Since answering my calling, I've almost lost it all. Am I the only one? How do I get through this? Please Help.

I finally decide to remove self, and let GOD direct my path in life. No sooner than I had expected, I lost my home, losing my car, and I just can't seem to work enough to keep the bills paid. I pray about it everyday, so don't get me wrong, I am not questioning GOD'S method. I am simply wondering if there is anyone else out there has dealt with something similar. If so, how in fact did you get through. I am sure most answers are going to be prayer. But that is expected. What happened before you got yourself together and prayed over your life. I am not looking for a way out, only for some comfort while traveling along this bumpy road. All reply post are appreciated and taking in good spirits. Please feel free to post your feeling and concerns as well. Hopefully this discussion will be a blessing to someone out there who may bo going through the same thing. Thanks in advance for taking time to read and reply. May GOD bless each and every one of you.

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God bless and keep you....I pray that you allow you to share with you what I believe is relevant in your personal assignment. I have gone through the very same thing as you but only to find out that I had only made a "mental assent" and was not living the transformed life experience. There is a "Knowing" a place where only experience can take you but you have to go their by faith. For so long I created and builded multi -million dollar businesses and lost everything because I tried to fight satan in the flesh and not in the spirit. But I thank God now for all that I've gone through because the transformation was not just in a thought process but in my "LIFE". When we react negatively in our loss (a man's life does not consist in the abundance of things that he possess) of things because those can be replaced, but rather what life change was exposed to me. Next when I got those things did I asked the Holy Spirit was that the right decision or time. I was amazed at how much more profitable my life has become since those things were removed and a very different relationship was developed and the thief had to return to me 7 folds what was taken and that has been done. So my final destination is a collection of "Life Lessons" learned on the journey. Also If you need help getting those things back I can actually show you how to get them and better than they were at first.
Tell me brother what is it that you're looking for exactly for.
Praise God for all His goodness. Praise Him for everything. Begin to praise the Lord for your calling and the inner strength he gives you.
God is doing everything for your good. Read Romans 8:31-39.
God bless you Brother Kelton Robinson
I just wanna take a brief moment and PRAISE GOD, for the many reply post to this particular discussion. Who would have ever thought that so many people would be delighted to share their stories with me. I am amazed at how GOD has used this particular discusion to minister to my life through people that I may never meet physically, but are connected to spiritually. You all have no idea how thankful I am for all your kind, loving, supportive, and inspiring words. I wish I could tell you all personally how much I appreciate you. I am praying that whatever GOD's plans are for your life, to be manifested. May GOD continue to bless each and every one of you. I will be keeping you all in my prayers, and please keep me in yours. Continue to be blessed and be a blessing.
Just allow God to handle it for you

I have been doing this program for a month now and its been working great for me and I know it will do the same for you.  Please check both of these links out.  I started this after God asked me to leave my job to be full time roughly two months ago and a Pastor introduced this to me.  I have absolutely no regrets.  There are other program ideas I would be more than happy to sahe with you.   I totally understand and those who have never been there will have no idea.  Since 08 myself and my husband became full time based on God's word and it brought sooooo much pain.  Its a great test I tell you so when I migrated here to the US i felt i couldnt or had nothing in me to keep me going to continue fulltime.  Its crazy I could share my testimony with you.  I will be praying for you.  I got a job since I came here and again God appeared to me in  vision saying he did not send us here for jobs and we should focus on what he sent us to do.  I do fear God and again i left my job, it ran me into depression though I know I was in obedience, and fear killed me the fear I was repeating what we had already been through, we lost our first apartment here because we couldnt pay the bills on time.  However as i was on my way home one day after i left my job, i didnt even know where my headspace was while i was driving a pastors wie i didnt hear from in a long time call me and shared a business opportunity with me.  The information is below and now I have all the time in the world to do God's business and at the same time take 2 minutes per day to earn something.  Anyone here in ministry and struggling plz email me and i will be happy to share with you a way out.

and also

If you need more info do not hesitate to email me at

Hello all,  I know this started 6 years ago, but if any of you are still connected to this site, please visit my website and leave a prayer request so that I might pray for you.  I am praying specifically for Christian pastors and spiritual leaders.  

Elder Audrey L Dowling

This is common when either accepting Gods call to salvation, sanctification fornthe.purpose of ministry, and even being benefitted unto glorification of Christ in some way. Your consequential challenges become excessively problematic only when there is no one to share the experience with who either has previously gone through the Lords transitioning of their life or is presently experiencing it. Satan will try and make you feel as though your decision was wrong. But hang in there; things will change when your mentality to accept whatever comes your way all for the glory of the Lord. Paul said it this way: "For me to live is Christ and for me to die is gain".


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