In this world of so many knowlegable christians,why are we doomed for the outer-darkness[matt8:11-12].Well from my veiw it's easy ti understand.With all this bickeing between christians,about who's reading and discerning the bible correctly,my church,my pastor saids that wrong[matt7:1]The superior minded christian who knows the word chapter by chapter ,verse by verse.for some reason believes because they go to weekly bible study,church on Sunday,they can spot a sinner a mile away.A lot of people say i'm not going to hell,i prophesy,i lay hands on people,i cast out demons,i pray for the sick.What they don't realize is that "I"is what somebody else said,when,impressing people,the church and themselves became more important,I believe the response was[matt:7-21-23]
So many knowlegable christians are out here judging othersand convicting the people seeking God,that it creates a level of retaliation,thatthe non-christians don't even want to be a part of the kingdom.[matt7:15]The gnashing of teeth isn't always fire and burning in hell,it's about being cast into darkness,here on earth when nothing you say or do matters to anyone,no true compassion,you find yourself being judged by those you thought were sinners.Look let's start today building our house on a strong foundation,not sand,let's not walk by the mirror,but look into it.Let's seek God for clarity we need and check ourselves and admit we have to start anew everyday.We are in the endtimes,pastors getting shot in church,people losing their homes minute by minute,wars and rumors of wars,diseases on the rise antibiotics don't work.Let's repent indiviually for whatever we've done so WE can receive some mercy.

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Pastors being shot in church? I haven't seen nor heard of this phenomenon.....what about all the children who are being shot daily, to me that's a greater dilemma and cause for concern.
Well Brother Newman,
It did happen,Fred Winters,First Baptist Church Maryville Ill. check your internet.Hey and these kids doing the shooting everyday is exactly my point,who are they learning from.Who are they hearing say whats important or not.My point was to state as a living exaple of Gods word we need to put on the armour daily,not tring to rile you up.And your dilema can be changed,try it it starts with one person!
So one pastor being shot compared to the thousands of children being slain is more of a concern to you that a pastor who is with the Lord compared to the thousands who died in their sins? So what is the greater need? So I guess now since one or two pastors being shot now they will have bodyguards, I mean armour bearers.......I'm more concerned with what is going on in the harvest than the monasteries (churches) filled with monks (saints) who refuse to engage the harvest of the unreached and unevangelized and be obedient to go beyond the gates to seek and to save that which is lost and consider the cost unless we scared of a little persecution. Pure and undefiled religion so I thought was to care for the orphan and the widows who are living in abject fear and danger daily as our collective enemy has its way with those who are not abiding to the Vine. I thought my bible says, we are to be sent out as lambs among the wolves, instead of we are sent out as lambs to be with other lambs. I thought God said that OUR enemy walks and roams raoring like a lion ready to devour us. I thought my Bible says, don't think it strange of the fiery trials. I thought my Bible said from Jesus, If they hated me, they will hate you.

My issue is that I haven't heard or saw one blog as of date that speaks of the many horrors our people as black folk are dealing in Jerusalem let alone in the Global world. How many children in the womb are being slaughtered? Are you aware that over 13 million black babies were murdered in the sacred womb in the last 20 years? Where is that outcry? Have you seen a blog as of yet by the "faithful" Pastors, Apostles (sent ones), Bishops, Evangelists, Prophets and Ministers that speaks of the more than 1.8 billion people in the world who have yet to hear the Gospel? Have you seen or been taught by those who stand behind pulpits who are charged to equip, teach and train based on the Great Commission to go to the nations and baptize in the name of Jesus the Father and the Holy Ghost and what that means when the light of Christ is unknown to the Bibleless? Speaking of being important, are you aware that 42,000 people per day die over night without ever hearing of the only name that has the power and authority to forgive their sins?

My dilemma can be changed? I want to be burdened by the things that burdens God.
Hey,I completely understand where you're coming from.But to debate you whats important is not my thing man.You have a true burden that God laid upon YOU,to help find a remedy for.And when is it not important that a murder is a murder,no matter who it is.My God protects children,and the persecution we see is for our understanding.By no means am I saying your cause isn't important,but thats why HE,delegates what our cross will be.Anger gets you nothing,prayer makes us stronger,action is the KEY!! The finger pointing is exactly what the blog was about,we think we're doing so much in HIS name but when we stand in front of HIM ,HE says,He never knew us.Due to what we deemed was important.I was asking everyone to pick up up a cross and maybe yours will be one of them
Not debating, just explaining unless there is a prize that is offered to us once the winner of the debate has been announced. And its not that I have a true burden, the question should be why isn't everyone burdened with the things that God is burdened with? Or what are we burdened with? As a Christian who is commanded and charged to fulfill the Great Commission is not for some, but for all. All those who profess that Jesus is Lord and not just our Savior is called to be obedient to Him and to deny self, pick up their cross and follow Him. Follow where? To just be in the midst as a light among other lights? Where is that written. Face it, most just want the earthly benefits of being in the knowledge of Christ. Most just wanna get to the resurrection without going through the cross (sign of suffering).

And who's angry? Please don't mistake my boldness and passion for anger. Sounds like something a racist white person would assume to justify stereotyping me as an "angry black man". Really we should all be angry since it is our communities that are in self-destruction and in debauchery the most. It is our community that stigmatized the "baby daddy" syndrom that has permeated even the elect and the church. It is our black community where 80% of all black babies born are born into fatherless homes. it is our community that black women are murdering their own in their sacred wombs for convenience. It is in our community that the prison industry is warehousing close to 2 million of our black sons, fathers and uncles. It is our community that has the highest percentile of black on black crime.

So really to me, were not angry enough. The Bible never says for us not to be angry. It simply states don't allow your anger to fall into sin. And that is not what I'm doing. I'm using my words like an intentional and controlled torch, not as an out of control forrest fire. This is intentional. As my father once said to me, "Black folx don't know when its time nor appropriate to get angry" "or know when its time to die!" We still slaves..................
Understand you're not angry,understand the plithe of the black community.understand baby daddy syndrome,have 8 girls 2 here with me pregnant with a 9month old.Your voice is strong and thats how it's suppose to be.My thing was when you said one pastor shot whats the big deal,thats what they said when they nailed Jesus to the cross,He's just one Jew,no problem the rest will fall in line.And the black community,ok I agree,but explain to me what being angry is going to accomplish but show the fatherless black child how to demonstrate,frustration in a negative fashion.No joke,you need to harness that gift of optimism into a forum thats heard in our community,schools etc.
You must not have checked out my page bruh', you assume a lot. Trust I'm in the trenches. I dob't just talk a good game, I'm in the game. I'm not a girly kind of brutha', I'm not the Joel Osteen type nor the T.D. (one verse wonder) Jakes type either, who never seems to preach the Gospel, but how to live in a health, wealth and happiness kind of way. I'm in the hiways and the biways engaging the harvest. My "anger" is intentional, again its not anger that leads to sin. Was Jesus angry when He whipped the money changers? I'm free bruh', I fear no man/woman. I say only what the spirit speaks. God is angry that we have the fullness of God's Word while others in the world do not! We have a full course meal, while others get just the crumbs. And really if a pastor gets shot he must've been a really great man who spoke the true Gospel of Christ that the enemy saw fit to seek to kill him. To be honest if most pastors preached and taught the real Gospel of the Good News of Jesus the Christ, like He they would be persecuted too. Did you ever see what happened to all the Apostles who left all and followed Him? They were martyred, beheaded, stoned to death, knifed, crucified and banished.
Hey Brother Newman,
No shape form or fashion,would I assume you're girly,your voice carries what those preachers you mentioned don't.I say that just because of what you said you're in the trenches.Ok,as far as the followers of Jesus,you make my point,we're called now to do the work that's undone.And my point is,you're shouting from the roof top as ordered,and engaging those who need to hear you,but whats the first thing Jesus did after whipping the money changers,HE went and prayed,so He would'nt have to sleep on that justifiable outburst.So i'll leave you with this, if more people,leaders,community activist,had the desire of heart as you ,it would be a better place,but we all know it's not going to happen until HE returns!


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