On my way home from work I began to comtemplate on this topic. Here on BPN I have been involved in, and observed many a discussions, some have gotten heated and some have been in fun. Some have been informative and some have not. Many have been repetative, and every now and then you will get a fresh topic that sparks a lot of interest. But I have also observed this not everyone believes the same thing. So my question is this when do we draw the line? Not everyone that we call brother/sister (in Christ) is. I heard a man say this about the faith some things we can debate vigorusly but we dont have to divide over it. But somethings dont line up with the Word and therefore should be divided over below I will list a few things that I belive are debatable if you have some or want to chime in please do so!

But ultimatley the foundation of every conversation needs to line up with this question that Jesus asked (highlighted means where or focus should be):

Matthew 16:13-18
When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? [14] And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. [15] He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? [16] And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. [17] And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. [18] And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Here we see that the church was built on the foundation of the answer to this question!

So here we go:

Can salvation be lost?- Debate
Women Preachers?- Debate
Adherance to the Mosaic Law?- Debate
Certain Interpretations of scripture?- Debate
Name of God/YHWH- Debate
Can salvation be lost?-Debate
Speaking in tounges?- Debate
Tarring for the Holy Spirit?- Debate
When you recieve the Holy Spirit?-Debate

Is Jesus God?- Divide
The way to salvation?-Divide

What say ye?

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"Some people come on and denigrate the risen Christ right in the face of ministers, preachers, pastors, holyghost filled people and its no big deal...


Newview, I think you getting what I'm talking about. Should we debate with them? No, but i think its alright to have a healthy conversation with them, like we would/should if we where talking with an atheist, or a muslim etc. But if we find ourselves getting out of character then we shake the dust.
A mute point to say the least.
I believe what the word says about Jesus being Lord and Savoir AND BY ALL THE WONDERFUL THINGS THAT HAVE TAKEN PLACE IN MY LIFE AS WELL AS OTHERS
ARGUING WILL NOT CAUSE SALVATION....ARGUING WILL NOT BRING HEALING...........ARGUING WILL NOT BRING PEACE OF MIND..............ARGUING WILL NOT SAVE A MARRIAGE..................ARGUING WILL NOT SAVE A LIFE............... arguing is a wonderful deceptive tool of the DEVIL.......we need to focus on Christ and lifting his name up negating all the other junk......those that are not true children of God will fall by the wayside .......

shake off the dust to those who really just want to debate and be argumentative and focus on the Holy Spirit who will guide our paths and conversation.... we need to focus on those who truly wan t the truth!
How is it a mute point? This topic is about more than whats going on here on this network, this is a microcosim of some folks life. I see a lot of "touching and agreeing" on here between folks that dont even belive in the same thing, and that is what Im talking about. Can two walk together except they agree? This is not about arguing, but it is about understanding when you need to take a stand.
Healthy conversation - Yes.

But there are those that are saying some really blasphemous things about our Lord.
And how they get away with it is - saying its their Lord too - we just dont know the SECRET teachings.
That almost sounds like 'gnosticism'.

Some even say the God we serve is not even the true God. Thats not healthy - thats disrespectful.

Its not even 'In family fighting'. Thats people saying that the God that you call on AINT GOD.
They are saying that the God that saved you and heals you - is not GOD.
They say JESUS is NOT GOD....In Your Face.

If thats not crossing the line - be honest - there is no line.

And if thats the case - fine. But lets not talk about lines being crossed.
"But there are those that are saying some really blasphemous things about our Lord.
And how they get away with it is - saying its their Lord too - we just dont know the SECRET teachings.
That almost sounds like 'gnosticism'.

Some even say the God we serve is not even the true God. Thats not healthy - thats disrespectful.

Its not even 'In family fighting'. Thats people saying that the God that you call on AINT GOD.
They are saying that the God that saved you and heals you - is not GOD.
They say JESUS is NOT GOD....In Your Face.

If thats not crossing the line - be honest - there is no line."

And recently I have realized that I have engaged in these conversations hapheartedly as if I didnt realize what was being said and have recently come under conviction. Your absolutley correct it is disrespectful, and its not "in falmily fighting" it actually people comming against "the family" and many are sitting by watching.
There's a line??? Ohh do tell. LOL I thought anything goes in the name of "Christianity"???? Didn't we as "christians" just vote for a man who is the "abortion" president??? OK, back to work.....Line?? Puhleeeze........
Yeah I guess we've been at a long time because just before this president we Christians voted for a man that drops bombs on little brown babies that have not been born yet. And blasting away the mothers that really did want those unborn children.

I guess thats a form of abortion - wouldn't you say?



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