What Dances Does One Do and What Drinks Does One Drink At A Christian Night Club?

I was reading about Christian Night Clubs throught out our country...

I understand that people do dances such as:
The "Sanctified Electric Slide", the "Gospel Cha Cha" and sometimes a 'booty' dance here and there.

And the drinks are:
"Pearly Gates Pina Colada," "First Lady Fizzle," "Power Packin' Preacher Punch" and "Missionary Margarita"

All of those things are sort of funny.
Theres a little dancing and laughing and the dress code is the same at most churches anyway - what could be wrong with it? Is there something wrong with the idea of Christian night clubs?
Lets just say there is to be NO cursing and the only alcohol served is wine :-) Like at the Cana wedding.

Can there be a night club in the name of Jesus?
How many Christian picnics and concerts and weddings can you go to and not become stale?
If the world has a place to let off some steam and dance with the opposite sex - would that be wrong? ----> Especially if you need a husband or a wife in a really bad way. You can go online Christian websites to find mates, you can drink at a wedding, you break it down and cha cha at church or give lap dances if you get slain in the spirit (as we know).
Wouldnt be a help to unite denominations that would otherwise never come together?
Even Black Hebrew Israelites could come get their dance on in the name of the Messiah.
Athiest could come and get saved because uhh uhh uhh...the rhythm of the reggae beat.

Any thoughts?

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Maybe I missed it in the reading but WHERE do you see that the King Offered up 1/2 his kingdom????
Plus The woman in the selected verse was the Kings Daughter....Now as we know those in power in many cases were having relations with their children, however, this cannot be proven here but it still remains that your implication that she was "Droppin it" to entice the King or seduce him might really be in error because the text says nothing of the sort (or implies)...

Lastly, there is nothing wrong with the proper time with the proper dance...the problem is the so-called believers today are not spiritually or mentally mature to handle these things...The video alone is filled with contradictions from the statements made to the music played....

REALLY LAST!! Your example is about a heathen King, NOT A CHILD OF YAH!!! How can you use their example (the world) as how Yah's believers should live...This is exactly what is being done in the video...If I were to post the words to one of the songs in the video, i'd be banned from the site because of the vulgarity...In my respectful opinion brother this part of the "Biography of the gospel" is not an example of how the Children of the Most High should be doing things...

as i said maybe i missed something...

my brutha my brutha, you missed my point


With all due respect, these videos have nothing to do with the topic of drinking & dancing as posted by Newview. It would be more advantageous to set up a separate thread on Sports & The Worship of Baal.

By adding these videos, you are mixing apples with oranges.

Shalom in Jesus

They are good videos, but this is not the place for them. I have done that myself, bu now I have tried to stick to the topics of the threads. I really don't get down with the Hebrews who don't focus on the commandments. Sports, the worship of Baal. Those Hebrews in those videos are just like the Gentiles who teach we are free from sin. Those tv shows where they read one verse, and then talk the rest of the time. These Hebrews are doing the same thing here except it is from a Hebrew point of view. They should be reading the Bible more than conversating. This is Israel's problem. Seek ye the Kingdom and these things will be added. If the Hebrew Israelites, who separate themselves from nations and races, would read the book more than they complain of the issues of the day. Like sports, the worship of Baal. If we spent more time teaching the commandments of God, and fighting the woman of Rome, we could reach more people. I think most of these Hebrews who are on tv and in the news are Boule operatives to get you away from the real Israelites who worship the True and Living God of Israel. The Bible does not support some of their claims like how the Lord is going to punish the Gentiles, and Edom for what they did wholesale. He is going to punish them, but as a whole, the gentiles, and edomites and any other people who come under the banner of Israel, and keep the commandments, the same will be saved. They put all gentiles, and Edomites, and Ishmaelites all in one big barrel of evildoers, and would like to see their destruction. This is not the way of the God of Israel. We would like to see all people come to repentance, and then obey, and live. If your focus is to just flaunt the knowledge you have, you are no better than the false prophet. These are my opinions from my experience with Hebrew Israelites that we have been so conveniently compared to. The real Israelites read the Bible, and talk less, and preach the commandments for salvation, and the kingdom for all if you obey. Period, from Genesis to revelation. One last thing,. Just to let you know, there will be more Israelites in the Lake of Fire than any other people. Sooo, be careful who you condemn, and what basis you are condemning them.
What did they say that was false? When did they not read scripture....do you not listen to Hebrew teachers and do they ONLY read scripture through the whole program? Maybe you don't read enough scripture for someone else does that mean that what is stated is not true?

How do you think the Israelites understood scripture? They read and they REASONED TOGETHER....In these video's MORE than just ONE scripture was read on the subject...

You say If the Hebrew Israelites, who separate themselves from nations and races, would read the book more than they complain of the issues of the day. Like sports, the worship of Baal. If we spent more time teaching the commandments of God, and fighting the woman of Rome, we could reach more people

You think the worship of Baal does not exsist today? I think you know better...

Do you really think that our fight to expose false g-ds ended at some point in some way? The trick may have worked on some in the masking of the g-ds oa ancient times but the wool is being removed and from Christmas to Easter the truth of the ones BEHIND the cover up are being exposed......Your comment is in error due to the fact that we are to be shown ALL truth by the Ruach so if there is a lie as the video suggest then IT MUST BE EXPOSED....It is OUT OF THE WOMAN that Yah instructs us to come out of...so if you don't speak about the woman or Baal or the evil one and their evil plans and devises how do you expect out people to know that what they are in is not of Yah?

Your statement about the Gentiles I do not believe they would dispute...A comment was made because of something they were talking about but did not really elaberate..I can say that what you have accused them of is not based on truth...

I don't flaunt, knowledge is to be shared and if it pricks then so be it....I'm not concerned with making you feel good...I'm concerned with you feeling good about knowing truth....if the so-called knowledge (as you call it) helps people to the truth then i will spew ALL the knowledge that Yah shows to me to awaken out people....

You say they sound like Christians but it is you who think that because you feel something is not important to you that someone else should not speak on it....What about those who are caught up into sports and the whole lifestyle? There is no condemnation just truth....As with some you believe that truth is judgment...that is a lie...we are ALL suppose to use the word and EXPOSE ALL LIES...

You say they complain about the issues of today but it is those very issues that have our people in spiritual bondage..no brother as shocked as i am it is you who sound like them.....You say the real Israelites read and spoke less....really? So i guess YOU have the knowledge you have by ONLY READING SCRIPTURE? I guess when Brother Buie expounds on the scriptures (meaning reasoning) that makes him less real....

Actually it does speak to the subject of excepting the devices of the world...attempting to be like them..and learning the way of the heathen....if you watch the video's again you will see that the problem with those who agree with most "Christian clubs" is that it's an attempt to do as the world...not knowing that some of the things desired are of pagan origin....
I see your point, as I saw it from the beginning. I was not referring to you flaunting your personal knowledge. I was saying that as a whole. Maybe I should have used different words. This is why I don't reply unless I use the scriptures. Brother Buie gives examples as he is teaching as well as all of the Brothers who are bringing the Word from the Law and testimony. I am not saying that we should not give examples or reason with one another. I think you took the post entirely wrong. I will rewatch those videos as you suggested, and I will answer your questions you posted, so that you can have a better understanding of where I am coming from.
What did they say that was false? Nothing was false, but they were not line up the scriptures properly.

When did they not read scripture....do you not listen to Hebrew teachers and do they ONLY read scripture through the whole program?
The lesson must be read from the law and to the testimony, and reason on the scriptures of the lesson. Reading about the Deity Baalim in Judges, and then proceed to talk about baseball. How will someone be able to connect Baalim to baseball? There is no fruit in this way of teaching is my point. If you make the scriptures interpret themselves, by reading from the law and to the testimony then will the person get understanding. Having those Israelite banners behind them, and having a sign behind them, as it is written, is not getting the viewer any closer to getting knowledge by the scriptures. If this is their aim.

.You say the real Israelites read and spoke less....really? So i guess YOU have the knowledge you have by ONLY READING SCRIPTURE? Yes. I started out only in the Bible, and when I got to a point where I was doing the same lessons over and over. I began to read the apocrypha, and the Phelo, and the Josephis etc. The Lord gives the increase. We are doing nothing really. That is why in my opinion we only need, but bring the scriptures, and history. Although if you have an understanding of the scriptures there is no reason why you should not be able to read other books to get an even better understanding of the scriptures.

Maybe you don't read enough scripture for someone else does that mean that what is stated is not true? No. I did not say that, but the only way to know that a person worships the God you worship is by the commandments, period. Jesus/Yeshua knows the heart. I worship the Father, by Yeshua, not the Father directly. Most worship the Father directly. To me you would be going against scripture if you did not come by Yeshua, or Jesus. That is why the commandments are what makes us one. You say you keep the commandments. you are cool with me, and you are a true Israelite to me. .

How do you think the Israelites understood scripture? They read and they REASONED TOGETHER....In these video's MORE than just ONE scripture was read on the subject...
Was it lined up is the issue. They didn't seem to line up the scriptures, they just quoted scriptures that fit their conversation, not lining it up for understanding.


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