Most people are disciples in WORD, but not in ACTION! In Matthew 10:1 & Mark 6:7 Jesus gave the disciples SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS before He sent them out. He FIRST gave them the POWER to CAST OUT DEMONS & instructed them to do so. THEN, He proceeded with instructions to HEAL the SICK, etc... Many don't like to discuss this part of discipleship & remove this very important detail. Most churches don't teach it because they say, "We aren't a 'deliverance type' of ministry". There's ministries that have a certain "niche", HOWEVER that doesn't excuse NOT doing DELIVERANCE. Why? Because if you're a Christian you are now a disciple and Jesus gave instructions to what the duty of a disciple was. Nothing wrong with your ministry being strong in a particular area, you CANNOT FORSAKE the DELIVERANCE PROCESS! Its like Kool Aid, you have MANY flavors but no matter what the flavor, sugar is the MAIN INGREDIENT to make the Kool Aid taste the way it was PURPOSED to taste! So ask yourself, am I a TRUE DISCIPLE of Christ? Do I know HOW to be a true disciple? Am I apart of a ministry that teaches me how to give, become successful, how to live, but no matter how hard I try I just can't shake certain STRONGHOLDS out of my life because they're not teaching the MAIN INGREDIENT? If you are a Pastor, Minister, Bishop, Evangelist etc. and AREN'T teaching those that God has entrusted you with how to be further EMPOWERED as a TRUE disciple, you might want to start TODAY! Be blessed & make it a productive week, Everyone! ♥

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