The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan will speak live on June 26, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia at the Civic Center!


Please call the number on the flyer if you are interested in hearing this Historic message for yourself, your church / congregation! It will be one of the most widely viewed events in the history of this country. (Please see attached)

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Enlighten me. What is this work you speak of? True, Jesus did come to His own. True, they did not receive Him, But farrakhan hardly compare to Him. Jesus works I know of, but who is farrakahan? I am indebted to Christ for His deeds, But what debt do I owe this man that I should receive him? I hold no personal ill will against him. he is just a man trying to survive like a raisin in the sun. his life, like yours and mine is equivalent to about 23 minutes (with the Lord)...just like yours and mine. Less than one half hour from the womb to the tomb. One half hour to get it together, and then the Judgment. Life here is but a flighty experience. Naked we all came into the world, and naked we shall return thither. I am certain that you and I don't have so much as 10 or 15 minutes left in this world, and your master...oh well. All I gotta say about it is get it right. time is short,and the Judgment is on it's way. What will we tell God? Will we tell Him that we followed farrakhan? or that we followed Christ? If we follow farrakahn we do not follow Christ, because farrakhan do not follow Christ. What say you to these things? Is your hope in the work? of farrakhan, or is your hope and faith in the work of the cross wrought by Jesus the Christ? Because this is all that matters. I do not hate farrakhan or any of his followers. I pity him and I pity you. He is a victim and a slave to satan and is captive at his will to do his pleasure. You are a child with an identity problem who seeks a father to serve and to tell him who he is. You have rejected who God your creator said you were and have embraced the identity given you by lord farrakhan. As you think in your heart, so are you. Enjoy your journey Marcus. The ride is almost over.
You are right about one thing brother...I am a child! And unless you come as a little child, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven! You are a pathetic, insecure, weak and ineffective serpent, masquerading as a Christian! You sound like a sick and twisted little male who can’t hold his lunch down. You suggest that you wish that I and the Minister were dead. You don’t have a gun big enough to kill the Minister or myself if our God does not permit it. The Minister did tell me that Envy is the Mother of Murder though! You don’t ever have to worry about receiving the Minister. He has taught millions before he will ever lay eyes on you and he is destined on June 26, 2010 to reach over 10 to 20 million people! Please do everything in your power to discourage every one of the Pastors, Preachers, Leaders and Teachers on this site not to attend or listen to the Minister all you want. Some of them who are a whole lot wiser than you already know that Minister Louis Farrakhan is a God sent man. You seem kind of lazy in your communication to me. In fact, you are not working hard enough! I often tell all the arrogant jackasses that I meet, such as yourself, to double your efforts,….no triple them……no…..quadruple them to try and stop the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan from being successful!

You are so inconsequential to the good work that Brother Minister Farrakhan is doing. He is so well known now that when you say, “The Minister” everyone knows you are referring to him. Did you catch him on TV One tonight? Did you see him at the United Center in Chicago? Did you read his latest article in the Final Call Newspaper centerfold that tens of thousands of black men distribute in America and throughout the world? You are like an fly pissing in the grass. Nobody hears you or wants to listen to anything you have to say? The Minister doesn’t even hear you and your ridiculous statements against him. I myself have quickly tired of you because you are so boring. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan doesn't need to address you or the likes of you. He busy dealing with world governments and exposing the rulers of this world. You aren’t ruling nothing brother, including your diseased heart, soul and mind. You need the Jesus to wash your heart and your mind clean from envy and jealousy! You sound as if you are in deep pain. You demand that I share with you the works of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan but yet you have not responded to the simple statement I posed to you in my first response to you. Let me share it with you again:

Please don't be angry because you have no real tangible track record of work that you can cite that you have done in the world on behalf of God and His Christ.

How many souls have you brought to Christ you arrogant, false, spiritual degenerate? Yet you claim to be indebted to Christ for what he did for you nearly 2000 years ago? Where is your work? What are you Pastor of? Where are you leading your flock to in 2010? Are the pastures green or grey? Whose soul can you restore when your own is filled with envy and jealousy over the great work of a man who is a Muslim! The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has more clout in your church than you do and you are the pastor? Im officially making you the assistant pastor tonight. Why aren’t you more concerned with the kind of Shepherd you are than about my Minister? I know you don’t have any men following your leadership! Cause a real man would knock the hell out of you if you came at him with this bull that you are coming at me with! You are talking like a homosexual and not a real man! Why are you so concerned with what another man is doing? Why don’t you lead the women in your church better than this? Why don’t you go to the local Walmart and get yourself a pair of you know what’s! They sell everything else. Your going to need a pair to challenge the evil in yourself and in your pathetic life. And after you do that then you go and challenge the evil sitting up resting in your church members among the women you teach and then you go and challenge the evil residing in the lives of your family members and then you should go and challenge all the evil in your community and you keep on fighting evil in all the neighborhoods and then in your city and then in your Region and then all the evil in your State and then in this Country and throughout this world! Negro shut the hell up about the Minister and you go grow a pair and don’t you write me another message. I wouldn’t want to be caught dead following a scared to death negro such as yourself because you are too weak and cowardly to face your own damnable, screwed up self and you got the nerve to question my Minister! You couldn’t lead me out of a Paper Bag! And you say you pity me and the Minister? Where is your leadership? Did you call for a Million Man March? And did your God bless you to gather 1.8 million black men on a Monday? Hell no! You can’t even organize yourself or your own family!

You spend all of this time trying to place your evil lies and slander on the character and reputation of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan? Why? What is your real motive? Which agency of the government do you work for? What has the Minister ever done to you or to your family members? Have you spoken with the Minister? Have you sat down in his home in Chicago, Illinois? Have you invited him to yours? Are you angry about something else Mr. Melvin? How could you claim to not know of the work of the Minister yet you hope for his death? You repeat the same lies that our open enemy has said about the Minister and think you done said something! If they haven’t been able to stop the Minister after nearly 30 years of beating on him in the media then don’t you know that there must be a God bigger than the United States Government that is with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan? You don’t seem bright enough to be a paid agent so you must be an unpaid agent.

I am watching my Minister give His life for the people. He has been a good shepherd to me and to millions of other brothers and sisters. I came to him a Christian living a life full of sin and now I am a better Christian after listening to the Minister preach and represent Christ to me. I love Jesus more now as a Muslim than I ever did following bs niggers like yourself who aint living nothing and that’s why you can’t make one man follow you for real. The Minister could help you so much if you would just get your foot out of your own way. You mean you can have hope and faith in a man that has not been seen in 2000 years and I am wrong to believe in a man that has done me no wrong at all? A man that has inspired me to reform my crooked life and is helping me to wash my heart? A man that helped me find my purpose in life? Because of the Ministers teaching and work and example I have been married for the last 20 years and my wife and I have six children together. I now, by the grace of God, and talking to thousands in this country and helping them to lead more productive lives. You are such a foolish brother. You sound like the real follower and Slave of Satan if the truth be told.
In conclusion, I was not bothering you at all my brother, you picked this fight with me. All I did was invite my brothers and sisters to hear from the Minister teach a profound subject, “Who are the real children of Israel.” I tried to get you to leave me alone but now I have had to punish you and punish you good in front of your peers. I know your behind is smoking mad but I am warning you strongly, ”Do not ever do this again”. I belong to God and I encourage you not to make me angry. You’re too old to be acting so foolish and childish. If you want more information on the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan please visit or You can read about how successful our event was on June 26, 2010. May God bless you with the light of understanding.

Farrakhan dares scholars, leaders and governments to prove him wrong and offers his life

June 27, 7:25 AM
Fulton County Political Buzz Examiner
Eric Ture Muhammad

Nearly 14 million listeners, and attendees, hear The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Expose Jewish Involvement in the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade; their economic and political rise to power and offered his life if proven wrong.

By Eric Ture Muhammad

ATLANTA—The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan raised the level of accountability to heights that no leader to date has done, by calling out the architects and horrors of the trans-Atlantic slave trade to thousands of attendees at Atlanta’s Civic Center and to a radio audience of nearly 14 million listeners (13,675,000—according to early media stats announced by the Nation of Islam) via radio simulcasts and live internet feeds around the United States. His subject, “Who Are the Real Children of Israel?” introduced new findings of Jewish scholars in the newly-published work of the Nation of Islam’s Historical Research Department, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 2” and an additional supplement detailing how Africans were sold by Jews through, Europe, the Caribbean, and the Americas; waxing rich through Black labor in the southern United States, building Wall Street from its coffers and established cotton as the ‘king’ of an industrial age before oil.

He declared that the real children of Israel are not today’s whites occupying what was once Palestine and said the scriptures of the Bible were prophetically pointing to Black populations of America and the earth. And that if America wanted relief of some of her plagues she must bless its Blacks by returning to them land and means. He did all of this with the offer of his life if proven wrong.

“Somebody has taken the promise of God and claimed it for themselves,” said Min. Farrakhan. “But, those of you biblical and quranic scholars; today, we are prepared to call out the scholars of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. If you can disprove what we say today, then I will pay with my life for lying,” he said.

“To all of those who feel that the children of Israel are over in that place that they call Israel, you are mistaken. To the Christian Right, who feel if you bless that Israel, that you will be blessed…for over 60 years, that nation has not been blessed” he charged. Pointing to the largely Black audience in front of him, he continued, “but these are the people, that if you bless us, God will take off of America some of the plagues now coming on America, that will get worse after I deliver this message tonight.”

The Minister promised that Allah (God) would not let too many days pass before producing a calamity of major proportions in proof that God is with him. “My declaring this I know will divide scholars, theologians, Jews, Christians and Muslims. But, it is time now that a proper dialogue be set up, to answer the question that I have raised and answered.”

Some of those in attendance of the sold-out event included an additional closed-circuit audience and members of The Concerned Black Clergy of Atlanta, State Senator Roberta Abdul Salaam and Donzella James, former SCLC President Charles Steele; Rev. Dr. Barbara King of Hillside Chapel, Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party, activist A. Reginald Eaves of Chairman of the People’s Agenda, Criminal Justice Committee and Pastor Gerald Durley of Providence Missionary Baptist Church.

In the near two and a half hour presentation, the Nation of Islam leader introduced volume two of the treatise, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” referring to its findings throughout his presentation and urging all in attendance to purchase their own copies. He also noted that he would not be granting any interviews with talk shows and media entities without their first reading this book for themselves. In addition to the book, a letter he'd written had been distributed to all of the leading Jewish organizations and their leadership—including a letter to Anti-Defamation League (ADL) National Chairman Abraham Foxman—and copied to US President Barack Obama.

“The architecture of white supremacy has never been brought to the table to be discussed. The architecture of white supremacy will have to be exposed, so the tree of white supremacy can die and the tree of humanity can live,” he said. “Who are the draftsmen and the architects of such an idea that has dominated our planet for the last four thousand years,” he asked raising the volume for the audience view. “You will discover the architecture and the architect. You will read things that you never knew before. Things that you thought you understood. But, our research team has discovered and uncovered what has been hidden in books that you would never read. But, we have read it and now the scholarship is available.”

“I thought that tonight’s speech was significant because it spoke to the heart of where African American people are in terms of our political destiny and what we have to do for ourselves, again,” commented Pastor Durley. “It’s unfortunate that we have been engrafted into believing so many things around us, so now we have to break down the barriers. Particularly me, as an African American Christian and those in the Nation of Islam—we have to all come back together for the good of all of God’s people. That’s very significant and I think as we look at the overall, we are going to find that to be very important,” he said.

First time visitor to a message of Min. Farrakhan Ernest Smith from Atlanta said, “I think the most important thing is the honesty and not being afraid to lay it on the mind. It was extremely uplifting. I personally have a different outlook, particularly on some of those people the Minister called out. Would I come again? Most definitely and I would bring other people,” he exclaimed.

“It was eye-opening,” began State Representative Roberta Abdul Salaam. “The Minister did an excellent job of giving us an education. I grew up in Georgia, I picked cotton. We understand those relationships. My grandparents sharecropped and we are still in that same situation today. And the thing about not producing for ourselves…we ought to be producing something and for me to be serving in the legislature on economic development and tourism and for the last several years working with international trade trying to maneuver that minefield, for me it was very eye-opening.”

Dr. Barbara King noted that “the message was powerful. It’s what the people need and only the Minister can deliver it in that fashion. Because he gave us the historical information and brought it home to us for everyday living, I believe we are here to lead the world. Ministers have got to do more from the pulpit; we can’t just hoop-n-holler. You got to really bring a message to the people and this is the kind of message we have to bring to our people,” she said.

Sighting scripture from the Bible in his conclusion, Min. Farrakhan warned that he is backed by God and that he represents a dare to the world powers. “If you want to test to see if I am backed by God….God has me doing this as a dare. I dare you. It is written in the Book of Psalms, ‘Touch not my prophets and do my anointed no harm,’ he reminded. “He sits in heaven and laughs at you. And I’ll be around 'til he makes all my enemies my foot stool. I’ll walk on you, he continued.” So, if you want to show who’s got God with them, bring all your forces and come against me. And I, with the backing of my God and His Christ, will defeat you all,” he concluded.

PHOTO CREDIT: Andrea Muhammad FCN/MePhotographic SLIDE SHOW: Eric Ture Muhammad
The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan at Atlanta Civic Center 6/26/10


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