In reading the different dicussions on the site I love it because I am always looking to talk the Word over with fellow believers, and were there are disagreements I love to hear the different view points wether oe not i agree with them. And during the course of reading I have noticed that there are some Messianic Jews that add to the disussions on here ( and some are right on it), but I am wondering why would people who were gentiles by birth need to follow something that was never meant for them i.e. the Law.

Paul wrote many of his letters to refute the very fact of judiazers telling gentile believers that they had to follow the Law as well as believe in Jesus. Or even the fact that Peter and Paul had a disagreement over this very subject:

But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. 12 For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision. 13 And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation. 14 But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews? 15 We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles,

16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. 17 But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid. 18 For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. 19 For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God.

20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. 21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

It is my belief that the Law was given by God to the Jews. But Christ came for All, and fulfilled the Law so why do I have to go back to following something that has already been fullfilled? Very interested in hearing your thoughts!!

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Hey, whats up BG,

ALL scripture is inspired by God. Christians, for centuries, have made the mistake of believing the law is done away with, and is of no effect. You said it yourself, the law is still here, and whatever it commands of us BG, including food laws, we must adhere to it.

It is only ridiculous if you have not a solid foundation of what the Torah is, and what it is about. I know you arent hating brother, but It would be best if you actually understand what the Torah is, and study the word for yourself, and not lean on what all these other preachers, who have no understanding of the law, say about the law.

Sin is literally the breaking of God's law. The early Apostolic Church obeyed Jewish dietary laws, including Gentiles, for they were zealous for the law. I am not trying to "live back" in the Old Testament, but that the Old Testament never disappeared. The Torah & The Prophets was what the New Testament was built on, and their words still have meaning, and power.
If one wants to know what the guidelines are for not sinning against God, and being in full obedience to him, and walking in holiness.... It is observing, and keeping God's law that is outlined in the Old Testament. It is a law that sets us apart from the pagans in the world... that we worship the one true God.

It is our foundation that the early apostolic church built on for holy living. To say that you desire to worship, and obey God, and have no desire and longing for his law, then you desire God in vain. It's just that simple, and followers of Yahshua are not to have it no other way.

We as believers in Yahshua should long, and be zealous for the law, but it is absolutely sad that Christianity teaches their followers to be anti-law. That is basically taken the standard of holiness away, and it makes you wonder why Christianity has more people falling away from their beliefs, over 50% of them do not know the history, and true basics of their faith, and some believers believe Jesus is not the only way. Let Torah be the foundation of your faith through Jesus Christ, and you will have a solid biblical foundation.
Were does the LOVE factor come in if your trying to keep the law? Jesus said the greatest commandment was to Love the Lord you God, and to love your neighbor as you would your self.
That is a good question. Notice that Jesus said the GREATEST commandments. Those 2 commandments are already written in Torah. If you love the Lord God, and your neighbor, then you would keep the 10 commandments, feasts days, dietary laws, etc.
I was confused at who you said was dancing?
hey james, i hope ur having a good morning bruh. but back to the Word.........are u saying that obedience to the Torah is all anyone needs to live right before God? I think I know where u r coming from, but i want to make sure. Because if this is your interpretation then if u break one law u r guilty of all. Do you wear wool and linen mixed clothing? The Torah forbids this. Im not sure about this, but doesnt the OT also forbid cutting your hair/beard? the food issue is interesting because when Peter didnt want to go and preach to the gentiles the angel showed him foods that were deemed as unclean in the OT and the angel told him to rise, kill and eat. a true angel of God wouldnt tempt us to sin. correct?

It is correct that Torah forbids mixed clothing---linen & wool. The Old testament forbids the "rounding of the hair", like the pagan sun worshippers did in israel. You are correct, an angel of God would not tempt us to sin.

But, what you're missing is the actual meaning of the vision of unclean animals. God was not showing Peter that he can now disobey the Torah, and eat unclean animals of his choice. Those animals that were not clean "represented" the Gentile peoples, who were pagan in every way. Notice when God showed him the vision, Peter immediately rejected it, because Torah states the animals we can, and cannot eat.

The vision was showing Peter that there are Gentiles that he have made clean via Jesus Christ. The times of Gentiles have come. It is their time to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is what the vision was showing, and not to disobey the dietary laws.

Jesus Christ is the foundation. if not then u can attempt to follow the law and be right with God. cant happen. im not discounting the OT, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, the OT believers were waiting for this day, and ur trying to go back there.

Truly, Jesus is the foundation of our faith. Obedience to Jesus, and God the Father is keeping the Torah. I am not sure if you understand what grace is according to the new testament. When Paul said we are not under the law, but under grace, he means that we are no longer under the law's curse----condemnation & death. Now we are under grace. When we sin, we have a lawyer in heaven---Jesus, that intercedes for us when we sin. OT believers did not have that, but now we do.

I am not trying to go back there. I just have an understanding of the Torah, and its place. And, its really important that we all get that understanding. From the Torah & The Prophets comes the New Testament, and that is a fact that no Christian can get around.
I'd rather dance to the TRUTH of God's word, then to dance to what these preachers out here say who are unlearned of the word. Take no offense by these words bro.
Where did Adam and Eve's eating of the forbidden fruit get them?
If you will look at the wording where God says, 'thou shalt not eat"
what does that mean?

Was God making a just suggestion to Adam and Eve when he forbid one tree to them?

Was God making just a suggestion to Israel in Lev 11 & Deut 14 when he forbid certain animals to be included in their diet?

Have you ever had the misinterpreted texts of Acts 10 explained regarding Peter and the sheet full of unclean animals? And another text that is use to suggest that all you need to do is pray over your food and to have God to bless it?
There are others as well, present them all if you wish....
That is not true. John the baptist's parents were found Blameless in the law.
I just read your post, and have a question for you. Since in Jeremiah and in Hebrews 8, we are told that in the New Covenant, God's Law is to be written on our hearts and minds, please tell me what those laws are?
Since Hebrews 8, is a direct copy from Jeremiah 31, please look up the Hebrew word given there, "torah" and explain what laws those are.
The New Covenant is established on better promises, but is is established upon
Pastor, what truth you have written!

This is a beautiful and truthful thought. It is Scripture through and through. Why so many Christians cannot see that we--being Gentiles who never had the Law--are accountable to it is almost a mystery. You are correct in absolutely everything you wrote. If you had time to read my works you would hear yourself over and over again. Visit to see my books on free righteousness. But Christians don't seem to get Paul's letter to the Galatians. Oh, how I love Galatians 2:16-18 and the entire Book for how it warns against tampering with the Law as Christians. And they don't seem to get Romans 7:14-25 where--as a Christian--Paul struggled with sin under the Law because he too was trying to work the Law. The Law is the "sin generator" (Romans 5:20). It reveals sin (Romans 7:7), increases sin (Romans 7:8) and leads to real and perceived condemnation by God (Romans 7:9-11). Galatians 3 tells us that the Law was just a tutor to lead the Jew to Jesus Christ. After coming to Christ, the believing Jew would have no need for the Law.

May your preaching ring a bell across Black Preaching Network because a lot of Christians are sold out to the idea that we are all still under the Law.

Reverend Mackey.


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