Father, As I'm led by Your Spirit, I release an unlocking anointing upon those who are locked within themselves not knowing who they are in You! Father, unlock every mind to know You more than in head knowledge but in their hearts! Create in us clean hearts and renew a right, steadfast spirit within us O God! Those who are laying in graves of shame, defeat, rejection, guilt and low self esteem, Father we call them forth now and we loose these grave cloths NOW! Every sign, symptom and manifestation of old wounds, sordid pasts, effects of abortions, miscarriages, divorce, rape, sexual abuse, domestic abuse...be loosed from our minds! Be loosed from governing our lives! Father we want to be free! Free us NOW through Your Son Jesus! For whom the SON sets free is free indeed! We cut the chords of soul ties with these things that are hindering us from moving with You! We come against false imaginations, lies and deceit! We destroy every negative word spoken over us by parents, teachers, family, spouses, associates! We counter attack these words in the spirit realm! We decree YOUR words over us! We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! We are the head and not the tail! We have a future and a hope in You! We shall live and not die and declare the word of the Lord! We have an expected end in You! If we are willing and obedient, We shall eat the good of the land! We are Healed! We are delivered! We are free! We walk in the Spirit! We are holy and blameless before You! We are Your seed! Father, move us from Egypt in our minds, lives,Destroy Pharaoh! Lord we raise our hand of authority,We stretch forth our rod of faith and we part every blockage, every hinder, that is trying to keep us from crossing into the promises of You! We part our mind from the world! We part those voices that speak contrary to what You have said about us! We walk today on dry land! we decree and declare the enemies that have chased us for weeks, months, years....THIS DAY WE SHALL SEE NO MORE! FATHER THESE ENEMIES AND THEIR EFFECTS SHALL BE DROWNED! CAUSE THE WHEELS OF THEIR TRANSPORTATION TO FALL OFF! CUT THE CORD AND BURN IT UP BY THE FIRE OF YOUR HOLY GHOST! I DECREE OUR MINDS ARE FREE! OUR BODIES ARE HEALED! OUR EMOTIONS ARE IN RIGHT ALIGNMENT WITH YOU! WHOLENESS IS OURS GOD! EVERY AREA , BE MADE WHOLE IN THE NAME OF JESUS! IT IS ESTABLISHED!!! ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN! BE IT UNTO US ACCORDING TO OUR FAITH! BE IT UNTO US ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD! A GREAT RELEASE! A MIGHTY SHIFT IN THE NAME OF JESUS! CHANGE NOW GOD! TRANSFORMATION! IN THE NAME OF JESUS, IT IS SO...AMEN!!! AMEN!!! AMEN!!!

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