How many ways do you want it?...

In one instance you say you are Black Hebrew Israelites and then when we describe you as such -you are offended and say you're not.

You say you are BLACK Hebrew Israelites not because of your color but because of your nation-hood. However none of you were born in Israel.
And how dare anyone call you 'Israeli'. You say: dont say 'Israeli' say 'Israelite'

You say that you are Black Hebrew Israelites and that there are white Black Hebrew Israelites because they are married to black people and or one of their ascendants were Black or because they fellowship with you. And yet again - there are no white Israelites according to the flesh but in spirit only - IF they keep the commandments...and then again Black people are still Hebrew Israelites even if they do not keep the commandments because we are Hebrew Israelitethe according to the flesh--> we just can't help that we were kissed by the sun.

You say if you are descendants of slaves - you are Israel in the flesh.
There are caucasians that are descendants of enslaved people (enslaved white people) - there are asians that are descendants of enslaved people (enslaved asian people) - are they also Black Hebrew Israelites?

You say you are Black - Yes indeedy. Agreed!
You say you are Hebrew - which means (across the river) thus speaking of Abraham ---> Abraham was Semitic - are guys refusing to be Hamitic and instead claiming to be Semites - if so dont hate on the 'name it and claim it' crowd of Christians. They believe for something and go on as if they recieved it and so have you guys...if indeed this is the case.
You say you are Israelites because -----> Why?

You speak of the Matrix and the Illuminati and the white man and our ignorance - WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH YOU GUYS FROM THE 1600'S TILL NOW.

The ones that you call FAUX Israelites have a story to tell that weaves from Shem to Moses to Jesus to the down fall of Jerusalem in the 1st Century causing their diaspora to their journey throughout Asia, Europe, Africa. No matter where they are in the world and no matter how hated they are in the world and no matter how high things get for them in the world or low and desperate things get for them in the world ----> they are tracked by their God that they have forsaken. No matter how few thier numbers become in the world they will be right here at the end of the world. No matter how many nations of people that come along romanticizing about these fakers are not God's people and thus replacing these so-called FAKE Israelites with their own peoples - these fakers will always be the 'apple of God eye'. And one day - they will say blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord. Then there will be no need for romanticizing about any of that anymore...


Then how does it benefit you over other nations that believe in the living Christ?

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You have an issue with race. Newview. You must be mixed with black and white. You sound like someone who is bi-racial. If you are not bi-racial, forgive me, but is what you sound like with this thread. The bottom line. There is no such thing as "BLACK HEBREW ISRAELITES". There are Israelites, and they all happen to be a dark race of people. Israel is the nation church. Israel is a name from God. A nation of priests. We are in captivity right now, since 70 ad to be exact. Those people in the land right now are Edomites, or the sons and daughters of Esau. The main family of the Edomites are the Rothschilds. They are the reason why Israel exists today because they started, and facilitated World War One and World War 2 in order to gain control of the land of Israel to establish the state of Israel. The real Israel is still in captivity until the time of the gentiles be fulfilled. The real Israelites are the sons and daughters of slaves. If your father's ancestors were slaves, and they were a dark race of people, then you are an Israelite. Spiritual Israelites are people who believe in the God of Israel, and are willing to serve the God of Israel exactly as it is written in the Bible to serve him. Some Israelites consider themselves Christians, and some don't. I personally consider myself to be a Christian. This whole thing about the chosen people is stupid. Israel is the Church, Israelites are the people, and Christianity is the doctrine. Israel was chosen to do one thing. They were chosen to be the priests of God, and learn and teach the sons and daughters of Adam the word of God. If they did that, then Jesus would put them on high, and they would have been as the gentiles are today, and run the world. That didn't happen because they would not keep the Lord's commandments, so he had them carted off into captivity. That is the history in a nutshell of Israel. So... All this talk of Hebrew Black Israelites, and those guys in the MC Hammer outfits is ridiculous. Let's stick to the Bible. The only reason we even teach on the nationality is because there are people in the land claiming to be Israel, and are not. That is the only reason it is good to know what color these people were, so you are not deceived by the people who call themselves Israel. You can take it or leave it. I care not. I am hear to tell it, and teach it. If you don't want to eat it that is your issue, but if you lie on any doctrine of the Lord. I will always be there to shine light, and I don't care how anyone feels about it. Here is some good advice. The Pagan Christians need to put their feelings in their pockets, and sit on them, and let's talk about the truth. Every sort of doctrine that you Pagan Christians bring have loopholes in the doctrine. So always expect an Israelite to come tell you the truth whether you like it or not. Truth is good for you. It's mmm, mmm, Good.
"...You have an issue with race. Newview..."

Moi !
I dont label my relationship with God by the color of my skin.

Hmmm, now let me see - who would be obsessed enough with shades and hues and amounts of melinan in their skin that they would go on a forum and tell black people that they MUST find out who they really are because they are not white and have a special relationship with God based on the fact that they are not white? As if it makes black people closer to God if they are not white.
Now who would do such a thing?
"...There is no such thing as "BLACK HEBREW ISRAELITES". There are Israelites, and they all happen to be a dark race of people..."

So now your official label is DARK HEBREW ISRAELITES?
"...We are in captivity right now, since 70 ad to be exact..."

How so? - You and I live in the freest nation on the earth ( I think ) well maybe Holland has some freedoms that are not afforded to Americans.

And if blacks are in captivity since the 1st century - start off by explaining who in 70 AD took us captive and kept us captive for 2 millenia? Break it down century by century right up to today.
And if you are still in captivity out in Chi Town or where ever you dwell - let me know and I will contact the authorities out there and ask them to break you free from your captors.
And who ever your captors are - they aren't as a bad as you let on because they allow you to use the internet as much as you want. I think you have wonderful slave masters and I think they should be commended ;-)
"...Those people in the land right now are Edomites, or the sons and daughters of Esau..."

And what do you have against Esau and his Edomites?
If you have a problem with there being Edomites there and no Dark Hebrew Israelites there - then buy a ticket and fly there like the Black Hebrew Israelites that moved to Israel 20 years ago. Then re-populate the land with Dark Hebrew Israelites.
Why havent you did this a while ago?
At least with the Black Hebrew Israelites - they put their money and their faith where their mouth was. Whats your excuse?
'...Those people in the land right now are Edomites, or the sons and daughters of Esau. The main family of the Edomites are the Rothschilds. They are the reason why Israel exists today..."

Well bless their hearts!
Can you imagine the Jews that came out of the holocaust that had no where to go because many nations refused to take them in when they were fleeing Hitler and his Nazi machine. And a plan was implemented to ship these folks to Israel.
If the Rothchilds are behind getting them in the land - I know they thank God for the Rothschilds - because that holocaust and the pogroms they suffered throughout different European countries century after century could not have been fun for them.
"...The real Israel is still in captivity until the time of the gentiles be fulfilled..."

And where are they in captivity at? - because I want to send a few gift baskets.
"...The real Israelites are the sons and daughters of slaves. If your father's ancestors were slaves, and they were a dark race of people, then you are an Israelite..."

Suppose ones ancestors were never slaves but they are a dark race of people - can that work?
Suppose ones ancestors were slaves but they are white people - can that work?
"...Spiritual Israelites are people who believe in the God of Israel, and are willing to serve the God of Israel exactly as it is written in the Bible to serve him..."

Well what is the big deal about being a DARK HEBREW ISRAELITE?!?!
If I keep God's commandments whether I am dark or light - why is it important to tell me that I am a Dark Hebrew Israelite. Everyone that is living right is a child of God and outside of that there is no importance. So why the need for us to KNOW who we are according to the flesh?
And what do you have against Esau and his Edomites? Nothing.

If you have a problem with there being Edomites there and no Dark Hebrew Israelites there - then buy a ticket and fly there like the Black Hebrew Israelites that moved to Israel 20 years ago. Then re-populate the land with Dark Hebrew Israelites.
Why havent you did this a while ago?
The Jesus said that he was going to gather Israel. That let's me know that you don't know anything about the Bible. I don't think I am going to reply to these anymore unless you have an honest question instead of mocking the Lord because I didn't make any of this up. I read it, so you don't have a problem with me, you have a problem with the Bible.

At least with the Black Hebrew Israelites - they put their money and their faith where their mouth was. Whats your excuse? What do you think I am doing on this site? I pay my tithes to my church, I keep the 10 commandments, the dietary law, the cleanliness law, and the Feasts of the Lord. I do what I am suppose to do. I also pass on what I have learned. I give it the same way I got it. If you don't want it, you don't have to do what thus saith the Lord. I don't care what you do, but I am not going to allow false doctrine to go unchecked, that is also my job, to take the wool off the eyes of the sheep.
@ Sister Newview

Are you bi-racial because many bi-racial people have this issue. It is not about race, but you must have it in that realm. It is easier to taunt someone when you bring them to your level. You can not seriously address the topic of the Israelites, and their history because you have not taken the time out to research it. Well, don't worry. Later this Sabbath, I am going to set up a thread on the Israelites History from the Bible and History. Have a Blessed Sabbath today.
"...Are you bi-racial because many bi-racial people have this issue..."

Come on Hez. I mean come on.
You mean everybody on this forum has to get into what their parentage is.
Know this - I am Black. I am not Hebrew. Nor am I an Israeli or Israelitish.


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