Are You Attending The School Of Hard Knocks?

Proverbs 15:10} There is severe discipline for him who forsakes God's way; and he who hates reproof will die (physically, morally, and spiritually). (Amplified Version).

Proverbs 15:10} It's a school of hard knocks for those who leave God's path, a dead end street for those who hate God's rules. (The Message Version).

So many Christians today have forsaken their walk with God. They have become part of the great falling away. So many will even use God's word as an excuse for staying away from the Body of Christ. What do I mean? They use the Scripture that says that God loves the backslider. We need to take in the whole counsel of God. In other words, do a study on the backslider and you will find that there is no excuse that is acceptable for not walking the walk every single day, staying connected to the Body of Christ, and working out our salvation. There is a price to pay when we backslide. Today's Scriptures back that up. Too many of us are going through a school of hard knocks when we don't have to. God's heart is very grieved with many Christians today because they have become lukewarm or cold and are out there doing their own thing. God desires unity in the Body of Christ and we have to cooperate.

Too often we want God to please us when we should be doing our best to please Him. Painful circumstances and disappointing expectations is often what God will allow as an incubator so that we will stop trusting the things of this world and learn to trust Him. God wants us to embrace His expectations for us and not our own. That's why it's so important to push through and keep walking this walk. We will come to a realization that through this whole process we can be set free as never before. It will be a freedom that we never knew existed or even experienced before. Many of us, I'm sure, can look back and see the many things that God has changed in us that has made us a better person. A person that is more and more in the image of Christ Himself. That is, of course, if we are open to be changed, corrected, rebuked and even chastised at times. If we're not then we can be assured we are going to go through the school of hard knocks. Our sufferings that we go through are a way of getting rid of old sinful habits. We need to stop complaining through these times and ask God what we can learn from these experiences.

The greatest joy and freedom we can have is to wake up every morning and give our wills over to God and allow Him to use us in any way He desires. In this way we will impact those who are around us and those God puts in our path. God doesn't deny us but He loves to frustrate us sometimes until we get back on the path He set us on. Imagine the freedom in not trying to manipulate God or others. Imagine having such a deep and loving relationship with God that He will just overtake you with His favor and give you His very best. This is the abundant life He desires for each of us. But we stubbornly refuse it day by day wanting to do our own thing and wanting our own way. We need to follow in the footsteps of Jesus when He told His Father: Not my will but yours be done.

God is going to do some amazing things in the days to come. Are we ready for them? Many of us aren't and we will miss the glorious move of God that is to take place. It's already started! God wants this world to experience Him as never before. We all need to be a part of that. We need to get out of His way and allow His Spirit to take over and do what He desires to do. I will pose to you the question that the Holy Spirit posed to us in our church on Sunday....Are you ready to allow the love of God to flow through each of you to those I will bring in your path? Are you ready for the glory that is about to hit planet earth? We really need to be. Even the unbelievers will get hit by it. True repentance and conviction is about to hit in a big way. Many tears will be shed. People we thought would never be saved will be saved. God can and will soften the hardest of hearts. The last great harvest is about to take place. Will you be a part of it? Will you be willing to let go of your own agenda and get on track with God's? I pray you will. Get connected with a Body, go back to church, God is using His saints in a big way. Ask God where He wants you. Then obey! God bless you, I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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