1 King 12: 33 Jeroboam...ordained..in the 8th month...which he devised of his own heart, a feast for Israel

1 King 12: 33 So he (Jeroboam) offered upon the altar which he had made in Bethel the fifteenth day of the eighth month, even in the month which he had devised of his own heart; and ordained a feast unto the children of Israel: and he offered upon the altar, and burnt incense.

Most Bible students are aware of this incident and realize the grevious error committed by the king, substituting a feast devised in his own heart, and encouraging the Children of Israel to keep his feast, rather than to keep God's ordained feast in Jerusalem.

The Church today has many similar "feast days" which they adopted from the Roman Catholic Church, i.e, Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, Halloween, New Year's Day.

The Scripture authorizes NONE of these days for the Beliver to keep.

Why then do they? Where are the Bereans who "search the scriptures" to see if what they are being told is so?

Based on this incident by one of the kings of Israel, we know that it is not ok for a believer to borrow or make up their own church holidays, rejecting the holidays that God ordained for us to keep, which are:

Passover - The Festival on which Jesus was slain as "our Passover" lamb.
Days of Unleavened Bread- Began as He was being buried represented His sinless life
Wave Sheaf - Represented His Sacrifice presented to the Father on that following Sunday
Pentecost - Day of giving of the Torah and the Holy Spirit 50 days after Passover
Feast of Trumpets - Yet future fulfillment - possible return of Messiah
Day of Atonement - Typifies when Satan is Bound for 1000 years
Feast of Tabernacles - Christ's Millinneal Reign on Earth - Zech 14:23

God's ordained Festivals as they meet their fulfillment are both memorials "blueprints" or "outlines" of future events.
Jesus and His apostles kept these festivals before and they were also kept after Jesus' resurrection. If we are to truly be Jesus' disciple, shouldn't we also keep then too?

If you are not following Jesus and the Apostle's example, walking in their steps, whose example are you following?

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