How many ways do you want it?...

In one instance you say you are Black Hebrew Israelites and then when we describe you as such -you are offended and say you're not.

You say you are BLACK Hebrew Israelites not because of your color but because of your nation-hood. However none of you were born in Israel.
And how dare anyone call you 'Israeli'. You say: dont say 'Israeli' say 'Israelite'

You say that you are Black Hebrew Israelites and that there are white Black Hebrew Israelites because they are married to black people and or one of their ascendants were Black or because they fellowship with you. And yet again - there are no white Israelites according to the flesh but in spirit only - IF they keep the commandments...and then again Black people are still Hebrew Israelites even if they do not keep the commandments because we are Hebrew Israelitethe according to the flesh--> we just can't help that we were kissed by the sun.

You say if you are descendants of slaves - you are Israel in the flesh.
There are caucasians that are descendants of enslaved people (enslaved white people) - there are asians that are descendants of enslaved people (enslaved asian people) - are they also Black Hebrew Israelites?

You say you are Black - Yes indeedy. Agreed!
You say you are Hebrew - which means (across the river) thus speaking of Abraham ---> Abraham was Semitic - are guys refusing to be Hamitic and instead claiming to be Semites - if so dont hate on the 'name it and claim it' crowd of Christians. They believe for something and go on as if they recieved it and so have you guys...if indeed this is the case.
You say you are Israelites because -----> Why?

You speak of the Matrix and the Illuminati and the white man and our ignorance - WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH YOU GUYS FROM THE 1600'S TILL NOW.

The ones that you call FAUX Israelites have a story to tell that weaves from Shem to Moses to Jesus to the down fall of Jerusalem in the 1st Century causing their diaspora to their journey throughout Asia, Europe, Africa. No matter where they are in the world and no matter how hated they are in the world and no matter how high things get for them in the world or low and desperate things get for them in the world ----> they are tracked by their God that they have forsaken. No matter how few thier numbers become in the world they will be right here at the end of the world. No matter how many nations of people that come along romanticizing about these fakers are not God's people and thus replacing these so-called FAKE Israelites with their own peoples - these fakers will always be the 'apple of God eye'. And one day - they will say blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord. Then there will be no need for romanticizing about any of that anymore...


Then how does it benefit you over other nations that believe in the living Christ?

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The Rothchilds are the evil of evil when it comes to the Illuminati.

they are the edomites ,study
Like many uneducated early 20th century people, these star trek dressing sheep think they are the only people who have ever been they must be israel lol
"...Israel was chosen to do one thing. They were chosen to be the priests of God, and learn and teach the sons and daughters of Adam the word of God. If they did that, then Jesus would put them on high, and they would have been as the gentiles are today, and run the world. That didn't happen because they would not keep the Lord's commandments, so he had them carted off into captivity..."

Now Israel was to teach the nations around her the commandments of God (which Moses got from Mt Sinai) but they did not do that so they were taken into captivity by the Assyrians - then freed --> then the Babylonians - then freed ---> then the Persians then freed ---> then occupied by Rome and kicked out of their country.
What happened after that?
Who enslaved them after 70 AD and so and so forth?
"...The only reason we even teach on the nationality is because there are people in the land claiming to be Israel, and are not. That is the only reason it is good to know what color these people were, so you are not deceived by the people who call themselves Israel..."

But there are many different shades within Israel and if they happen to be white - you have to look at the fact that after the diaspora they were living throughout Europe amongst white people and having babies with them so - when they get back to Israel of course many of them are going to look like the people they lived with for 2000 years.
The Jews that fled to far east Asia look like far east Asians.
The ones that lived and died and had babies with the East Africans have the features of East Africans.
The Jews that after WWII went to South America to live with those indigenouse people - look like those people and they have only been there for a couple of generations.
The Jews that never left the region of the middle east - guess what - they look like Saddam Hussein and Kadahfi and Yasser Arafat.
"...You can take it or leave it. I care not. I am hear to tell it, and teach it. If you don't want to eat it that is your issue..."

I am leaving it because what you are teaching are fables. Made up to placate your broken and embarrased hearts. So now you drag God into it. Thats not cool.
Make up your stories but leave Him out of it.
Be satisfied that if you are a follower of Jesus - THE SEED of Abraham - that would save the world - then thats all you need.
" Pharoah, did you say you were Mexican? No
thru ignorance Nv has refer to israelites as a religion,a denomination,amonst alot of other things.dispike countless post telling her israelite is a nationallity..."

Pharoah, I thought I saw a post you made to Bro Watson about being Mexican - I could be wrong thats why I asked.
You dont have to tell me that I am ignorant. I just asked.

You dont have anything against Mexicans - do you?
Aren't they one of the lost tribes of Israel anyway?


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