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The purpose is to show who god is through his people. The Israelites have been scattered all over the world since 70 ad. They were given the job of Priests of God, and us being scattered is not to stop what God has set in stone with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You are an Israelite Brother Valentine. I am sure you believe that you are a gentile, but that is not the case.If your father is black then you are too. Those people in the land of Israel is our Brother Esau, or Edomites. Read Deuteronomy 28, and then read Obadiah. It will tell you. The mission is to get all nations to repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, or what ever the name is in that language, and keep the commandments, so that you may receive eternal life.
MY brother , walk with me please, we are not israelite unless we adhere to judism./ the law. The negro/ black/african/ got into this isralite blood line. When moses married an Ethopian woman , and there decendents are. The land where 95% of all salves from africa to america were from islamic belief. I have never considered myself a gentile, I am and shall always be a Servant of. My Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. .
...The land where 95% of all salves from africa to america were from islamic belief...

Really Pastor?
I thought the majority of African slaves were 'animist' not muslim. I mean some muslims but not more than 'animists'.
However I do thank the Lord - He just about knocked out all of that foolish muslim ideology here in the Americas for us. (until recently)
Thank God Jesus busted all of that up. HalleluYah!
This shows you know nothing of your history or should I say the history of true have been blinded to think that those who adhere to Judaism are the true jews...Those people brother are no different than the pharisees Yahshua debated with..Judaism is not what Israelites held to in scripture...nor do most today...

Before you say something else that is in total error maybe you and some others should do a little study...I will help you out and give you this video...

HEBREW so-called NEGRO
"...Judaism is not what Israelites held to in scripture...nor do most today..."

'Jew' comes from the word Judiasm which comes from the word Judah.
Jesus said 'salvation is of the Jews' and I dont have a problem with that.
Actually brother Yahudim would be the proper term for those who follow the covenant of the Most High...Jew is not a term that would have been used because there was NO J IN HEBREW...Period...Translators messed up some things but that's ok

Judaism is a RELIGION to which "christianity" comes from both have half truth...Those who understand the covenant and obey Yah and HAVE RESEARCHED understand the plan, attack and blindness that has come upon the seed of Abraham (just like scripture says would happen) scattered to the 4 corners of the world....

Do some research is all I can say...I've been down this road before...
Well at least you know you are an israelite, now the trick is to follow the doctrine.
follow the doctrine? What would that be?

There is no trick
I was talking to Newview. But the Doctrine is the keeping of the commandments of God to seed eternal life. I was not saying that in an aggressive manner either.
oh ok
Please keep those videos coming though. They are good visuals. Do you do music?
I am a black gentile who now is a Jew by adoption, Brother Hezekiah.


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