Sex ( Why are Christians afraid to have honest discussions about it?)

Sex, historically has been a bad word in the body of Christ, I mean from the stand point of having real, honest and open conversation about it from a biblical, emotional, sensual and natural point of view. However, christians, including pastors seemingly have more problems with sex than those who practice sin as a lifestyle. We who are called to uphold a standard for the world have just as many if not more problems around sexual issues than the world.

We MUST have deeper, wiser and more real discussion, teaching and preaching concerning this issue so that people will be well informed so that each of us can make decisions that help us to marry partners that have the same sexual desires, appetite and inclination as long as they remain within a frame that God can honor. God does not want us to have frigid sexual relationships with a spouse but He also doesn't want an anything goes sexual relationships. He wants us to have balance yet more freedoms than the church has been willing to discuss. Hopefully this will decrease the number of divorces in the church.
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Brother Eric there is no place in the Bible that says angels can't reproduce! You are somewhat to me contradicting your below message saying "Jude 6 and 2 Peter 2:4-6 clearly indicate that the sin of these angels was sexual in nature, affirming the hybrid understanding of Genesis 6". What does came in unto mean to you? Now I can understand you and Brother James to say/mean that angels just don't have sex or reproduce in their angelic form but these fallen angels became men as they do when they appear unto us. Sure there are no family of angels as we know because they are higher in knowledge and things than we are. We too won't be having families and marriages when we are changed and won't feel the need to do so. It won't mean that we couldn't reproduce it just means we won't have a desire for that because our desire will be for God. Our desire is not that truthfully now. Even Paul stated that once we married then our concerns would be for the wife/husband and not God first.
We can see from Matt. 22:30 and Luke 20:34-36 that angels do not marry, but this does not mean they can't take human form and have relations.

Now wether or not you believe it or not that they can have sexual relations with people, simply stating we cannot assert either position from this passage, especially when the Bible tells us that people have entertained angels without even knowing it (Heb. 13:2).

This means that angels can take on human appearance to such a convincing state that they can't be distinguished from people.

If this is the case, then it would seem logical that an angel (a fallen one) could imitate a human physical form including the sexual organs.

Who are the Sons of God

Job 38:7

When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"

We are referring to Genesis 6, of the Giants...... These Giants, Hebraically, were not half man/half angel. They were very powerful warriors. Show me HARD EVIDENCE where an angel took on human form to have sex?????
The hard evidence is sin James, you don't think the enemy would not come against one in that manner, to kill, still and destroy? that's being naive

That is not evidence... Show me HARD EVIDENCE where an ANGEL took on human form to have sex?????
Not to mention men's attraction to them

And there came two angels to Sodom. ... And they turned in unto him, and entered into his house. ... The men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. -- Genesis 19:1-4

Im waiting for your HARD EVIDENCE?
Hebrews 13:2 KJV
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares .

They obviously looked human if people are unaware of who they are entertaining, right?

Do you have any hard evidence that heaven and hell exist?

There's a difference between an angel "appearing" human, and an angel "taking form" of humanity. Heaven, where ONLY Yehwah, Yeshuah, and the angels are, does exist. Hell, which is the GRAVE, does exist.
James, I need hard evidence that heaven and hell exist. You haven't given me any proof. LOL :)
The homosexuals in Sodom and Gommorah wanted to sleep with the angels, am I right?

They obviously took on human form then if humans wanted to sleep with them, right?

You are assuming that they took on human form, but scriptures does not state such.


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