They used to brag about how they have satellites that can see a man's face while he's going about his business throughout the day.

If that is the case - Why can't they point it at the 'insurgents/Al Quaeda operatives' in Afganistan to see where they are placing IED's and when they are placing them and who is placing them and where do they scamper off to when they finish placing them?

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-The government along with traitors turned out and killed Rev. Dr. King.

-As a former ranked member of C.R.I.P., I would know of the breakdown of the 70's do to drugs, and the rise in gang violence. You think it was all about foolish blacks? The CIA and FBI had a mission to bring down C.R.I.P. for the start, seeing that it was a lesser faction born from the womb of the Black Panther Party. The initial dispute that birthed the B.L.O.O.D. gang was from FBI infiltrators. Think it didn't happen? Think again, because that EXACTLY how they brought down the Black Panther Party.
Hah! Hah!
Black is beautiful, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you Angela Davis - Power to the People!!!!!

Bro Trevor, yes I did watch it.
Did you see the documentariesssss that refuted the theories of the video you posted?
IO seen them, and they are laughable at best! As a NY'er, I was curious as to how the buildings fell. So I did what many reject: I STUDIED! I searched out the words and the reports, and they are incomplete, and quite frankly insulting! Camera film that the FBI REFUSES to turn over to courts? Incomplete reports? Testimonies of explosions within the building from FDNY and many other non-governmental survivors? Literally NO plane wreckage found at either crash site (Pentagon, & Camp David), and not one documentary to refute it? There was a saying that I seen once that is very sad, and yet very true:

"Men occasional stumble across the truth. But most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened."- Winston Churchill
Ok Brother Trevor, Since you know that the government did it -
What did you do about it?
And should we even be in Afghanistan?
And why wont Osama say "Hey stop chasing me - I didnt do it. Leave me alone"
And What are you GOING to do about it?
And do you minister to the military guys you come across to NOT fight in any of these wars because they are bogus and that muslims are not the enemy but it is our government (especially the rethuglicans - since they bombed NY) that we should be protesting against.
What are you doing about it?
Please dont just tell me you have this secret knowlege and wont do anything with it.
Whats on the agenda?
Its not a secret at all. Its common knowledge, and yet written off as a conspiracy theory. However, did you even notice that such conspiracy theorists are now being listed as "Home-grown Terroists", along with former Vets, and preachers of Eschatology? Interesting stuff huh?? LOL

I don't get to minister to Military men because 1) thats not my ministry calling, 2) not many come my way, not do I run into many, if any at all. The ones I DO get to communicate with, however, tell me that the Military (Army, Navy, and Marines, I haven't spoken to any Air Force yet) say that they were actually happier during the Bush regime, than they are under the Obama regime because he has them doing more, with less troops, and less money! I didn't say it, they said it to me! I didn't even know that until they came and told me this!! Don't play stupid and point fingers at me, talk to them for once!

Osama won't come forward because 1) he had a hand in it, 2) he's not a fan of America anyway, 3) if he didn't have a hand in it, you wouldn't have believe him if it were true, would you? We have business in Afghanistan, but less there than in Iran.

What did I do about it? I did what I could considering my position and my GOD-given mission, and I'm still doing it. My mission is not to go and overthrow the Government with a Democratic or Republican approach (the ONLY candidate I fully threw my support into was Mike Huckabee). I have a Kingdom of GOD agenda, and it was not for this government. Like CHRIST, I am not endorsing anyone that is not endorsing JESUS and the Kingdom of GOD.

Whats foolish is that you nor Ms Johnson even care to actually learn about your governments history of corruption. You think now that Obama is President, everything will be all peaches and roses? You think GOD sent him from above to clean up this mega-mess, when the LORD showed us that it will only get worse as it goes along? Did you see ANYWHERE in the Bible that in the end, at least one nation will be led by a GOD-fearing man?
...Whats foolish is that you nor Ms Johnson even care to actually learn about your governments history of corruption. You think now that Obama is President, everything will be all peaches and roses? You think GOD sent him from above to clean up this mega-mess, when the LORD showed us that it will only get worse as it goes along? Did you see ANYWHERE in the Bible that in the end, at least one nation will be led by a GOD-fearing man?...

Dont do that.
I did not think he was sent from above. I think he is a wonderful intelligent black man that has lived closer to the little man than any of those guys that ran for president. Although I did vote for Huckabee during the primaries. I loved Obama but I had to put my flesh aside and vote for the protestant minister ---> the Huckaman. But he did not win the primaries then that gave me the green light to put everything I had into putting my brother Obama in office. And you know what that was? My vote and prayers.

I am saddened though that you cant enjoy how far the black man has come since slavery.
I cried and cried when he won the primaries - I was happy just with that.
I saw Dr. King's dream come to fruition.
Oh I wish you could be happy with your people.
I am not a racist.
If you would read my responses to the Hebrew Israelites on this forum - I attack all kinds of it black or white. I am not into that.
Number one - it took more than just minorities to put him in office.
But aint no racist white man gonna get into my head and tell me it's an 'ugly evil thing' and a dreary day because this beautiful - intelligent - legally elected black man is our President.
That does nothing for you?! You dont get chills down your spine?
If it were possible I could see the blacks that suffered slavery and suffered during the JimCrow days just dancing in their graves - if it were possible. I am happy for them!
That does nothing for you?
I've got sons and its a beautiful thing to tell them that they can be president not only in theory but in reality. All they have to do is look at Michelle and Barack.
I get weepy just typing this.
I love that America is always on the cutting edge - doing something to make the other nations go - WOW - how did she pull that off.
God bless America indeed!
And NO I am not a racist - I voted for Bush his last term. I became very disappointed with him aftewards but I voted for him before I knew better. But such is life.

But I am no racist. But you cant make me NOT love Obama and thank the Lord for moving America further in her journey from hating on the black man to respecting him enough that they take a chance by making him their leader.
You were foolish in assuming that I as a black man cared nothing for our advancement in society! That is something that you and Ms Jonson have to repent on, for real! Neither one of you have EVER asked such a question "That does nothing for you?" And even in this post, you still really don't ask it, because you answered it for yourself by saying:

"I am saddened though that you cant enjoy how far the black man has come since slavery. I cried and cried when he won the primaries - I was happy just with that.
I saw Dr. King's dream come to fruition. Oh I wish you could be happy with your people.

You two have a nerve for real!! Do you personally know what my experiences as a black man in NYC are? Were you there when I had a fight with a gang of skinheads, or when I was incarcerated and had to listen to CO's who had tattoos of white babies hold black babies from nooses? Where was your afro-centric support then when I walked through Jewish communities and was shunned for being a black man walking into a Synagogue wearing a Tallit? You know LITTEL TO KNOWN of my personal experiences in this, so please stop.

When he was elected, I was glad for a second that a black man ascended to such a level, but a few things kept me from tossing confetti and popping bottles:

-Two blacks were also running for President, one of them a black woman. Why was he regarded as the only black in the race?

-He does not support any of our Christian values, so what did we sacrifice in the name of "blacks stepping up"?

-Jim Crow may have lost, but Roe vs. Wade won!

I said it before and I'll say it again, I prayed not for a certain person to win, but I requested for GOD to show me who to support if any, and Barak came up on the "no" list! You prayed for him to win, looking for grace from GOD; I prayed for who to support, and who to shun, looking for the will of GOD. Did you pray such a prayer? I asked you before, and you said no. Whats sad is not that you didn't pray it before, but that you still won't pray it today. My blackness takes a back seat to GOD's word and will, and I promise you that there are leaders and rulers that are set up hat GOD does not approve of:

Hosea 8:4 "They have set up kings, but not by me: they have made princes, and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they made them idols, that they may be cut off."

1 Samuel 8:6-7 "But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD. And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them."
I said it before and I'll say it again, I prayed not for a certain person to win, but I requested for GOD to show me who to support if any, and Barak came up on the "no" list! You prayed for him to win, looking for grace from GOD; I prayed for who to support, and who to shun, looking for the will of GOD. Did you pray such a prayer? I asked you before, and you said no. Whats sad is not that you didn't pray it before, but that you still won't pray it today. My blackness takes a back seat to GOD's word and will, and I promise you that there are leaders and rulers that are set up hat GOD does not approve of:

Slow you roll.
Remember I told you if I commented on this issue - I think it was another discussion - I would probably indict myself so I wasnt going to comment.
Well here it is.
You speaking as if it is so holy to vote for Huckaman - well I feel even voting for the Huckaman was looking for grace from God just like voting for Barack. Why?

I think PERFECTION is to NOT vote AT ALL.
Thats my faith.
If I sinned - it was the fact that I voted at all.
Thats my faith.
Barack, McCain, Huckabee, Biden, Paul, Giuliani, Clinton, Romney, Kucinich...
They are just worldlings, running a world full of wordlings. And I would have prayed for any one of them that had of won the election...
But not with the passion I have for my Barack who I pray for like he's my long lost cousin or brother or uncle or son or father or neighbor.
I think Barack for me is what Dr. King would have been to my mother's generation.
I am over joyed. :-)

You said alot of things and as you alluded - I was not up in NY when you were visiting synagogues nor was I in prison with you but even at that - I wish you would've been able to enjoy this historical time - longer than a minute.

You cant steal my joy. And I wish you were not so miserable.
Oh Trevor, you've got nerves of steel...I do declare. Trevor it has been you and YOU alone who have done nothing but 'judge and condemn' we who support Barack Obama.

You say, you prayed, and I told you I prayed for God's will and it was that Obama would be President. Now what? Millions of African/Americans voted for him. I think the quoted percentage was 93 % and quite frankly, I think it's higher or at least I used to until I realized how many of 'your' kind are out there roting Christian right rhetoric.

You say, 'we don't know your experience' niether do you know ours' yet, you have been full of judgment with regard to our righteous disposition on the subject of Obama now haven't you?

The fact is, yes, I'm aware that all black people suffer injustice by whites like the so-called Republicans and Christian right types and all other types including the white Jewish type you mentioned.

How long were you in prison anyway? And what were you in prison for in the first place?

Anyway, I prayed for Obama then and I pray God's will, mercy, favor, grace, skill on Obama now. I ask God to be with him, and I asked God 'if Obama was his' and he said YES! Now what?

Also, you on the one hand proclaim, 'you were happy for a second' but on the other hand slander this man Obama via judging him as NOT A CHRISTIAN even though the man has repeatedly said, 'HE IS A CHRISTIAN.' How dare you judge his personal relationship with God! How dare you!

Just because he doesn't see everything the way YOU deem he should see it doesn't make him any less a Christian as he has professed to be. My God man, the man stood before a arab nation and proclaimed his allegiance to Jesus Christ. What more do you want?

And by the way, I think it arrogant of you to deem Obama un-Christ-like because he does not see things in the same like manner as those tea-party, demonic right wingers. Come on, there's something wrong with your disposition.

Oh, not the abortion thing AGAIN. We've gone over that repeatedly with you but you keep roting the same thing ovr and over again showing disrespect for our views on abortion. I told you that 'nobody is for reckless abortions'. Everybody including Obama wants to work on ways to end abortion. The man said so himself.

Those verses from the Lord did you get them for Bush as well or strictly Obama? You see the thing is this, the Scriptures you are quoting is saying, 'God does not intervene in the affairs of nations.' even though His word says He does.

And, if you believe God didn't lift up Obama as President then you must also believe that God doesn't lift up any man who has been President of the U.S. or ran for President of the U.S., including Huckabee whom you supported.

You also said something like, "why weren't other blacks known for running." Well, because they probably like other lesser known whites who ran didn't have a viable chance. They always give little to no media attention to that sort, especially in the last few decades.

Bottom line, President Obama deserves to be respected and given a chance. You said, 'the solider don't like him'. Well, the man hasn't been President a year so it will take a little time to get the kinks out. You said, the 'soldiers were happy because they didn't have to do work under Bush? Well, then soldiers, it's high time to do ACCURATE WORK under the new Commander and chief so that he can get them on out of there. Ya know, 'mission accomplished' and all that.

Finally, in the other post you made a erroneous JUDGMENTAL statement that 'we don't understand government corruption.' How can a black man say that to a black woman?

From slavery days on, a black with an ounce of sense understands government corruption. As for the government being involved in 9/11, yeah, I believe the secret organizations of the world, Illuminati and all that knew of 9/11. It is not a conspiracy theory, as all those worldwide demonic beings work hand and hand.

Remember there was the controvery of the Israelis who were caught cheering when the plane collided in the buildings. Oh yeah, I, unlike Newview believe that the secret societies elitists of America knew something about 9/11. They always do. They knew when they were going to kill Dr. King and the Kennedy boys.

I just thank God that God knows all things that are going to happen and His grace is sufficient to see us through. Let God's grace bless Obama. Pray for our President as he does mean well whether you believe it or not.

Remember, Samuel worked with Saul even though he knew the anointing had left him. In like manner, since you INCORRRECTLY have JUDGED Obama as NOT BEING OF GOD, the least you who claim to be OF GOD can do is 'pray for him' that we may live in peace and safety.
TREVOR STATED: "You think now that Obama will be all peaches and roses?....Did you see ANYWHERE in the Bible that in the end, at least one nation will be led by a GOD-fearing man?"

MY REPLY: No, I don't think now that Obama is in office everything will be peaches and roses. Just look at the demonic white racist attack against him to see that. What's wrong with you?

What I do think will happen is this, this righteous man will try to do right by the 'masses.' Unlike the former Bush administration Obama will fight for the little man instead of favoring the rich such as Bush did. Like Democrats before him, he will be pro-union, blue-collared world as he's already shown when he gave the stimulus package to stop mega millions of Americans from losing their jobs and health insurance.

As it stood, millions lost health insurance, 401K benefits, homes, etc. Obama has already shown by his good actions that he is for correcting damage done to the Middle class and poor. That is a righteous act before God so yes, I do see in the Bible that God will raise up a righteous leader in as much as God's word says, 'but they that know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits" (Dn. 11:37).

We see Obama knows his God and seeks to act on the righteous principles of defending the poor and needy (Ps. 12; etc). So yeah, he was lifted up by God to do such end-time exploits. Thank you very much.

Also, Scripture says, 'God is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle' (Eph. 5:27). A church without 'spot or wrinkle' is a church doing exploits like never before. Whether that 'church' member is a President or a pauper, God will take the church out with a bang. We will push back Satan's wicked kingdom so making the statement, 'yes, the next 7 tribulation years are ALLOWED to be yours' but we'll be back to bring you down (Rev. 18-20). Oh yeah, it is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in my eyes!
Trevor, in all seriousness, I'd like to talk to you about your apparent 'hatred' for what you see as 'Afrocentric.' Are you really a black man? Or, are you just feigning to be one? I mean that in all seriousness. Why would you show resentment because of what you see as '2 black women who are proud of black historical truths?' Why? Can't you see how insane that is?

When I first met you on this board you were wonderful in that you came to the defense of 'women preachers' and the such. Now, just as I delight in the TRUTH with regard to the real role of women in the Bible. I also delight in the truth with regard to BLACK COLOR in the Bible. Racists took it out, out of a hatred for blackness. God raised up scholars and the such to put it back in there as He never ordain that such evil be done by white racists. Yes, truth crushed to the ground is rising again and instead of you applauding that reality like you did with regard to the woman's role, you instead 'curse it' and 'mock' black women for being proud to speak the truth with regard to color.

What that shows, since it is you who are in the deciphering and judging business, then be judged with this assessment, you have a 'self-loathing' of all things black spirit about you. No wait, all things black and black people who are proud of blackness and vote Democrat to be exact. You don't seem to have a loathing for republicans, whites, or black republicans who agree with eurocentricism as that which is 'fine with God.'

Whereas you detest and label 'Afrocentric' the truths in the very BIBLE concerning AFROCENTRIC nations of Egypt, Babylon, Philistian, Canaan, etc. In detesting the black truth you are detesting God who inspired his prophets and apostles to put the facts in there now didn't he?

Satan used lies about race to destroy black people and now you are angry because God used the truth about black people to set the captive free? What madness is about you!

There is nothing wrong with being proud of black nations of antiquity. It does not equate to 'hating whites.' Rather, it is certain whites and white-like people like you who 'hate' the black truth. Can you not see how satan has you hook, line and sinker in this matter? God certainly isn't pleased with your 'anguish, hate, mockery' of women who are proud of black truths.

We are not saying the people were all good for as you pointed out in another post Nimrod that black kushite was evil and so were others. Yet, there were good people too but the main point is, it is wrong to change the face of history from black to white such as wicked white hierarchies did.

It is right to change it back for in so doing, truth is lifted up and the black captives with low to no self esteem are set free with the truth. Yet, you despise it and label us afrocentric.

In your perverse thought pattern you have gone so far as to equate exalting and praising God for revealing the truth about race in the Bible with 'hating white people.' No, sirree, only those type of racist whites have a market on that lunacy.

I am a born again, spirit filled believer, who rejoices in God using black historical truth to exalt black peoples' damaged self-worth. I can do that and NOT have hatred in my heart for whites or anybody else of which I don't. I do resist their wicked schemes as should you, but the wicked aren't really worth hating for we know that Satan is the author of their evil conduct. We must do all in our power to withstand them, denounce the evil worked through them as Jude and the other apostles did but we recognize that hierarchies are responsible for the evil they breed in the masses.

You said, 'you don't care about skin color' well, I, like the Bible care about skin color that's why it was put in there. White racists certainly care about your alleged black skin color that's why they took all the facts about blackness out of the Bible. Finally, God cares about skin color that's why He raised up black scholars and the such to reveal the truth. There are preachers who have stated, 'it was GOD who told them to go through that Bible and point out every black for He is about to mightily come against the racist white injustice and remove it.'

Now, I suppose you would say, 'those preachers didn't hear that from God.' Be sure you don't find yourself fighting God Trevor.

Bottom line, one can be proud of God demolishing the demonic spirit of white racism via reestablishing the truth about the black people and nations of antiquity while simultaneously not be about 'hating whites' or any other group of beings.

It's obvious, that you are not 'one' of them but we true believers can and are. I hope you try it, you'll like it.

Oh, I'm on this cheap but blessed web box and cannot access the video thing you put up. However, I see newview did access it and once again squashed your 'hate afrocentric' SINFUL, GRIEVOUSLY SINFUL MENTALITY.

Again, shame on you Trevor, shame on you.


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