Since answering my calling, I've almost lost it all. Am I the only one? How do I get through this? Please Help.

I finally decide to remove self, and let GOD direct my path in life. No sooner than I had expected, I lost my home, losing my car, and I just can't seem to work enough to keep the bills paid. I pray about it everyday, so don't get me wrong, I am not questioning GOD'S method. I am simply wondering if there is anyone else out there has dealt with something similar. If so, how in fact did you get through. I am sure most answers are going to be prayer. But that is expected. What happened before you got yourself together and prayed over your life. I am not looking for a way out, only for some comfort while traveling along this bumpy road. All reply post are appreciated and taking in good spirits. Please feel free to post your feeling and concerns as well. Hopefully this discussion will be a blessing to someone out there who may bo going through the same thing. Thanks in advance for taking time to read and reply. May GOD bless each and every one of you.

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Man of God,
Just to encourage you: I was a police officer for 13 years making over $80,000 a year and was working on my master's degree at the same time. While working on my master's I was offered a job by the Federal Gov't starting at $120,000 in New Orleans/Mississippi area. At the time I was single and no kids, administrating for my mom's church. God spoke to me and told me to leave my job and not to take the new one. I waited a year and He spoke to me again and said leave. I quit and seemed like all hell broke loose. I lost my rent free condo on the beach, my prosperous soul food restaurant and both my brand new cars! I did not understand for years and finally God began to deal with me in the prophetic so strong. As He gave me things, it was coming to past and people looked down on me because to them I had lost my mind...they were right because I lost my mind and tapped into the Mind of God! If I would have taken the job in La. I would have lost my life in Katrina...what profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? To make a long story short, I now have my doctorate's degree and working on another, married and living in a beautiful home and just bought a brand new car...oh did I mention, I have 2 successful businesses and getting ready to preach to the nations!? I encourage you to hold on, because of God be for you, who can be against you!!! STAND AND SEE THE SALVATION OF THE LORD!

Blessings on Ya!
Prophetess Dr.Shaun Carter
Everyday since I posted this discussion, I stop by BPN to see the replies and to watch how GOD has made my situation work as a ministering tool to so many across the nation. This does something to my spirit to see that GOD has used this situationg I thought was lemons, and made enough lemonade for the world. I can't begin to explain the joy in my heart to see the networking and fellowship going on. I just thank GOD for each and every one of you. This journey seemed so hard thinking I was all alone. But knowing that there is a national support system just one mouse click away is comfort. GOD works in mysterious ways. Although I posted this particular discussion, Praise GOD for bringing a group of his people together in his name to bear witness to each other. I wish I had enough arms to hug you all. I LOVE ALL OF YOU. May GOD continue to bless each and every one of you.
God promised to take care of us. Sometimes we go through things so God can get our attention. There is always something He wants to show us. Also know that whenever we are doing the right thing for God Satan is going to be on the attack. We survive by holding on to Gods unchanging hand. Knowing that He is God and that He has everything in control although sometimes we may not be able to see it. God also lets things happen sometimes to test us to see if we will remain faithful to Him. No its not just you my brother I have heared this from many who have answered the call. We as Ministers have to be strong for ourselves and for the people we minister to. God is just preparing us for the things that are to happen before His return. This time as we all know is very near. Hee a re some scriptures that may help you.
Is: 51:12,Rev 3:19,Prov3:5-6, 2 TIm 2:7, Deut 7:9 1Cor 1:9.
JUST SAY YES..............

You're stronger than I am, because when I lost everything I absolutely DID question God's methods. I questioned His love, I questioned His purpose. I questioned my own salvation, my sanity. I went through, what I thought, was hell on earth.

But, I also moved closer to God, even though I KNEW He could easily get me out of my go-though, but wasn't. He was telling me He loved me while allowing me to suffer loss, shame, pain, etc. You want to talk about being transformed by the renewing of your mind? Drawing close to the Creator of everything, while He allows you to lose everything, is a “head-trip” and a half. BUT, it's the taking off of the carnal mind and putting on the mind of Christ! It’s the “trip” every saint of God must take.

During that time the Lord taught me that the mind of Christ is greater than we are. It takes itself out of the picture, and it never doubts!

As God began to restore (He's still restoring!), something changed in me. I learned that although I want possessions, and marriage, and so many things, I could take it or leave it. Don't get me wrong. I REALLY want all of these. But, like Abraham, I want to be enslaved to NONE of these, as he was not so attached to his son that he couldn't sacrifice him to God and trust God to do what was best for them both.

I pray that God teaches you to live in the day. Take it one 24-hours at a time. We become gravely discouraged when we look too far into the future, and when we try to figure it out. God is preparing you to reign and rule for eternity. He’s preparing you to be a wrecking ball to the gates of hell and to the schemes of the devil in the lives of others.

If you suffer with Jesus Christ you will reign with Him. This is a part of the suffering that you must endure. This is a part of the cross you must bear. The suffering and loss will not go on forever. Don’t try to be “super Christian” just be the most honest, transparent man you can be before the Lord. He's with you, and He'll bring you through all right!
i know what your talking about going through this walk with god is a suffering walk. i have been in the lord 14years and things have been up down side ways and crazy but through it all his grace has been a blessing. I want to share my recent troubles with you for 3 yrs i was married to a man that talked about the word but had no relationship with god i was fooled blinded by my emotions because he looked good sound good but wasn't from god that marriage was hell for me he dogged me out tried to use the word against me to say i was wrong because i was trying to live right he hit me cuss me and go to church like he was a king. On top of all that he cheated and blamed me for it yet i stood by him in it all. i tried to work it out stayed on my needs all the time. It was a hopeless case then he got a job transfer to another company to move to Dallas Texas by then i had enough and i filed for divorce he claimed he wanted to start over our so called new begining i was not going to go i was fed up but the lord spoke to me and said go that it was not about getting him to texas but it was about getting me there. Well i argued with god you know it made no sense to move so far From my home in Niagara Fall NY to Texas with this bad situation but still i surrendered. We move Nov 06 and i drove all by my self he never offered to drive picked on the way i drove and argue with me and tried to put me out the car but i drove it took me 3day but we got here safe. Then we stayed with his brother and wife for three months and he just showed off dogging me even more in front of them my sister in law was a woman of god and she defended me as much as she could his own brother said i was too good of a woman for him but i was still trusting god no matter how i was treated. I had none thing of my own had to get rid of every thing. Now Remember i said he cheated well the woman he cheated with called looking for and i talk to her told her what kind of man he was and she told me he said he wasn't married. After talking to her i held on to this for a whole week not saying a word acted as though we were find then one day he tried dogging me again and it all came out and of course he denied it and like most woman i jumped all over him for all he had put me through and now this. well 3months later i found a place and he moved with me and the kids claiming he was going to do better but it didn't happen he continued in his way and every time he got mad at me he would go to the pay phone and call her when he had a cell he would hide it but god keep exposing him every time. He stopped working didn't want to pay bills i struggled a lot with the little money i got from SSI well he didn't care i tried counseling for us with our pastor that didn't work he just made excuses and blamed me but the lord said he would deliver me and i held on to that well 2 1/2 yrs into this one day he claim he had another job offer and he had to leave town i knew he was going to be with the woman so i said pack all your stuff and don't come back and he did i lost my car i wasn't working i have two boys on limited income can't get around there are no buses where i live i had bills sky high. I said ok god you told me to come to texas for all this what was i going to do . My pastor new my situation and helped me out the whole church was there for me . i filed for divorce again and this time it happened he is still currently with the other woman and god just renewed my heart i forgave him and her and i worked through my struggle with prayer and i had a good support system i still don't have a car still on limited income trying to find a job. things look as though they were getting better its been 1yr and excitement for what god was going to in my life then another thing happens my neigbor up stairs 26yr old woman molested my 13yr old son now i have to deal with this from one bad moment to the next now i am upset thinking why my son my baby now i have to deal with this and god spoke to me and said sometimes we have to be a victim to expose someone else wickness there was no sex involved thank the lord still pure. We will be going to court soon please pray for us he is seeing a counsler and has come through this like a champ. So i just want to encourage you we all are having our battles and no matter what you have to trust god and understand your season some troubles come because we don't use wisdom but know god can still get the glory so through all i endured god has taught me how to live and enjoy my peace and wait patiently for him and he will give me the desires of my heart i am patiently waiting and doing his will as he blesses please pray for my transportation and my children and that i can get a job soon your in prayers. Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the moring . Love Tara
i am holding on my brother and i am encourage that you are standing in god as well and i will keep your situation as well in my prayer and remember what god has put together let no man put asunder. I pray that god will give you the revelation you seek to continue to do his will and let no man deceive you but be lead by the spirit and in this time of seeking god he opens your spiritual eyes to what is happening i bind every spirit of confusion that will come against you i cancel every assignment and mandate sent against you and every negative word spoken to you about you against you in the name of jesus i call it done in his name. Be blessed my brother
Tara, I will be praying for you and your family. Stay focused and know that through it all GOD is with you.
Thank you and i will continue to trust in the and thanks for opening this discussion up.
Sis.Tara,,I have read your comment and the Bible states in Isaish 61v7For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them..Your a strong woman some people would have lost there mind but not you..God is allowing certain things to happen,,sometimes I pray and it seems like the situation has gotten worse,,but dont stop praying ,,I have a job situation that I am going thru-I was wrongfully fired and have the EEOC involved with an Private attorney,,and he is breaking me to take the case,,I was a victum of Racism and the white employees take off to purchase and pla video games ,,I hada court date and gave 1 month notice and when time to take off I was called in the conference room and told your fired GET OUT,,I asked why,because I would not fly to San Francisco,,I stated I GAVE A WRITTEN NOTICE LAST MONTH,,,every since then Iam trying to find out if this company Black balled me.and I can relate to you about bills ,,,they dont stop comming LOL,,lost my car,,..I never had a write up nor verbal warning since I been there..And i am still standing on GODS Word,,I know he CANT LIE...1 peter 5v10But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
Remeber Sis tara..God always allow the devil to go FIRST,,when Elijah Challenged the 450 prophets of baal they called there god first,,and he did not show up,,but when elijah called on the name of the lord,,OUR GOD shows up and shows off,,when Jesus was in the wilderness the devil tempted Jesus first,,and Jesus put the word on him and he left,,the devil knows the word better that anyone on this web page,,I am not giving him no glory just making my point,,he was there when everything was going on so he knows the ins and outs,,BUT HE CANT LIVE IT AND WE CAN,,he is trying to break our relationship,some people already went back into there sins that they were delivered from..My sister in Christ God is doing a work right now on your behalf,,your not in this by yourself,,the devil hit you first now watch GOD...remember Sis.Tara,,the devil dont have new tricks,,just new faces and voices,FYI for the future


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