
Virginia Members

Network of God's laborers in the Virginia area. Use this site to network, blog, and connect our region

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Latest Activity: Aug 9, 2023

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Started by Rev(Dr) Sola Adetunji Oct 16, 2013. 0 Replies


Started by Dr. Robert L. Watts Jr. Oct 15, 2013. 0 Replies

Does your church desire a guest speaker?

Started by Bishop Richard Groover Apr 27, 2013. 0 Replies

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Comment by Adrienne Williams on June 24, 2012 at 12:27pm

I pray to see and meet some of you THIS WEEKEND in New Jersey! Mark your calendar and join me as I join Prophetess LaMetria Roman and the Remnant For Christ Ministries family for this time of teaching and fellowship! I am thankful to God for yet another open door to share with HIS people. I would absolutely LOVE to meet some of you there for this time of teaching and impartation. COME EXPECTING and YOU SHALL receive! Friday night worship service is OPEN TO ALL. However, registration is required for Saturday workshop. Reserve YOUR seat today! All are welcome! Please click on the link or photo below for additional details.


To register for Saturday workshop;
Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on June 17, 2012 at 2:52am

Fatherhood - A Kingdom Archetype

Father created us in His image (to look like him) and His likeness (to act like him). God loved the man so much He allowed man to be called “father” as He, Himself, was.

After creating man, Father God blessed him and gave him dominion (Genesis 1:26-28).

A father prepares his son not only for manhood (maturity) but also for the transfer of wealth from the father to the son.

Read more here...

Comment by Adrienne Williams on June 16, 2012 at 2:27pm

Remnant For Christ Ministries
Invites you to a weekend of Apostolic & Prophetic teaching & impartation!

June 29-30, 2012

Friday, June 29
Worship Service 7:30 pm

Saturday, June 30

10am to 2pm
Deliverance 101 Workshop
Registration for Workshop $20
(Registration covers workshop materials & light refreshments)

To register, visit:


Guest Minister:

Apostle Adrienne Williams

United Nations International Ministries

Jackson, Mississippi

Hyatt Morristown at Headquarters Plaza

3 Speedwell Avenue
Morristown, NJ. 07960

Prophetess LaMetria Roman, Senior Pastor and Conference Host

Phone: 973-602-9650

Comment by Overseer, Richard Rowe on June 15, 2012 at 2:45pm

Let's recapture our Health to complete the work that's needed in the Kingdom of God.  We are on a mission to help restore the body of Christ to Prosper and be in Good Health"  Black Gene Lies (Slave Quarter Cures) The medical establishment in industrialized nations, led by the medical establishment in America, continues to perpetuate the false dogma that Black individuals are lesser than White individuals as patients and as care givers-and of course during the 19th and 20th centuries, the American medical system supported this dogma through the pseudoscience of eugenics and later in the 20th and 21st centuries through the false dogmas of Genetics. watch the video Black Gene Lies and contact me for more 877 340-7411

Comment by Bishop Robert Durgan on May 28, 2012 at 8:49pm

All About Christ Network is looking for leaders for the position of Jurisdictional Bishop if interested call today at (909)242-0163

Comment by KING,JAMES RICHARDSON MINISTRIES on May 22, 2012 at 6:26pm
Comment by Apostle C.D. Dixon on May 15, 2012 at 9:30pm

"I have some exciting news to tell you. The first 100 register’s will receive a special gift from me, so don’t delay any longer." To register in box me your email address and say yes I will attend the FREE PRAYER WEBINAR!

Comment by Odindu Rex Chimezie on May 15, 2012 at 10:08am

I don't really know if the Christian community is seeing what I am seeing? I'm beginning to see the Church disintegrate into "the Dark Age!" History is about to repeat itself. Christians all over the world are becoming WORLDLY whilst THE WORLD are becoming CHURCHLY!

Comment by Sarah Boone on May 14, 2012 at 4:07pm

From Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

To: All those who are concerned and worried about my current situation.

First, I would like to inform all of my beloved brothers and sisters that I am in perfect health in the flesh and spirit. And I try to have a little different approach from others to these days, and consider it as the day of exam and trial of my faith. And in these days which are hard in order to prove your loyalty and sincerity to God, I am trying to do the best in my power to stay right with what I have learned from God's commandments.

I need to remind my beloveds, though my trial due has been so long, and as in the flesh I wish these days to end, yet I have surrendered myself to God's will.

From time to time I am informed about the news which is spreading in the media about my current situation, for instance being supported by various churches and famous politicians who have asked for my release, or campaigns and human rights activities which are going on against the charges which are applied to me. I do believe that these kind of activities can be very helpful in order to reach freedom, and respecting the human rights in a right way can bring forth great results in this.

I want to appreciate all those are trying to reach to this goal. But at the other hand, I'd like to announce my disgust at insulting words or activities which make stress and trouble, which unfortunately are done with the justification (excuse) of defending human rights and freedom, for the final result is so clear and obvious for me. Insulting the belief of other nations or people, whether they be a majority or minority, is not accepted and is an unworthy deed, specifically for those who have this teaching to love and respect others more than themselves and treat them the same as you want to be treated.


So I ask all the beloved ones to pray for me as the holy word has said. At the end I hope this be prepared as soon as possible, as the authorities of my country will do with free will according to their law and commandments which are answerable to.

May God's Grace and Mercy be upon you now and forever.

Amen. Youcef Nadarkhani

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on May 8, 2012 at 2:12am

Visit to get a copy of the ebook, "satan, Let Me Refresh Your Memory," by Bishop Derrick Day and Angela Day for only $.99!


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