Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. (Malachi 3:10)

Bring ye - Make a punctual and full payment of all tithes; about this did Nehemiah contend with the rulers, and made them comply, and then all Judah obeyed and did the like, Neh_13:10-13. To the store - house - This was one or more large rooms, built on purpose for this use. That there may be meat - For the priests and Levites to live upon. Prove me - Make the experiment. The windows of heaven - A kind of proverbial speech, to express great abundance. A blessing - First of rain to water the earth, next a blessing of corn, wine and oil, and all other products of the earth.

How does this apply to us today?

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Is tithing scriptural under the new convenant?
I am so glad you brought that up. Giving is of a free willing, and one shouldn'r feel forced or pressured to give because of a covenant with some church gropu. Why aren't the leaders preaching this? Are they afraid that the people will stop giving? Do they trust God enough to make every provision? Have their faith been tested and are they stretching out in the spirit realm?

Thanks for responding Man of God, be blessed
Is it Woman of God? In Luke a phrarisee fasted and tithed of all his income (Luke 18:12). In Mark 12:42-43 and Luke 21:2-3 a widow gave all that she had (two pennies). But I have not seen any one explain why Christ, the supernatural seed, is not included as paying tithes through Abraham to Melchisedec. There is no record of Jesus paying tithes. In the new covenant we are to be cheerfully givers and give free will offerings (liberally). I know that tithing is of the old covenant, and that Jesus filled all of the laws, etc, but He didn't pay tithes. If we are to give tithes under the new covenant, then were are the storehouses? I am not seeing the fruit or the overflow of their being meat in my house, nor am I seeing the windows of Heaven being opened up and poured out of the church. is it because the church is out of order and requiring something of its sheep that the Father doesn't? If we are to give tithes, under the new covenant why didn't Jesus give tithes, he fulfilled all?

Thanks for responding, be blessed
A few questions
1. Was tithing first introduced with the law or before the law?

2. If you get a person fresh off the street never been involved in church and they get saved how do you teach people to give? How do you teach them what cheerful giving is? If for them they give $20 cheerfully but they make $2000 dollars a week are they giving like the widow woman who gave her two mites?

3. The Gospels dont also tell us about whether or not Jesus brought sacrifices to the temple to the priest but do we say he didnt because the scri[tures dont say?
As we can see, there aren't too many individuals who will touch this subject! I somewhat find that interesting with there being so many people of God on this site. The bible says in all your getting, get an understanding. This is not a topic for debating, but for truth and understanding. In answer to your question as to whether tithing was introduced with the law or before the law, we are under the covenant of grace. If a person fresh off the street never been involved in church gets saved taught the word of God correctly (not in fear of being cursed for not giving a tenth), having a relationship with God should personally consult God on how to give. We have not been commanded to give as others give (widow woman) but according to our hearts desire. God judge the hearts of man not us. Who knows what other expenses this person of example has better than God. He may have an elderly mother (of whom he/she gives to support), 12 children on child support, medical and living expenses that leaves him with 200 bucks or nothing for that week. Only God can judge this as we can not know the affairs of another person precisely. If we knew, it is God who has the final say. The bible does say that if we sow sparingly, we shall reap sparingly. That can be in all things...such as money, time, love, ect.,

Giving a tenth of ones income along with offering is not wrong, but it is wrong to use it out of context to bring fear/bondage upon people causing them to give out of fear and not sparingly from their hearts which in some case may be far more than a tenth. We must trust by faith that God will provide what we need according to His riches in glory....which far surpasses the ten% given out of fear from man. Whom God sets free is free indeed! We must study and rightly divide the word of God ourselves and not simply rely on other. We are responsible for our own soul salvation.....Thank God for our Pastors, Teacher and Parents...we love you all, continue to seek God in all things concerning the souls of man and victorious living according to His word! Amen....Father I ask in your Son's Jesus name that if there be any error in this response that your Holy Spirit will correct me as always. Amen again. Love............
Jesus became poor that we might be rich in all things. He never did hold the money. He trusted the disciples with money and food and He was the tithes he paid all of it at the cross not a tenth but all..Yes no body want to touch this because you mess with some pastors live style , the word store also means in reserve.....somebody hungry, naked, and people who read this get the picture and thithing is from Genesis to Revelation...Mi. Rasteen Wilson


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