The Priesthood after the Order of Aaron & the Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek

HezekiahNow we are going to start out with the Priesthood after the order of Aaron, the Levitical Priesthood. Someone said to just post where the scriptures are, and not the scriptures on the Thread. So, if you have an issue with that, post it. I will go back to the other way if it is better. Pray that you harden not your heart, and have the courage to read all of these scriptures in the order they are presented.

Exodus 29:4-9
Numbers 3:1-13
Leviticus 21:16-24
Leviticus 4:1-2, Leviticus 4:27-32
Exodus 26:31-34

Hezekiah That was the Priesthood after the order of Aaron. Now look at how Jesus was setting up his High Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek in these next 2 scriptures. Pay attention to Jesus and Melchizedek in the scriptures you read with them.

Matthew 26:26-28
Matthew 27:50-51

Hezekiah When Jesus died was the end of the Priesthood after the order of Aaron. What was the Priesthood of the Levites? The animal sacrifice Law. It said that the veil of the temple rent. That started Jesus High Priesthood at the right hand of the Father interceeding for us when we fall in keeping the commandments or the New covenant. Now here is the Priesthood of Melchizedek, and Jesus, pay attention. very close attention!!

Genesis 14:18
Zechariah 9:9-10
Matthew 21:1-5
Genesis 14:18-20
Psalm 110:1-4
Hebrews 5:5-10
Hebrews 7:1-4, Hebrews 7:11-17, Hebrews 7:22-28
Hebrews 8:1-2

Hezekiah I hope you see how that is laying out the Levite Priesthood as the sacrifice of animals, and not the doing away with the Moral Law, the dietary Law, the Cleanliness laws, and the Feasts of the Lord. Remember keeping paying close attention to Melchizedek, and Jesus, and the descriptions, pay close attention.

Romans 8:32-34
Isaiah 53:1-7, Isaiah 53:10-12
1Peter 1:18-19
Ephesians 5:1-2
Zechariah 1:12-17

Hezekiah This will talk about how the Lord's temple will be built. It will not be built by the so-called Jews in the land now. They will build their temple next to the Dome of the Rock.

Ezekiel 40:1-5
Ezekiel 41:1-2
Ezekiel 43:1-7

Hezekiah Now the Lord is talking about the Prophets, and the conspiracy that was among the nations to not teach the true word of God, and hide Israels heritage, but the Lord Predicted that in Deuteronomy 28, if Israel disobeyed the Law, but the point is that the Prophets in the flesh are famined and have no Priesthood of God in the flesh. He is talking about how all of his Priests, Apostles, Prophets, so-called men of God have all gone astray in these days, our days.

Ezekiel 22:25-31
Malachi 2:1-9
Malachi 3:1-4
Ezekiel 44:10-17

Hezekiah Now this is talking about the end times, at the coming of the Lord, and he is the High Priest and King of his Church Israel.

Joel 3:1-2
Joel 3:15-17
Isaiah 2:1-3

Hezekiah Now Haggai is Prophesying who is going to build the temple of the Lord at his coming. Also in Micah the Lord say again that all nation will flow unto his kingdom, and his temple in the last days.

Haggai 1:1-3, Haggai 1:12-15
Haggai 2:1-9
Micah 4:1-4
Zechariah 3:1-10

Hezekiah Now this is the Lamp as the King, The High Priest, and if we keep his commandments we will rein with the Lamb 1000 years as Priests and God Kings of the Earth. That is the inheritance of Israel, the Church of God, who is our King, and High Priest, after the order of Melchizedek.

Revelation 22:4-6
Revelation 5:8-10
Zechariah 6:9-15

Hezekiah I hope you got some understanding. You will have to sit down and read, if you don't read, you won't learn, if you don't learn you will go into the Lake of Fire. It is just that simple. I know it is harsh, but it is truth. If you have questions, please post, or just give feedback. I expect that the false prophets will beat this down. If you want me to cut down the lesson, I will, and if you want me to post the scriptures I will. Please give feedback.

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Was Jesus not in a different similitude, when he came in the flesh, but you would have to believe that Jesus was the God of the Old testament to understand. He was in a different similitude when he was God, and then in the flesh, and he will come as he was in the wilderness. Jesus is the Quarterback, the Most High is the Coach, and the angels are the rest of the team. The game is salvation of creation.
it should also be pointed out that Yeshua/Joshua was a COMMON name. Imagine what manner of blasphemy it would be if every other person was named YHWH! LOL.... boggles the mind.

as far as being "cut from the same cloth", I take offense to that statement. My beliefs are very different from Hezekiah's. The fact that we are both Israelites is like saying you and I are both Americans. As Americans we may have a wide difference of lifestyle. While there are some Israelites that operate as churches, most Israelites understand that it is a nationality. I hope to educate pastors and preachers on this subject, if possible, so that we don't treat people unfairly.

I also had to do this on youtube due to the infimy of a couple of groups that operate under the Hebrew Israelite name. They make Hezekiah look like a saint. I've been cussed out by them a few times at least and they are clearly in a cult. If someone tells you "Yah aint dealin wit u" (pardon the ghetto slang) its most likely someone from one of these cults (Israelite Church of God and Jesus Christ, or Great Mill Stone) any UPK group really. These groups are typically the loudest and most obnoxious but they are similar to Christianity's denominations. There's literally no affiliation whatsoever between them and the mainstream. One of the reasons they're more vocal is because they are recruiting at much higher levels. But generally, the online communities I'm a part of as well as the group that I was with in the past had no dealings with a number of fringe Israelite groups.

I just wanted to make the point that judging one Israelite against someone from these groups (and there are some I don't even know of) is like judging a baptist as crazy because of the existence of Mormons. You can't stop any denomination from calling itself Christian. By the same token I cannot stop (wish I could) some groups from calling themselves Israelites.

If you have any specific questions on Israelite groups or organization please feel free to ask me.

Zealot, you made a point I was trying to make in another discussion.. It seems that no matter which group one belongs to or confess as their "denomination" or faith....there is NO reason to get to the point of cussing one another or even "almost" cussing... or just name calling apart from a discussion topic.. Stick to the topic and leave the personal attacks at home. Once you get to calling each other names... you are no better than kids at recess.

You bring points to this discussion that are poignant and perfect for "discussion".

I've been guilty of letting my emotions get the best of me in discussions and before you know it you are so far off from the topic and it becomes a battle of who can over talk the other.... pointless!

WHAT you say won't be received because of HOW you say it. Nobody gets heard it becomes a bunch of folk emoting.

I've been sitting back and watching you guys for a bit and you are now the 2nd Israelite that I enjoy reading because of HOW you present your info.

The same applies to Christians.. folk can be so biligerent that its a major turnoff to others who would otherwise hear what they had to say.

I agree wholeheartedly, not all Israelites should be judged based on the actions of some and neither should all Christians be judged based on the actions of some.

Zealot, thank you for your sincerity.

Everyone have a wonderful weekend ok.

(going back to my corner and reading the posts)
Thank you for your post, HOPE. It was definitely on point. We need to stop seeing each other as enemies and realize who is fighting against all of us. Divide and conquer is his strategy. It is easy to keep a people in darkness when you can get them to fight each other. And some of you probably know that this is how wealthy Europeans controled us by controlling poor Europeans and making them do the dirty work for them. And we get so set against other poor people we don't realize someone is getting rich off the whole thing!

The perfect way to hide the truth is to separate it. Give some to Jews. Give some to Christians. Give some to Muslims. Then they will be so busy fighting each other and point out each other's flaws that they will not accept each other's truth. And why would a Christian accept something that doesn't have the Christian label coming from a group he sees as an enemy? That's why each religion sits back in their own little corner and believe they have the whole truth. Everyone deserves to be heard so that the truth isn't silenced.

Zealot... you said:

The perfect way to hide the truth is to separate it. Give some to Jews. Give some to Christians. Give some to Muslims. Then they will be so busy fighting each other and point out each other's flaws that they will not accept each other's truth. And why would a Christian accept something that doesn't have the Christian label coming from a group he sees as an enemy? That's why each religion sits back in their own little corner and believe they have the whole truth. Everyone deserves to be heard so that the truth isn't silenced.


What do you think of my response about the meaning of "Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life?"
Hezekiah, with all due respect, I would like you to focus on the word similitude.

When you say "he was in a different similitude when was God" you are... how can I put this nicely... you're warping the English language.

similitude means, basically, "similar to". Please note that "similar to" cannot coexist with "same as". Something is either similar, the same, or different. It cannot be 2 out of 3. For a writer to say that Yeshua was SIMILAR TO Melchizedek is the SAME AS saying that Yeshua is different from Melchizedek. He's different but not so different that a parallel cannot be made. The writer also said that he was ANOTHER priest. If he was the same then this word could not be used either. So the problem is that the English language does not support the idea you have brought forth. I would not be overstepping even to say that what you're saying is impossible. You can try to prove that it isn't but to do that you need to counter my argument, which, as Anthony well pointed out, is solid and concrete.

I will give you one thing. Man you sure are persistent! That can be a good quality if you can use it correctly. And you do have a zeal and that is good. The bible tells us to be zealous. You just have to apply that zeal to knowledge so that you are zealous of things that cannot be disproven. And in my opinion, humble as it is, it is okay to have theories; things that may or may not be true that you are not completely sure about. I keep an open mind to a lot of things. That's how I learn. And I challenge myself with questions and try to prove myself wrong. This helps my arguments to get stronger.

You are wrong this time. But this is not the end. It's just the beginning. Being wrong sometimes will make you a better bible student. And when I say you're wrong this time, know that its final. This isn't something you can really still prove because.... you can't do it without calling the writer of Hebrews a liar. But let's talk about why the writer made the comparison to Melchizedek. If you understand this then it will be easier to understand and deal with your error.

The fact is that NO ONE KNOWS Melchizedek. That's the whole point. We don't know where he came from or where he went to. He is a mystery. And no, this is not a reason to say he's Jesus. There are too many Hebrews runnin around without knowledge. I don't want you to be one of them. Everyone knows about the Levitical Priesthood. We know where their origin came from and how they got their authority. We DON'T know how Melchizedek got his authority. And again, this is the whole point. Abraham recognizes him as a KING and a PRIEST. This priest-king combination is something that is also very important. But for now we should focus on him as a priest. Why? Because a lot of people would come along and say "oh that Yeshua.... he claims to be a priest but he can't be no priest! He's not a Levite!" And they would be right. He's not a Levite. Neither was Melchizedek. And that's the whole point.

Try to understand. The context of Hebrews is that these are things that the Hebrews would have been concerned about. So these are messianic apologetics here. It doesn't work if you go in front of a room full of doctors and you proceed to start telling them secrets of the endocrine system they've never heard of and you're a used car salesman. You can't go to the Hebrews and say "Oh yes, this was the messiah (but he aint really here right now) and he was our high priest (even though he wasn't a Levite) and he made me an apostle so now I have authority.... Look... Israelite BARELY believed Yeshua and he was executed even after performing miracles! So what makes you think they would simply believe anything the gospel writers said? Just because YOU believe the gospels without any doubt or question, doesn't mean they did so it doesn't mean that the writers didn't have to explain things in a way that made sense to people. The writers had to establish that he was the messiah to people's satisfaction. That's why he was compared to Moses. That's why they quoted the prophets. That's why he was compared to David. That's why he was compared to Melchizedek. And ironically, he was also compared to a very famous Israelite named Hezekiah. These comparisons were what established his credibility. And without credibility the gospels would not have been worth the papyrus.

@ Zealot

You don't see the Prophets correctly in my view, but The Lord said the blaspheme against the Word will be forgiven, but blaspheme of the Holy Ghost would not, so you do follow the scriptures according to the law. I thought that you would cause confusion by preaching Yah in the wilderness, and Old Testament as the Father. I will leave this thing along, and we can co-exist to do what we were to put here to do, get the Word out, and Fear God and keep his commandments. I will not address this anymore. We will get through that thread you created, and then I am going to leave it alone.
speaking of the prophets you also never addressed Hebrew 1.

1 G-d, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

This is another solid and concrete argument. Again, I'm trying to help you. At the end of the day its not about me and its not about you. It's about the truth. If my ego gets in the way of that I wont see the truth. If your ego gets in the way you wont see it either. So open your mind and thinking about these words and then tell me if you believe or disbelieve the writer of Hebrews. The writer is telling us that G-d in times past spoke to us through the prophets. Now let's insert your belief that the G-d of the OT is JC. Okay? So then it would read "Jesus Christ" who in times past and in different ways spoke to us by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by his son ("Jesus Christ"). Now you tell me how this makes sense and I will submit to you as a student to a teacher. If not, please consider that you may need to rethink some of your ideas.

Paul is explaining in Hebrews that the Father sanctioned Jesus to be the Messiah, and to do the things he set forth.
Okay, if you can see that he's talking about how the FATHER sanctified Yeshua to be the messiah and to speak for him, then THE FATHER is the G-d who also spoke through the prophets. It doesn't say these are 2 different gods. It is specifically saying this is the SAME G-d. So if he is the FATHER (your words not mine, and you are correct) then he is the same one who spake through the prophets. Who do the prophets tell us spoke to them? They said YHWH. Make the connection.

I know it may be more difficult for you than other bible students if you elect not to use any bible study tools. But if that is the case I know there is a certain bible that tells you in the beginning pages (my former moreh had one so I've seen it) that LORD and GOD in all caps was were they replaced the tetragrammaton (YHWH) with these 2 titles. This change happened about 6,823 times (approx.)

The Scriptures are MUCH more vivid when you read or at least know that it says YHWH. Jewish people actually know it says YHWH too even though they don't vocalize the name. So this is why we know who "The LORD" is and do not have to guess. Now that you (should be able to) see that the FATHER is the one who spake by Yeshua (and I could have shown you where Yeshua says this himself) you should also be able to see how the same Father is the one (according to Hebrews 1) who spake by the prophets. And if he spake by the prophets and the prophets say "and thus saith YHWH elohim(G-d)" thus and so then that makes the Father the elohim of the OT. And once you study about the messiahs (yes, plural) you will understand more about what YHWH choose Yeshua to do and to be. I don't generally like starting threads but I may actually start a thread about this.



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