They used to brag about how they have satellites that can see a man's face while he's going about his business throughout the day.

If that is the case - Why can't they point it at the 'insurgents/Al Quaeda operatives' in Afganistan to see where they are placing IED's and when they are placing them and who is placing them and where do they scamper off to when they finish placing them?

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O Trevor you seem so depressed about this wonderful black man being in office. It almost seems like you get your talking points from Rush Limbaugh. Does it make you feel more American if you rag on Barack?

Do you watch or at least seek out positive videos on youtube or only those by the rightwing hate machine? I think the problem is if you continually absorb these negative videos - you will constantly take on their feelings of fear and jealousy. Why keep doing that to yourself? Those moods will always keep you down.

I hope you have a better day today. God bless.
Newview did you gather up the Christian courage that the Holy Ghost provides to watch the clip below, or is the "love" for Pres. Obama gonna keep from looking at the truth?

Which is that clip below: hate video or true event?

you look and be honest.....
Bro. Watson, you said: "You'll have to discuss your concerns with the Oslo, Norway Noble Peace Prize Committee. In the meantime, support the first Black President of the United States of America, and Nobel Peace Prize recipient."

My reply: Support what? What exactly do you want me to support? Politically, or spiritually? If political, what policy do you want me to co-sign, and support?

Is it this policy on Abortion?

Or this on public healthcare?

Or is it this on the spirituality of the USA?

Just which policy is it that you would like for me to support?
Trevor, pray for your president to be a good wise leader.
And pray for his salvation.
And for his safety from the ones that think he is the anti-christ.
You OBVIOUSLY don't understand prophetic scripture. If he is the Beast of Revelation, then its not him that needs the protection, it would be us that need it! I asked this on another post and I'll ask it here: if he is the Beast of Revelation, the Anti-Christ incarnate, then do you pray for his salvation, and that the anti-Christ be a good leader??
You OBVIOUSLY don't understand prophetic scripture. If he is the Beast of Revelation, then its not him that needs the protection, it would be us that need it! I asked this on another post and I'll ask it here: if he is the Beast of Revelation, the Anti-Christ incarnate, then do you pray for his salvation, and that the anti-Christ be a good leader??

Trevor - you dont seem to understand. He. Is. Not. The. Anti-christ.

I understand that it may make you feel more spiritual to believe this - but I dont.

Thats why I keep quoting the instructions of Paul - who you know - lived during the reign of Nero or some other Caesar - who very well may have been a type of anti-christ and guess what?
------> Paul still told the Church to pray for the king and the leaders.

So who should put my trust in Trevor? your secret revelations or the Holy Apostle? :-)
Newview, the Bible says, 'the fearful and the cowardly' will end up in the 'lake of fire' (Rev. 22:15).

Do you know why this is so? It is because their irrational fear leads to them falsely accusing, attacking and destroying the righteous.

The right wing racist republicans are 'fearful, cowards' always have been. They are putting their own hate-filled nature off on Obama. Notice that Obama is referred to as a 'Nazi' by right-wingers whose main audience is white supremacist, self-professed, NEO-NAZIS? Yet, certain segments of blacks would listen and rote their evil as that which is Christ-like. The both together will end up in the 'lake of fire' for they 'have eyes and will not see, they have ears and will not hear.' The cowards!
Actually, the fearful and cowardly were to scared to stand up for the righteousness of the Word of GOD, not because their irrational fear leads to them falsely accusing, attacking and destroying the righteous. Such an error is not fear, but ignorance.

Yes, racism is rearing its ugly head, but that is NOT the main threat that you face. If you think that racism is the main threat, then you were defeated before you started fighting.
The right wing racist republicans are 'fearful, cowards' always have been. They are putting their own hate-filled nature off on Obama. Notice that Obama is referred to as a 'Nazi' by right-wingers whose main audience is white supremacist, self-professed, NEO-NAZIS? Yet, certain segments of blacks would listen and rote their evil as that which is Christ-like. The both together will end up in the 'lake of fire' for they 'have eyes and will not see, they have ears and will not hear.' The cowards!

Sister Elaine, it's very very depressing...
You know - I thought after Obama was elected I thought that the self hate would just about go away...
And yet I am saddened.
Such will not happen unless the Messiah comes. To think that it will happen anytime BEFORE then is a delusion. You read the Book of Revelation, haven't you? Since when, and in what page did it say that it would get better before the LORD JESUS comes? The world leaders, according to the Book of Revelation, will get worse, not better, regardless of prayer, and hope ,and speeches on "change" unless they FULLY put their trust in JESUS not just verbally, but in their actions and policies as well.
You know what Newview, it's the 'wheat among the tares' all the way to the end. Such goodness of the Lord in seeking to deliver them via the first black President will be a testimony against them.

It's their souls that you just feel depressed about as I wonder...I truly wonder in that Yahshua said, 'many will say Lord, Lord but do not the things I say.'


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