Tuesday Morning Prayer:
Father, We thank You today for who You are! You are God !!! As we reflect on Your goodness this morning, it seems as though there are no words to describe You Lord! You Are!!! You are all we ever needed! You are our hearts melody! You are our song in the night! You are our light in the darkness! You are the breath we inhale and exhale, You are life! You are Great! You are Worthy! You are Holy! You are Righteous! You are Lord over all! You are our Maker! You are Creator! You are Powerful! You are All Knowing! You are Peace! You are Joy! You are Love! You are God! Oh how we bless Your name ! Thank You for being I AM!!!! You are our Everything! Father, I ask You to bless us today. We give this day back to You father! We are available to You! Lead us and guide us O God by Your Spirit! Lord, let us be sensitive to the moving of Your spirit! I pray for divine interruptions, dive appointments to share Your gospel! even now O Lord, I thank You, You have prepared the way before us! we walk in the paths You have already lain for us! Father we know You have a plan for us, a plan to prosper us, a plan that will not harm us but to bring us to an expected end in You! Father, release Your plans to us, Give us an ear to hear Your directions1 strategically move us into position to fulfill Your destined purpose for our lives! father, i pray increase now in the name of Jesus! Increase our love, enlarge our peace, increase our faith and enlarge our trust! Enlarge our territory O God!!! Resources, Favor, Plans, Purpose, Strategies and Creative concepts to enhance Your Kingdom! Release unto us the wealth of Your wisdom, Your understanding and knowledge! Reveal Yourself to us today God! Lord, we thank You in advance for every thing You have already done which shall be manifested unto us today! We thank you that when we walk into rooms today, people will see Your glory! many will ask, "What shall I do to be saved'? Inscribe your words in our hearts O Lord so that we will able to give a word in season that will bring men to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior! Father, we call it done now in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!

Tuesday Evening Prayer:
Father, We thank You today for all You have done and all You are continuing to do! If give thanks with a grateful heart! We reverence You tonight O Lord! You are worthy to be praised! Father, We pray for broken hearts to be made whole by Your love! We pray for sick bodies to be healed! We pray for chaotic minds to cease and be at rest! We pray for hopelessness to be turned to hopefulness in You! We pray for mourning to be turned to joy! We pray for the captives to be set free! We pray for those who are bound to be delivered! We pray for our children across this nation Lord, for divine protection and intervention! We pray specifically tonight for baby Lissa, Jahysee, and thousands of other children who are missing tonight God! Lord let these babies be found! father give the authorities insight, understanding and wisdom! Father lead them by your Spirit! Father we release Your breakers anointing in these cases for You are Lord of the Breakthrough! God we decree what is being concealed by man be revealed by You! Father we ask You to bring these babies home! Father we don't understand it all but we trust You! For we are to lean not to our own understanding but in all of our ways acknowledge You and You will direct our paths! Father, we do that tonight! On behalf of these babies Lord,we acknowledge You! Father we bind the hand of the enemy now! We pull back and uncover all evil pertaining to these children! Every hidden message, every hidden plot, coverup, sham and scheme will be revealed by Your Spirit! Shine Your light in these cases to dispel darkness and the works of the enemy! We decree and declare there will be unrest in the hearts minds and souls of every person who had a hand or has knowledge in the disappearance of these children! Father we pray Your angels be dispatched around these babies! We cancel molestation, rape and death assignments against them now in the name of Jesus! Lord, we ask for a safe return in the name of Jesus! Father wherever they are located, whoever may have them We pray for a revealing tonight God! Lord, have mercy on our babies! For we know You love them God! Our babies who are being beaten, having to take care of themselves, those who are being molested, those with low self esteem O God heal the wounds of our children! those who are in lack, father I pray for impoverished souls to be fed! Father, teach us how to take better care of our children! Show us to do more beyond Thanksgiving and Christmas! God our heart is heavy for our children tonight! Lord, this is only a scratch of the prayers that is in our hearts for our children tonight! God we give them back to you for as parents we are only stewards! Teach us how to love and care for EVERY child regardless of their race, religion or parents economical status! MOVE ON US, THE ADULTS LORD, to lend our voices, our hands, our time, our resources and our prayers to the children in this nation and around the world, In the name of Jesus, Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!!

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