Peace and Blessings in the name of Abba YHWH

Also, Shabbat shalom to you on this holy day.

I was asked to come here during what I see has become a war. Let me first say that I love you ALL. You all have the potential to be great. Believe that. Believing in Yeshua means believing in yourself. I wanted to start with love and encouragement so you understand the tone of this message. This message is from the heart and it is only to help you. You can choose to ignore these words and nothing will change. If you follow the advice I'm about to give, who knows, but I think it will be better for everyone. want to run through some key points. If you disagree that's okay. Let's make this point one actually. Oh, and if you feel like this really doesn't apply to you then take whatever you can from it and leave the rest for others.

1) Learn to Disagree
It is next to impossible to learn from someone you don't like. Your mind will create reasons that don't even exist just to give you a rational for ignoring them. You may even have done this to me so you know this true. This is human nature. If you're going to teach others you might as well learn how the mind works and how people tend to think so that you can more effective in a positive way and not offensive in disagreements. YHWH isn't looking for you to beat up anyone physically, spiritually,or emotionally. If I say something aimed at hurting someone or getting a certain reaction I know exactly what I'm doing and whether or not its for them or for myself. But you have to learn how to disagree tactfully and gracefully. You can't bully people into doing righteousness.


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I Must say, from 1st time i reasoned with bru. zeal he has, dispite our difference in doctrine, he has always remained reppin and pushin the righteousness of YHWH, i find the brutha very intelligent and worthy to "TEACH"
with a tenth ,and a few provisions these could easily be the 10 thread commandments of BPN!!!
and should bump the "homosexual acceptance" thread out of the featured threads (((LOL)))
I agree with all of you. Brother Zealot has a good understanding, and we did a lesson on what Zeal was talking about in church yesterday. I applaud his Thread. I also agree with Brother Pharoah in the sense that we are not a confederacy of Israelites. We all just know who our God is, and worship the same God. That is the only thing that binds us together. So, as Brother Pharoah said, please don't group us together as "The Israelites" because we are Christians too. I personally just follow the Bible as it is written with no interpretations of the words. with that said.. I will take heed to this thread, and do it.
It appears, as Bro. Zealot suggested earlier, we are finding common ground and are beginning to build on it.
With that said . . . .

Please accept my sincere apology from the heart for the slamming replies, including the sarcastic humor that offended you. There are a few of us that like to express ourselves with a little humor and there are a few that accept it well; but if this is offensive to you, I will be sure not to reply to your comments with any form of humor.

Ephesians 4:1-3 . . .1.I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, 2.With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 3.Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
I may be an exception on this site but in general, Israelites are as diverse as any nationality and we simply cannot stop those who would do harm to our name. It's regrettable but I cannot apologize for it anymore than I can apologize to white people for every criminal who is African American, just as they cannot apologize for every European who is racist. It is human nature that we deal with it. All these words are just labels we use to define and categorize ourselves. Please do not think badly of Israelites and understand that you're not dealing with even half a percent. Bob Marley was an Israelite. His message of love touched the world and he was gunned down by his own people. It is true that we do not have unity. There are always efforts in the works to try to bring this about but ultimately it is as difficult as the 30,000 + denominations of Christianity trying to come together. The biggest coming together of Christianity are pagan celebrations. I'm not saying this to start anything so please don't be defensive. My point is that we do need unity as a nation just like African Americans need unity. We are so busy (as peoples) fussing and fighting over our disagreements and so busy "integrating" (and I apologize for the loaded word) that we cannot be ONE as a people. We're always trying to be like other people, other nations, instead of being what Yah would have us to be.

Lastly, to me Christian can be two things, just so that you understand and hopefully aren't unnecessarily offended. Christian can be an ideal that simply means following Christ. This is how I would like to see it and could see it if I saw more Christians actually DOing it. The other Christian is simply a reference to the religion of Christianity. And I believe that this religion has been inflitrated and changed by pagans so that it became a compromise between following the messiah and paganism. I believe this happened because Constantine was a sunworshipper who was faced with a rapidly growing movement in his European populations that was decidedly against paganism. This threatened to destroy the unity of Rome, the very thing that created a world empire. His solution was to merge the two. And I can give a number of examples of how this resulted in modern day Christianity.

I would have no quarrel with Christianity if it was the ideal, but what I see is something that has become a counterfeit ever since the Romans took over and created the Catholic church and established its authority over Christiandom at the council of Nicaea. I have yet to see any evidence contrary to this. Every time the holy days roll around it is a reminder to me who is really working behind the scenes. So it may be difficult to understand but I am actually FOR Christ against Christianity. I sure you will always remain a Christian but I hope that you will fight for the Christian ideal as I do. Although I may same some harsh things or share stinging criticism of Christianity as long as it is your desire to follow the messiah we should not see each other as enemies.

Bro. Anthony,

I respect your opinion and advice and will not discard it. I will take it under serious advisement as I continue to operate in the gift of discernment every step of the way.

Peace and blessings to you,
That was very big of you to apologize. Thank you for being an example of love.
very big sista harris 2theNcrease

Simply do not listen to Anthony.
I know you have probably heard enough from me for a week, but I did want to correct a couple things.

1) It may be hard for you to accept but most Israelites do not exist in your congregation and your congregation is not an accurate reflection of all Israelites. I'm not saying this to attack your congregation. I have been an Israelites (aware) for more than a few years and I have had dealings, both positive and negative with different Israelite groups. At one point I was ready to discuss brokering a debate between groups so that we could unify on doctrine. This has been tried before and it failed. Most of the Israelites I have met do not share your belief about who YAH is and I have met a LOT of Israelites. Many Israelites aren't sure about the messiah. Some do not believe Yeshua fulfilled the prophecies and therefore is not the messiah. And these are very large groups. Others believe he pre--existed. Others do not. We are a nation and we have different sects with different beliefs just as it was in the days of Yeshua. The one thing that connects us is that we believe we are Israel. That's about it. I'd like to say that beyond this identification we all have a desire to follow Yah and adhere to the commandments. That's why starting a thread amoung Israelites about whether or not we should keep the commandments is pointless and you wont get much response because that isn't a source of confusion. People disagree with how it should be kept that is mainly it. Most Israelites have a desire for righteousness and a hatred for evil. But with that said Israelites can do both hate and evil while under the delusion that they are keeping the law.

2) Most Israelites I know would not call themselves Christian because we develop an aversion for Christianity mainly as a tool of deception for our people. I would never call myself Christian. However I am messianic and so that no one gets it twisted I am a follower of Yeshua and doubt that most people are. The name doesn't mean anything. It's about doing what he taught us to do. And I do not believe that the majority of those calling themselves Christian fit that idealistic description. In fact, I do not necessarily consider them believers until they demonstrate that they really care enough to follow him when following him isn't the popular thing to do and when it is different from what they were taught. I want you to understand this so that you don't walk into a room of Israelites and say "we Christians" expecting an "amen". The cult groups might do it because they haven't progressed spiritually beyond what they were when they were in Christian churches, but the mainstream? It's hard to even tell someone that their church is not a reflection of the mainstream. Now can you be an Israelite who is a Christian? YES. If you believe you are an Israelite by birth but choose the religion of Christianity then you can be both. Israelite is not a religion that you can only be one and not the other. But with coming into the AWARENESS most of us do not stop at "ok we're Israelites". There is a process of waking up and deprogramming that goes well beyond that and includes research and study, some more intense than others. But the Israelite awareness, for a lot of us was only the catalyst for further study. And for me it was something I picked up along the way of the study and research I was already doing.

If you put yourself into a box you will come to define yourself by that box. It will be hard and nearly impossible for you to accept things that your church isn't saying. No man has all knowledge, nor does any one group. The truth has been divided up for a reason; to keep us disunified, fighting, and in darkness.

3) There is no such thing as reading without interpretation unless you are a toddler sounding out words without comprehension of the meaning of the sentence. In order to comprehend what you read you have to have an understanding about why these words are arranged in this pattern. It has to be more than just letter and words that you can verbalize. You have to interpret what is being said. I'm sure you've had plenty of conversations in which the other person has said "you understand?" What are they doing? They are checking to see if you interpreted what they said as they intended it so that you understand them. If you're not interpreting then you're not understanding. You're not even thinking. So in reality you DO have an interpretation. You simply believe it as being something that is infallible and so that is why you treat it as if you aren't interpreting at all. No one believes what you post is straight from Yah's mind to your lips. You have a belief and you use the bible to support that belief. Welcome to theology (fyi - theo=G-d, -ology=study of)

But even with these corrections, and I hope you can accept them, I encourage you to live up to the potential that you have. No one can argue that you don't have a zeal. You have a zeal and that is good. You just need to apply it in a way that benefits you and others. You cannot hide yourself from knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. You have to embrace the love of Yah and allow it to pass through you and beceome a vessel for it. Once you are a vessel for the love of Yah no one will doubt that the spirit that you come with is of Yah. And your understanding will increase.You wonder why Hebrew matters to me. Because I love Yah. You wonder why English comprehension matters to me when reading the bible. It's because I love Yah. If you love him that is the driving motivation behind everything you do in spirituality. I see in you a good person but I also see someone who is limited by his beliefs. Your beliefs do not need your protection. If they are worth believing they will stand up to scrutiny. If it turns out that you are wrong in a thing would Yah want you to continue in error? And if not, who are you protecting? Yah or Ya'self? The law of YHWH doesn't really need to be copied and pasted for people who don't choose to keep it. What it needs is to be understood. This is all about a relationship with the Father. When you understand him everything else becomes clear as if driving out of a fog. This is what we all need. Torah is love and we all need to understand it.

Brother Zealot. You were able to communicate everything I was trying to get Israelites, and Gentiles alike to see through the Scriptures. Wow. You have great communication skills. I have these things in my head, but the Holy Ghost holds me back by the order of the Lord.(I am going by the protocol of the Lord by this statement, I don't know for sure only by what I read.) I believe that the human nature you speak of is the sin that we are born with. When we come into the truth, and have been in the truth for a long while, we become jaded with the way we serve the Lord. What I mean by that is for example , I keep the commandments because I read it, and do it. I fall short at times. I realize it, and am horribly afraid!!! I keep it movin' and continue on. When I have the fear, and see someone else without the fear, this is where the jadedness comes in, I lash out in the name of the Lord because I have the truth, but not understand that the righteousness of YHWH is Charity, with a meek heart. The commandments are a given because you can't get to charity without keeping the commandments. It is impossible to serve sin, and have charity, that is an oxymoron. But. You said everything that I was trying to put out by the scriptures, and I learned from your posts how I need to do better in serving the Lord. That's crazy. I forgot that the people are not throwing the bricks at me, they are throwing them at the truth. The sensitivity of people admitting fault is amazing in my mind. I, myself, had to apologize to people because of the jadedness of the daily grind of staying clean until the coming of the Lord. I have found that the people of BPN are generally good folks, and want to learn and teach. We all need to put our heads together, and come together as one. We are to be one with the Lord, and his Maker. That is the goal of man. How are we to come together to become one to bring others to become one with us to bring others to be come one? O.N.E.M.O.B.

If you don't understand what I am talking about please ask, then I can explain where I did not communicate well enough. This is a good discussion. Everybody, please chime in on this discussion. I am truly interested to hear all opinions, and truth on this matter if it would please you all to post. I just wanna say that if I go to hard with the Bible, let me know. I want to be as open and honest with everybody on here, and not be misunderstood or misjudged by my posts.
We could build an online family here if people would be willing to be ONE.
Ditto Bro. Hezekiah, Bro. Zealot and Bro.Anthony . . .

Now that we have found common ground . . . . our love for YHWH/GOD, let us build on it by His example of love!

For the record, being a Christian to me is following Jesus the Christ and nothing less. I have never seen it as a denomination even though some may refer to it as such.

Also, It has been my understanding that Israelite is a nation of people - natural descendants of Jacob. However, as you have described Bro. Zealot, there are diversities within this nation, just as there are diversities of Christians because of the many denominations.

But the key to peace and harmony is Charity/Love, and with that said . . .

Ephesians 4:1-3 . . .1.I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, 2.With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 3.Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Shalom in Yeshua/Jesus


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