Why do some Believers say they're gonna take back what the devil stole from them?

How did he steal it?

What exactly did he steal?

Were you at fault? Did you give him way more than he stole? Did you forfeit your right to certain things due to your disobedience to God's word?

How exactly will you take it back?

Lastly, what will you do to keep it from being stolen again?

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Praise the Lord!!

I'm glad you ask this question.. I would like to know myself
John 10:10 states, the thief comes to STEAL, kill and destroy us....What was the first theft the devil stole???? Hmmmmnnn, good question.

The first thing I believe he stole was our relationship from our Holy Father. The second theft was our worship of our Holy Father.

He stole it by opening our eyes to the things of this world through the lust of our eyes and the lust of our flesh. Eve said she "saw" the tree.

I was at fault because I loved darkness more than I loved the light. Sin at first is fun since our bodies are nothing more than omeba's that only seek after the things that satisfy the flesh and not the spirit. Since sin is slavery, I loved egypt more than I loved the freedom and liberty that my Lord desired of me. It wasn't until I experienced sin weariness and got tired of eating the pig's slop and dog vomit, when I came to myself and was restored and reconciled back to the Holy Father through His son Jesus the Christ. Since we are all the prodigal sons and daughters, those who are the elect of Christ.

I took it back when I repented of my sins for violating God's commands, precepts and laws and turned my back to unlawfulness and returned to righteousness in Christ and put my trust and faith only in Him and made Him the Lord of my life to have an abundant life in HIm and to seek His face, turn from my wicked ways, pray and humble myself under the mighty hand of the Lord and as Noah did, will walk in the ways of the Lord all of my days on earth and to teach those laws to my children and teach those commandments that pleases God rather than do the things that God hates and despises.

Ecclesiastes 12:13: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”
Great comment. But is what you said what most people mean when they say that they are taking back what the devil stole?

What are some things people think of when they say this phrase?
Thats kind of the same excuses that Moses used when God told him to lead HIS people out of bondage. The Pharoah will not hear me, (not good in speaking).

If it is a call on your life to be in full time ministry, you should do what God has called you to do. Preach the Word in season and out. It's the peoples responsibility after they hear to follow Christ.
Who was king david's worst enemy? Was it other nations? Was it his son's? Was it King Saul? Was it his kinsmen in Israel? Was it the devil and demons? Or was it himself?

Am I saying that we don't have an adversary (the devil)? No...to say that would be ignoring the scripture I Peter 5.

I guess I want to know the biblical basis for that Christian Colloquialism that we are so fond of. Where are we told to take back what the devil stole from us. Even if it is not those specific words, where is it implied?

The scriptures are very specific on how WE (humans...Believers) are to deal with the devil.

Read - I Peter 5:7-11

2 Cor 10

I guess if christians understand the lingo it is ok but you can't use that church talk with baby christians and un believers. You have to be straight with them. Do THIS to get you marriage back in order. Change THIS mindset that you have. Act THIS way towards your kids from now on. Act THIS way towards your boss etc.

Most of the things and relationships that we say the devil stole were simply consequences to our disobedience and we don't want to own up to our FULL responsibility.

Adam and Eve can never say the devil MADE them do anything. As james says we are led away by our own dersires when we are tempted.

The devil is a liar deceiver and tempter and most importantly he is a DEFEATED FOE. We are MORe thane conquerors bcuz he I s already defeated by Christ. We are to possess the land... What land...the land is our bodies our minds.

Quit walking and talking like defeated people before you even try. Encourage yourself with Gods word and get your butts up and fight the good fight of faith in that battlefield of your mind!

What will the devil steal? He can't take anything from a child of God. You have to GIVE it to him! You give him a right to be in your life running amuck when you have disobedience all over the place
"What will the devil steal? He can't take anything from a child of God. You have to GIVE it to him! You give him a right to be in your life running amuck when you have disobedience all over the place"

Sister Busby this is true. Satan only takes what is given to him. We as they children of God have authority through CHRIST to bind Satan in our lives. He doesn't have free reign to do as he pleases in our lives. When the scripture says Satan goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he MAY devour we must understand what that means. May devour means who he has permission to devour. (Permission can only be granted by God) When the children of God are disobedient then God just may give Satan permission to taunt, tease or test us to cause us to respond or pray to him (Jesus)
quote "What will the devil steal? He can't take anything from a child of God. You have to GIVE it to him!"

I can agree to that...

A scripture came to my mind

Matthew 13:25

25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

Sometime we can get caught off Guard ...and while being caught off guard??(losing focus, not praying, fasting, studying the word..etc..etc..)... the enemy can come in and kill, steal and Destory.
The thief cometh not, but for to steal , and to kill , and to destroy : I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

This is what Satan's job is and he is doing it. We are living in the last days and it is time to arm ourselves.
And let the church say AMEN to Minister Leigh Busby and Elder Byron.

A theif "comes" to steal but that doesn't mean he will be able to steal.

A killer comes to kill but he can be stopped

A destroyer comes to destroy but his efforts can be thwarted


And yes, the name of the Lord is our strong tower HE is our stronghold. A stronghold is not a bad thing in and of itself. It can be a place to run to for safety like a fortress to keep harm out. Or it can be a place like a prison to keep someone in.

A fort or fortress has both shelter and prisons in it.

What we forget is that seedtime and harvest is forever. Whatever is sown in our lives by us or someone else is what is brought forth.

The devil can't do ANYTHING unless allowed to do so. We give him wayyy more power and credit than he deserves. I find that the Church in an effort to appear super spiritual is way more sin conscious and devil blamming than faith filled and faith speaking. And we are far less scriptural in our cute little colloquialisms bcuz gradma nem use to say those phrases or maybe it is the latest christian catch phrase from whatever hot new preacher is on tv.

Where are the Berean type Believers who search the scriptures for themselves to see if what is told to them is correct?

We sing songs that are not scripturally sound but they have great tunes and bangin beats and memorable text and that becomes the theology of thousands.

God does not leave us ignorant of the devils devices. And cool thing is that the devil has the same strategy nothing new under the sun.

Everything you have and will experience has already been experienced and will be experienced by others.

Do whatever you have to do to
Take your thoughts captive and FORCE them to obey Christ.

If you have been the abused and/or the abuser then from this day forward in the battlefield of your mind take your thoughts captive and make them obey Christ.

If you made mistakes and are now reaping what you sow you can still put on the mind of Christ.

Just because the devil has influenced your life thru you being disobedient and therfore allowing him access or he forced his way in thru someone else allowing themselves to be influenced by him and used to affect your life negatively doesn't mean that he runs it forever more.

Stop being wimpy saints who give the devil so much control over your thoughts and actions. Get up and go to the strong hold the strong tower that has been provided for you and STAND! Resist the devil and he will flee. Take a stand and resist him!
Stop being wimpy saints who give the devil so much control over your thoughts and actions. Get up and go to the strong hold the strong tower that has been provided for you and STAND! Resist the devil and he will flee. Take a stand and resist him

This is a powerful statement, Sis. when I think of what the enemy can steal, the thing that comes to mind is ones soul and liberty. For that is what he desires most, that we be lost as he is and in bondage.

Even the incarcerated who know Jesus claim freedom in HIM! Man cannot enslave your soul.
You know Evg Fugett what you said brings me to another question?

Can the devil enslave your soul?

Is the devil after our (mankind's) souls?

Can the devil put us (mankind) in hell?

Please provide scriptures for your answers. But you may also add comments to those scriptures.

But keep this in mind...when you talk about hell remember:

Luke 12:4-5
2 Peter 2:4-5,9,20
Revelation 20:13 -15

The next question is this:

Where is the devil and his fallen angels (demons) right now? Are they in hell or on the earth? Are they free or bound?

Matt 13:38-40
Matt 25:41 (context is verses 31-46)
Revelation 12:1-12

Next question is. What exactly can the devil do to a believer without purposeful permission from the Father?

Job 1:6-12

Oh God must be horrible to do such. A thing but why was this happening to Job...

Job 3:25. Fear will also give the devil permission to envade your life


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