
1) Can a Christian that has never spoken in tongues be allowed to baptize someone?

Lets say a novice Christian travels to a foreign country and they witness to a person about Christ and now that person wants to be baptized - right then and there - can the Christian that has not spoken in tongues yet - do the baptizing?

2) Can a woman baptize anyone if there are no men around to do it?

I have read books about women living in life and death situations in concentration camps and there are no men around. So lets just say a Christian woman witnesses to other women in the camp about Jesus and they want to get baptized before they die - Is she allowed to or must they refrain even though they may be facing death shortly.


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Hello Newview

You have asked two very interesting questions.

Would you mind if I asked two questions. Firstly do you believe that all Christians have to speak in tongues? and do you think tongues it is a requisite for baptism in the Spirit?

Thank you and blessings
I believe everyone will. Maybe not on our terms.
I have a question for your pre-suppositions. How do you baptize a person when there is no water around? What happens then?
Sister Tracy,

One would hindered indeed to be baptized if there is NO water. LOL!!

I guess like the Ethiopian eunuch - there was nothing hindering him from being baptized because he had a holy-ghost filled man of God - very near a body of water. God bless him.
well I've always wondered what happens to the person who has no water near them? What of the soldiers fighting a war in the desert. They receive the word on the battle field but are killed before being baptized.

Some say that their salvation was not complete

Others say that baptism doesn't save you, it is only the outward expression of what happens inside you

And I have yet another question, why don't we consider the conversion vs salvation issue? In Judaism, purification by immersion was a requirement of converting to Judaism. But for the non-Jew, the New Testament Christian and the ones grafted in... is conversion and salvation the same? Is conversion the process of sanctification where we are now being purified by the water of the word of God?

I started a discussion with this question. I'm curious as to what people will say

Here's a link to the discussion:

".....What of the soldiers fighting a war in the desert. They receive the word on the battle field but are killed before being baptized....."

Death-bed conversions are very scarey. I would never want to be in that situation.
I go around judging alot of things - but this -I cant judge.

As it relates to death-bed conversions - I have heard many saints say "OH WELL..."
And that just may be the case - that it was just too late to do the things that they should have done earlier.
Like you sister Newview, I would not want to find out the hard way that death bed or millisecond salvation wasn't accepted. When referring to the thief on the cross, many have to understand that Jesus was at that moment shedding his blood. The thief in his acknowledgment of Jesus earned a place in paradise because he was experiencing the shedding of Jesus blood and death right beside him.He got the real thing.

I wouldn't want to teach someone that they can merely ask for forgiveness moments before death and that is all that is required. I must look at scriptural references only, to give others. We must all work out our own soul salvation with fear and trembling.

As for the baptism, a good friend of ours said that he was driving one day and the Lord spoke to him and said that he needed to be baptized. He said that he literally pulled over on the side of the road and walked down a cliff side to a river and baptized himself with full immersion. I don't know what to make of that, but I haven't seen any scripture that specified qualifications to perform baptism.
....As for the baptism, a good friend of ours said that he was driving one day and the Lord spoke to him and said that he needed to be baptized. He said that he literally pulled over on the side of the road and walked down a cliff side to a river and baptized himself with full immersion. I don't know what to make of that, but I haven't seen any scripture that specified qualifications to perform baptism.....

Wow - what a testimony.
I dont know if he correctly got baptized but what a wonderful thing to do......Just stop in your tracks and go get baptized even by your lonesome. I say double 'Wow'.

Although afterward I would back that up by getting baptized by a man of God. LOL !!

But sometimes when the Lord says move - and you have nothing scriptural saying DONT do it - you gotta do it. You can always fix whats out of order once you learn what the proper order is.

I dont think there is a scripture saying dont immerse yourself in water IN THE NAME OF JESUS. At least I have never read it.
By the way, he was baptized in the name of Jesus. His belief is also in accordance with Acts 2:38
The answer is very straight forward.

According to the Hebrew method of baptism (Mikvah), any adult disciple of Christ can witness another's baptism. Baptism is self performed with a certified (i.e., adult) witnessing the ritual cleansing (Tevilah), and to verify that the "new" disciple's immersion was total.
.....According to the Hebrew method of baptism (Mikvah), any adult disciple of Christ can witness another's baptism. Baptism is self performed with a certified (i.e., adult) witnessing the ritual cleansing (Tevilah), and to verify that the "new" disciple's immersion was total.....

Are you saying you can baptize yourself just have a believing adult witness it? No one needs to be holy ghost filled?

Wow! I dont think I have heard that before.
So its just walking down/stooping into the water until you are fully covered with water yourself?

But it always seems like (according to the scriptures) someone else was doing the baptizing of an individual - that baptism is done to a person - not that a person does it to themselves.
I've been waiting for someone to mention mikvah along with baptism. Christians don't even consider it when they debate baptism


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