The Power and Authority of choice was given to man directly by God. According to Genesis 2:16: “Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for if you eat of it you will surely die." We know all how that story ends.

The choices we make today affect the rest of our lives. Listen to what John Maxwell says regarding choices,” The only true freedom each of us has in life is the freedom to choose. The most important choice is who we will become." That is a profound and powerful truth.

We are the sum total our choices. Often we blame our situations or results on the economy, weather, luck, or on other people. These factors do play a part in shaping our future; however, life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how we choose to respond to it. Wow!!! In the final analysis the choice is yours.

Choose to live in freedom everyday. The difference between Successful people and unsuccessful people is not luck, wealth or education. It is choices. Success is not an accident. Success is intentional. Successful people simply decided to be successful. I challenge you to make the same choice today. I want you to choose and commit to doing these three things daily:

1. Focus on what you want and need to do right now.
2. Focus on where you're going in the future.
3. Stay true to who you are and who you know you can be.

God chooses what we go through.
We choose how we go through it.

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