens instantaneously, and it is a process. It is a separation to God, an imputation of Christ as our holiness (1 Cor. 1:30), purification from evil, and conformation to the image of Christ."


"30But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:" That does not mean what you stated. It is a far jump and leap.


If we say we have no sin? Peter was not talking about the unbeliever, but the believer. All sinners need to repent. Those in the church and those not in the church.


Purification from evil? I would love to hear that one is purified from evil? Paul wrote the Corinthians in his first letter as the church was in sin and error. When there is error there is sin. We find salvation in turning from sin. It is done by grace because no one deserves anything. This is what is in error with evangelical teaching as it teaches that we are always saved even if we are in sin. That teaches people that they can do what they want.

not so. If you are born again & you sin, Confession is required. WE ARE ALREADY FORGIVEN!! WETHER WE ASK OR NOT. Remember the work on CALVERY is a FINISHED WORK!! IT IS FINISHED!!! PLZ read Hebrews 6!!!


gnorant of christian doctrines will continue to be the greatest challenge to christian discipleship. As long as those who are chosen continue to be unreasonably negative to spiritual truth. And instead hip upon themselves those who will teach and encourage legalism, human view point, work of the flesh, rather than sound doctrine.

My brother, i do not think you are in the group of those who accuse Apostle Paul of teaching 'heresy'. Rom. 6:1; what shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase? Historical background of the verse was because Paul taught the principle of eternal security to the legalistic baby Christians in Rome. Their reaction to Paul's message is not different from what ignorant believers today accuse those who communicates divine view points of. If God has promised anyone who believe ONCE in Christ eternal salvation, who are we to hang on them the yoke of slavery, and fear, by threatening their salvation. By teaching that those who have trusted in Christ ONCE AND FOR ALL their salvation can be lost is a quintessence of human arrogance.

Like i earlier said, IGNORANT of doctrines is a serious problem in the body of Christ.

A situation where everyone claim he or she knows doctrine. Nevertheless, what comes out of the so-called wise believers are SHOCKING.

Besides, by human standard, no sane person, a giver, can demand back a gift given to anyone who had received it. It is impossible! A gift is only given ONCE! When a gift is given there is no guarantee that the receiver would make good use of the gift.

No Bible teacher would encourage rebellion because a christian is eternally secure. Sound teachers understood that there is another principle of divine disciple or punishment of a believer by the same Loving Father God. If only we understand this principle of divine discipline, some of us would shut up of ignorant mouth when eternal security of a believer is mentioned.

A well informed believer understands that salvation is the easiest thing that happened in his life. Because Christ likened it to a simple act of drinking water. However, living a victorious christian life is a herculean task, it demands consistent practice, yet never perfect.

May the Lord guide us to realize how amazing is His free grace gift.

Then again there is the great falling away? If they are eternally retained, then it is impossible to fall away? Are you saying that is not possible to give a gift back? Happens all the time. Ever gone to the store to take a gift back after Christmas? I mean that is what Satan does, which is to get believers "to give back" their gift. Satan has no power except for what believers give him, by speaking things in error.


I mean it's wonderful to have personal beliefs such as: "A well informed believer understands that salvation is the easiest thing that happened in his life. Because Christ likened it to a simple act of drinking water. "


Where does it say all that in scripture?


Living a victorious life is salvation.


You keep saying that "Ignorant of christian doctrines will continue to be the greatest challenge to christian discipleship." So don't be ignorant then.


You define Christianity as being a follower of Christ, but if we are the body of Christ how is it we follow ourselves? Doesn't make sense to me. I know its that mystical thing?

Real Talk!! Yu been reading the bible Hu???
Anthony The Prodigal son had deny the Father and was not denied by the Father how do you explain that in relation to what you just said
The story of the prodigal son is a bit different,although it does speak of salvaion...we can more likely picture the prodigal son as Adam...Adam was once perfect before he sinned as with the prodigal son...and God kept him after the sin..although we are now born into sin...If we are God's elect, we will become born again befor we leave this earth...because God has already made payment through Christ...for us...

While Yeshua is the author and finisher of our trust.. He does not lead us on as robots. We have free will to choose whatsoever we want... whether we have salvation or not. The freedom of choice began in the garden of eden. I gave scriptures for this earlier. A strong NT scripture is Hebrews 6:4-6. If one turns away, with no intentions of ever returning, then he cannot return to repentance.

While the prodigol son is a great story... not all who were saved will even return, and that is a fact.
Actually he doesn't lead like robots...when we become born again we follow him because we have been given a new spirit that desires to tdo the will of God...yet our flesh still lust's after sin..Its the spirit of God that leads us...and that spirit alone...not us...

Ezekiel 36
4“‘For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. 25I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. 26I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. 28You

God works in us to do his will...or esle we would not do it...

Surely Yah does these things, but scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, does not support once saved always saved. Ezekiel 18 gives us a clear picture of what happenes to a man who turn from righteousness.


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