And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
the bible teaches us that those who were beheaded, what does this mean? will Christians in these days be beheaded?, of course not, so what dose this verse mean?
here God is telling us that those who teach the true gospel will be shunned, or in a way made to be quiet, as if they have been beheaded,John the Baptist was beheaded to shut him up,he was beheaded physically, well in this country that won't happen, but they if you are a true child of God, and you tell people the truth about the bible, how God is no longer using the churches to proclaim the word of God, and that he has called us out of the churches, and that women were not allowed to teach or preach or usurp authority over the man in the congregation, you will find yourself being asked to leave a church for telling the truth these last days.

in a sense you will be beheaded,the bible says they will not endure sound doctrine.

2nd Timothy 4:3For the time will come when they will not take the true teaching; but, moved by their desires, they will get for themselves a great number of teachers for the pleasure of hearing them;
here God is telling us that in the last days, now, that people will not want the truth of the gospel, they will ask to have smooth words preached top them, like the Oprah-Ology or the false gospel of Osteen-ism, they don't want to hear about hell and damnation,judgment and such things,the bible tells us here Isaiah 30:10 Who say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Do not give us word of what is true, but say false things to give us pleasure:

you see the prophesy of God here, has come to pass exactly as he said it would.

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Do you not know that the old-olks were wrong a many of times. What does the WORD OF GOD say. That is why many do not endure sound doctrine, because they are become bigger fools than the ones before them.

The Word edifies, all others are babbling idiots.
Also we must stop spiritualizing the WORD of THE MOST HIGH. We must understand that, the Word must be taken for what it says, not so much spiritualized. Then and only then will we become doers and not hearers only. Too many times do we run across folk who are not with it because YHWH did not reveal it too them first, or their due time (season) has not come yet.

Remember the counsel of Gamaliel, For we do not want too be found out asto be warring with THE MOST HIGH...........
The word of God is spirit.
And you are taking the Word(Spirit) out of context, what makes you think that in this country or any other that you can't or will not be Be-headed. Foolish to mix the Word of The Most High, and then say what the world won't do.

This is really silly because there are many members yet one body, and how can The I AM exist outside of himself...
Again stop Spiritualizing, and Let the WORD Speak for itself, for if you really knew the plan then you and many others would be a threat. Until then unless you can prove it not through an interpretation of scriptures that are talking about 2 different incidents.....
you will most likely not see physically beheading s in this country, but you will be silenced in these false churches where Satan rules, if you preach the true gospel,silenced in that you will not be allowed to speak truth, and silenced in the fact that you will be put out..God calls his people out of the local congregations/churches, ALL even yours, no matter how many helicopters and houses your pastor has, if any..but all the churches are ruled by Satan now..

God Bless
It is likely to see any and all types of persecution in this country (look at the Columbine murders) and no my brother not ALL churches are ruled by Satan! I know by some of what you see and hear going on in some of them, heck by what you may see, hear, and know going on right here on the network, it may allow one to summize this point, but again, not ALL churches.

Gob bless you also
I'm speaking about being beheaded for preaching Jesus..
All churches, according to the word of God.
All churches are NOT of the devil! Why would the devil promote salvation?
YOU SAID: This is really silly because there are many members yet one body, and how can The I AM exist outside of himself...

what are you talking about sir? this is sad, this is the stuff the churches are teaching? that Adam lied to eve, and that women are called to be pastors and bishops? WOW!
There is really nothing she can say she's speaking of some other gospel not of the true gospel the bible, if Adam would have lied when he named Eve, there would have been no need for Eve to eat the fruit..Adam would have already sinned..this feminist movement of of Satan.

God Bless
And again I say....Adam did NOT lie to Eve nor deceive Eve. Eve was disobedient to her husband and to God when she ate of the "forbidden" fruit! I don't see in scripture ANYWHERE where Adam lied. How COULD Adam have lied about her name when he is the one who named ALL living creatures? This doctrine, I'm not understanding and I can't even imagine WHERE it stems from nor why someone is teaching it. Adam a liar? Go figure.


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