Why is it important to have educational teachings as a young minister?

I am often asked this question by many young ministers seeking to become licensed by their pastors; Why do I need an education to be a licensed minister? Why is this a requirement they ask?

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I hope Pastor Harris hasn't been chased away from the thread. You folks have coopted it, but I really want to hear what he says to people who complain about a ministerial education requirement.

Like I've stated before, I agree with most of what you say, and I even feel what you feel, but I do not condone your conduct towards these people. While there are many uneducated preachers who should never have been ordained are in our pulpits, there are yet so-called educated fools infesting them as well. I only say, let the tare grow with the wheat. God will do the separating. Just preach the gospel man.

And as soon as I shall find again the statement in question regarding Jack legs I shall disclose it as a quote.

Rev. Watson, I can see that your conviction is strong concerning this matter. If you are so inclined in your heart to pursue this mission, I hold no ill will toward you. Only I cannot endorse your efforts, simply because I was not challenged with this burden as it appears you have been. Fight the fight wherein you were enlisted, and I shall continue fighting on my end. Maybe someday our efforts might prove fruitful...or not...God knoweth.
Wow! I'm amazed to a certain extent of the comments regarding this concern of someone wanting to be licensed. But, what drew my attention was the scripture Luke 2:46 and promoting youth to speak. As a Youth Minister, now, I had spoken to our youth about this story (3 wks ago) 'About My Father's Business' Jesus was 12 years old (preparation) when he was sitting among teachers and doctors-finding favor with God and man (ordained). Rememeber, the story was about Jesus staying behind after his parents left from the Passover. When they found him his words were 'Don't you know I must be about My Father's business'. There was so much to this story concerning 'All' of us regardless of any age. It was after Jesus was tried (tempted) by the devil Matther 4 when he began ministry (33). We shouldn't knock seminary school it should be designed for us to get closer with God (learn of Him) who He already 'called' and how to communicate (witness) with those souls who are lost and/or uplifting the exisiting Saints which is shared by experience. I encourage us 'all' to stay in the presence of God and to 'always' pray His will to be done. Blessings....


     I would encourage you to enroll into a secular school or university before considering enrolling in any type of seminary school.  You are able to study the word of God through self study and for free.  2 Timothy 2:15, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 

     We have to many broke ministers who do not have any skills to make an honest living.  They dishonestly try and milk other uneducated congregants out of all of their hard earned money through the doctrine of "sowing & reaping" and prosperity preaching.  They should be encouraging the congregants to go to school and learn a trade or skill.

     You always have people who say that they are not in ministry or seminary for money but yet they are living off of social welfare and government benefits.  They live from check to check and are always looking for donations and handouts to bless the ministry.  They don't have a 401K, any significant amount in a savings account but are always trying to have a fundraiser to support the ministry.

     Obtain a secular college degree first.  Remember that in general we live and operate in the world and according to man's economic system.  We use paper bills to purchase and obtain goods.  God wants you to be succesfully positioned to take the wealth of this world and use it for his glory.  God wants you to become a Christian doctor, lawyer and business owner and stop looking for tithes, offerings, donations and handouts to run his church.  Proverbs 13:22, "A good [man] leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner [is] laid up for the just."




Now that's some sound advise. 

God Bless you in the wisdom of His word.


Amen...and Amen...Now that is true LEADERSHIP.  God bless you Bro. Pitbull.


In Love, Sister Denise


Those that bark at seminary have never attended and have no refence for which they speak. If you are thinking about this; here are a few question that may prove helpful

  1. Does the seminary emphasize the expositional preaching and teaching of God's inerrant Word in its curriculum?
  2. Is the faculty unified on the doctrinal statement and purpose of the seminary?
  3. Will the seminary reinforce my beliefs or will I have to fight for them?
  4. Does the seminary stress excellence in the theological discipline which will equip me for a lifetime of understanding and proclaiming Scripture?
  5. Does the seminary provide personalized discipleship with an emphasis on stimulating spiritual growth in both students and faculty members?
  6. Does the seminary stress local church ministry involvement?
  7. Does the seminary have a biblical approach to training men for expository preaching?
  8. Does the location of the seminary offer opportunities for ministry involvement both culturally and cross-culturally?
  9. Will the local economy provide employment opportunities?
  10. Does the seminary have a solid history of effective placement service to ministry upon graduation?
  11. Does the seminary provide a lifetime relationship and continuing education upon graduation?
  12. Do I believe this seminary will best prepare me to fulfill God's call on my life?
  13. Does the faculty model the appropriate content of godly character, scholastic excellence and ministry commitment?
  14. Is the faculty committed to a specialized writing ministry beyond the seminary classroom?
  15. Does the seminary articulate a biblical philosophy of church ministry and worship?
  16. Does the seminary train for spiritual leadership from a biblical perspective?
  17. Is the seminary training conducted in the midst of a local church environment?

This list is not mine it is from the websit at The Master's Seminary they helped me and I hope you as well. Be bless and study the Word....

Proverbs 29:9, "[If] a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, [there is] no rest." 

Okay pitbull

The funny thing is you have no clue.

The purpose of seminary is this:

To lead the student to Spiritual Formation

To teach the student proper and effective Bible Exposition

The assist the student with over all Integration of Theological thought

To lead the student into Ministry Preparation

To teach the student Critical Thinking and Communication skills

All these things are needed for a lifetime of ministry fruitfulness.

Brother Roderick,


    I have never said that seminary did not help to equip a student in the areas that you have mentioned above? 

    You need to go back and read my post.  You are the one without a clue?



So then what is the problem then, If you understand the purpose of Seminaries why put down the people that attend and complete their education. You should be encouraging others to follow in the footsteps of those with education that (God) uses to bring Him glory. It not about the size of one's ministry it is about Kingdom impact.....


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