Over the years, I have heard many men and women in the holiness denominations say that women shouldn't wear pants in the church.

Were is the scripture to support the ideology that women shouldn't wear pants? If it is in scripture then I would have to ask why are men wearing pants? Did men wear pants in biblical times or did their wear something that covered their loins and then long robe like attire? I mean isn't that what you depict in your biblical plays? So why aren't the men being asked to wear similar apparel in the church to maintain a outward appearance of holiness? Why aren't they asked to not cut their hair (both facial and head)

What are the clothing designations for men in the holiness denominations.

After all, without holiness NO man/woman shall see God.....

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Dear sister,

Do you want to conform to what the Bible teaches or contrariwise, do you want to build your own opinion about the clothing of the men and the women who make profession to serve God?

I am not a Tailor, nor a fashion designer. I do not have a catalogue of clothing to offer you. But once in front of your Tailor or your hairdresser, please ask yourself this question before making your choice: WHAT WOULD JESUS DO IF HE WERE IN MY SHOES?

May the Holy Spirit lead you so that you can always dress in a modest and Godly way.


Bro. Germain

I always try to teach in LOVE, God said to draw the people with love, and teach in Love, or you will not reach them.
I have a talk radio show on the internet coming up explaining why “Church Women” should not wear pants! Listen in, I will give scriptures and history. Tell all your friends to tune in to the show. November 6th 2010 @ 12:00 noon (PST)-West coast time. www.blogtalkradio.com/mkvisions.
Love you dear sister. Be blessed!!
To all you Church Ladies let God dress you in His glory and turn away

CONFERENCE INVITATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello Delegate,

This is a Call for Participation in an INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NGOs holding from 30th July till the 10th of  August  2011 in London, United Kingdom where as many as 200 participants from across the world including Health Practitioners, Professionals in relevant fields, Lawyers, Psychologists, Women and Youth Development Groups, Government Officials, Donor Agencies and participating NGOs will meet to discuss issues pertaining to the Welfare of NGOs and also to meet others like yourself, to learn, teach, inspire and being inspired. This event will be exploring the potential of a practical approach that will unleash and nurture the human capacity to create, collaborate and change positively, the world at large.

What are the objectives of this meeting? The meeting will provide a medium where participating individuals and NGOs will convene to address and discuss ways of improving key Humanitarian issues and topics with much emphasis on Human Rights, Gender Equality, Peace and Security, Social and Economic Development, Youth and Children, Health Education, Ethics and Value and Environmental Protection. Participating NGOs will have direct access to grants by International Donor Agencies.

The opening Lecture will be held by Dr Mrs Nadia Rita who is the President of the Center for Human Rights Research and Development, Maputo - Mozambique.The program will include:
* Thought-provoking plenaries
* In-depth breakout and dinner sessions for strategy-development
* Capacity and skills-building sessions; and
* Debates to stimulate discussion.

In addition to the main program, the meeting will also host book launches, artistic and cultural activities, exhibitions, plenty of space and opportunity for informal networking and alliance building.

All plenaries and selected breakout sessions will have interpretation into English, Spanish and French.

Who can participate? What happens if more than 200 participants apply? Anyone who is a member of an NGO, Professionals in related fields, Students Unions, Lecturers of Universities and Community based organizations, the Clergy as well as women and youth development groups can apply to participate.

If more than 200 people apply (as we anticipate), a global selection committee will select a representative 200 from among the applicants. This committee will ensure that the participants at the meeting are truly international and represent a diverse range of interests, issues, and regions.

The events shall commence on the 20th July till the 30th of  July  2011 in London at Abba Queens Gate Hotel London.
I can't afford the cost - Can you help? Dylan House Foundation has set up an Access Fund to support the travel costs for all qualified participants.

How do I apply, and when is the deadline? All Interested organizations should send an email to the Local Organizing Committee. Participants MUST be a group of 1-3 persons to qualify for registration.

Contact Person: Mrs Brenda

Email: dfoundation1@hotmail.co.uk

Local Organizing Committee
Dylan House Foundation

Your candor is great, I am a cradle holinest, I wear pants but not in church, I'm not comfortable, and in worship I want to be free to praise the Lord.
I always try to teach in LOVE, God said to draw the people with love, and teach in Love, or you will not reach them.
I have a talk radio show on the internet coming up explaining why “Church Women” should not wear pants! Listen in, I will give scriptures and history. Tell all your friends to tune in to the show. November 6th 2010 @ 12:00 noon (PST)-West coast time. www.blogtalkradio.com/mkvisions.
Love you dear sister. Be blessed!!

Dear  Sister.

Thank you for your excellent reply and be blessed

Saved by Garbage

And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD.
Psalm 27:6

There's a lot of sadness, despair, and depression in life; and we can't depend on the world's garbage to save us.

We need the joy of the Lord and the uplifting power of His Word! To find true happiness, it's important to separate from bad company and other negative influences, and to daily renew our minds in the Scriptures.

By living for Christ and meditating on His Word, our heads will be lifted above our enemies; and we can sing our praises to the Lord with joy.

Joy is not jolliness. Joy is perfect acquiescence in God's will because the soul delights itself in God Himself.
Bishop Tindimwebwa



There was a sistah who came to church in a dress all right. No pants, just a dress.

It was up to her butt and she wanted to make sure her form and shape was showing and she was dancing in the pulpit in such a way as to attract attention to herself. The other women saw it and pretended not to notice, but it was screaming "I'm really really desperate." May I interject that maybe it isn't what you wear, but the way you wear it.

Saw a video recording of an "evangelist" woman on YouTube later on.

Her husband was taping her "teaching message" to the audience, but the problem wasn't the message (as lifeless and dull as it was), it was the comments from all the guys who were watching.

Nobody was listening because her boobs were stretched beyond dimension, so she may as well have pulled the top of the blouse down to her waistline because it was certainly headed in that direction. I had to stop watching the message because it got lost in the translation due to the way she was dressed.

Maybe it was intentional to see if people were capable of overlooking her Kardashianwear, but guys are guys. They said what they were supposed to say, dress and all.

Maybe it ain't what you wear ... it's the way you wear it.

Dear Sister Greene,

I would hope that the Pastor would say something to the woman for dressing that way, and seek to encourage her not to be a distraction to the service. The Word of God is good for instruction in righteousness, rebuking, and edification, so that the child of God can be mature, thoroughly equipped  to every good work. Some of the sisters in the church should also pull her aside, and seek to correct her so that she can be brought into fellowship with the body of Christ. There are a number of reasons why people dress that way, and in a spirit of meekness we are to seek to restore such a one, considering ourselves, less we be tempted. When we say come as you are, there still has to be obedience to the house rules.


KING JAMES BIBLE!!! Deuteronomy 22:5: The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.  Just tell it like it is.  It is important to preach according to the word of God. 

Well said brother!


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