They used to brag about how they have satellites that can see a man's face while he's going about his business throughout the day.

If that is the case - Why can't they point it at the 'insurgents/Al Quaeda operatives' in Afganistan to see where they are placing IED's and when they are placing them and who is placing them and where do they scamper off to when they finish placing them?

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Simple: This war was fought to be won, but to be sustained. This war is NOT exactly what people think it is, and sadly people are always trying to bring it back to the foolishness of "Right Wing, Left Wing" garbage. The wars that have been fought over the course of 200 years by America were Banker-based wars:

-War of 1812- it was Rothchild the mega-banker who threatened America with war if he didn't get his national bank in the year 1811. He funded for Britain and France to fight us the next year. In the end, he got his bank.

-Civil War- One of the MAJOR issues for Lincoln that is not spoken of by many was not the freeing of blacks, but the freeing of the American economy. He had America print its own deb-free money system, freeing national debt. Soon after, he was assassinated.

-WWII- Guess who funded the wars on both sides? Rothchild, Warberg, Morgan, & Rockefeller, the ORIGINAL creators of the Federal Reserve!! Rockefeller Oil made the oil products for German planes. We can also through in Prescott Bush, because his bank laundered Nazi money in N.Y.C.

-Vietnam- J.F. Kennedy was going to 1) bring home the troops from Nam, 2) end the racist governmental ways, and 3) close the Federal Reserve. RIGHT BEFORE HE COULD PUSH FOR THE CLOSING OF THE FED, he was shot dead in his car.

Do you really think that this government would be playing around with Al Quaeda if we were serious about beating them?? We took Japan out with two bombs, and stormed through Germany on D-Day. We have the top military intelligence next to Israel, and can take on any nation in this world. OUR COAST GUARD IS STRONGER THAN SOME COUNTRY'S NAVAL FLEETS AROUND THE WORLD!!!

The real reason why they haven't stopped it yet is not about military intelligence, or right or left wing politics, because the whole bird is dirty! Has it ever occurred to people why there is no video camera footage of a plane hitting the Pentagon, or why there was no plane wreckage found at either the Pentagon, or the Camp David Crash on 9/11?

Amen Bro Watson!
Oh Trevor, I heard the 'Lincoln wasn't about freeing the slaves AT FIRST' REALITY when I was,23,24.27 etc., etc.

Yes, and I heard it from DEMOCRAT VOTING BLACKFOLK both born-again believers, and black muslims or black panthers and the sort.

So yes Trevor, blacks are aware that ALL whites were possessed with the demonic spirit of white racism be they democrat or republican.

Here's where you miss it, you ASS-U-ME that Democrat intelligent thinking blacks AREN'T aware of this 'racist' reality among the bulk of whites. In your ASSUMATION you more or less agree with blacks who believe that ALL whites are racists.

Yes, your very hostility towards modern Democrat voters is proof of your stance of 'all whites are racists' mentality and you blacks as a whole, KNOW it NOT! Go figure, eh?

From a Democrat voter who is concerned about the security of the masses, here's the TRUE FACTS THAT YOU AND YOUR TYPE ARE BLINDED TO:

All factions of whites have been poisoned by the demonic spirit of white racism it's just that some don't yield to it. By and large, those of the modern era who don't yield to it, OR, don't mean to yield to it are labelled 'liberals.'

They recognize the deceptions and HATE by their right-wing brothers and sisters and would go the opposite and work with intelligent, well-meaning, blacks who would acknowledge their right-wing brothers deceit and choose to remove it from the mainstay of thought in American society.

Here's a suggestion: You go and do likewise Trevor, yes, go and do likewise.
You are so Afro-centric that you are "anti-everyone-else", do you realize that? Such is not of GOD. This was NEVER about black or white, NEVER about Democrat or Republican, NEVER about Left or Right Wing. Lets lay it all out flat:

-I am not Pro-Black, I am Pro-JESUS, and JESUS is pro-mankind. I could care less what color skin you have! You accept Christ, you will be worshiping with me in the presence of GOD.

-Left or Right wing, who cares? Both wings are flapping and making this corrupt Eagle called the US Government fly! The fact of the matter i that both wings are all messed up! Do you believe that a black man will help in such a time? Think again.....

-If you paid any attention to what I said, ANY ATTENTION AT ALL, you would see that I didn't say Lincoln was not for freeing the slaves at first! I said the freeing of our American Economy was the MAJOR unspoken issue. Lincoln was all for freeing the slaves because of his Christian heritage, spoken of in American history!!

-No, all white are/were not possessed with a demonic spirit. How foolish can you be concerning that??? If that were the case, then why was it white men that helped to free blacks??
As we in Texas proclaim it, 'naw darlin' it's you who don't get it!'

Trevor, it's alright before the MOST HIGH GOD to be BOTH pro-black and pro-JESUS as it's the SAME THING I.E. JESUS WAS BLACK AS THE ACE OF SPADE and if YOU or another don't like it, weep over its' reality, hate its reality, etc., etc., that's just too darn bad for you....DEAL WITH IT!

Bottom line, that's what it's really all about with you Trevor, truly it is!

For the record, this is NOT the first time you threw up as if it is a SIN,
"AFROCENTRIC" to me. You have NOT once stated that the CHRISTIAN RIGHT is ''EUROCENTRIC' i.e. "white conscious' as they, promote white-male evil as that which is the alleged 'will of Jesus Christ". However, that's a different story.

I reitierate, they are NOT cursed by the likes of you and your kind for being 'white conscious' rather, BLACKS like me, are cursed for as you see it, being 'black conscious' for so much as bringing up black achievements. Par for the course though..

Nonetheless, moving on, you said, 'I could care less about skin color.' Would that the devious males of the Christian right felt the same way. You would see a less worried woman for the welfare of our beloved sons and daughters.

However, I, like millions of righteous right-thinking black women remain alert and on guard because of mentalities' like yours'.

You with your own words have just professed that 'you don't see the race issue' whereas make no mistake about it, WISE, ALERT BLACK WOMEN see that your white so-called 'brother in Christ' sees nothing but 'skin color' and fights to keep HIS SKIN COLOR RULING OVER 'YOUR' SKIN COLOR.

As I said in previous posts to you the FBI file itself considers black women who recognize this reality and OPPOSE IT as 'just as racist' as the white male. In fact, their compiled findings is that it is the black WOMAN not MALE but WOMAN who is the strongest adversary to white male RACIST DECEIT.

In fact, they consider the TWO as just as racist but reality is this, the black woman is not JUST AS RACIST rather, she is JUST AS RACIALLY CONSCIOUS as the white male deceiver as if not her, then who? The black male who is NOT in the findings as being 'just as racially conscious of his shenanigans?'

Shame on you Trevor, shame on you!
O Brother Trevor,

Dont do this.
Please tell me you are not a 911 conspiracy theorist.
I think the last administration was crooked but NOT that crooked.
The conspiracy was NOT a theory at all, but historic. Did you even take a gander at the clip I posted?
Newview, Heh..heh...:-)
Yes, why? If that's the case, do it and catch OSAMA BIN LADEN the REAL despot KILLER responsible for 9/11.
Sis Elaine,

You believe the government blew up the buildings and that the government doesnt want to catch Osama?
Oh yeah Newview, I wouldn't put annnnything pass THAT right-wing BUSHITE government of that day. Oh yeah.
Then if thats the case - Obama is a part of the same hypocrisy.
And what is he looking for Bin Laden for? And why would he still have troops in Afghanistan seeking out Al Quaeda.
Never! - Not. my. boo!
He would never say he is looking for the people that were responsible for 911 if he did not think Al Quaeda was behind it.
And if Muslim terrorists were not behind it - then why wouldn't they get on TV and really blow our minds and say - 'Hey, it wasnt us, your own country did it.'
If they were to get on Al Jazeera and do that - there would be a revolution in the streets by the end of this week.

So - no - we did not do it.



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