Philippians 4: 13 (Amplified)- I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me (I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency).

Revival has been exploding in our church. Sunday the Lord spoke to us about this being the time for the Holy Spirit to manifest Himself as never before. This is the time for victory upon victory. For yokes to be broken, for chains to be pulverized, for healings to manifest and for all bondages to be removed. Our only action is to grab a hold of it, walk in it and praise and thank God for it. This revival is coming in a direction that God showed me months ago. It is taking place through praise and worship. The more we praise and worship God, the more the Holy Spirit comes in like a flood, takes over our services and begins to touch His people in a powerful way. There is nothing that honors God more than when we step out in obedience and trust and claim what is rightfully ours. There is nothing that honors God more than when we praise, honor and glorify our God.

When I went to church on Sunday, the enemy attacked me as never before. I started coughing and choking, then pain hit my body as never before. I trusted God through this and kept speaking His word in this His stripes I am healed. I kept rebuking the devour. Everyone in church came around me and prayed over me and stood in the gap and believed for my healing. And it came! During the service God asked if I would be willing to step out and do a victory dance for someone who was suffering of cancer. He told me to remove my shoes and just step out of the pew and He would take over. I obeyed and He did. I knew in my spirit that this person was going to be healed. We need to have very sensitive ears to our God in this time. But more than that we need to be quick to obey whatever He puts on our hearts. It's also time to stop speaking negative things out of our mouths, stop claiming the situations that are going on and speak God's truth to every situation!

God is going to do some amazing things in the days to come. Some of them may not make sense to us, but do it anyway. His ways are not our ways, they are so much higher. Don't try to figure out what God is doing, just trust Him, step out, and do it! God has so put it on my heart that it is time for the Body of Christ to get rid of the victim mentality, put on the armor of God and become the warriors He has made us to be. Become one mind, on heart and one body! It's time to turn the moaning, complaining, whining and murmuring to praise and worship. The Lord wants us to know that every time we step out and dance before the Lord we are stomping on the enemy's head and our breakthroughs will come. No matter how we feel, step into praise and worship and watch God work! God wants us to open our spiritual eyes, ears and minds to what He is going to do in this time. He will bring us to the full realization of who we are in Him.

Without Him we can do nothing. But with Him we can and will do all things....amazing and glorious things we can't even imagine. He said in His word that greater things we will do than He did when He walked the earth....this is the time church! Wake up and come out of your sleep! Too many Christians today are procrastinating and doing their own thing and missing out on the greatest movement of the Spirit. He is calling us back to the Body of Christ. He is equipping us to do some awesome things. To God be the glory! The Spirit of the Lord was so heavy in our church Sunday that no one could sit still. We began to praise God and people were touched in amazing ways. We had some young men whom we have been praying for for years who finally came to the Lord. We are in the last great harvest. Get connected! Get on fire for God! Stop doing your own thing!

God is raising up warriors who will not be afraid to speak the truth. They will not speak what itching ears want to hear. God is perfecting His Bride. Time is shorter than we think. If Christians stay in complacency there will be a price to pay. Remember that God said if you are lukewarm He will spit you out of His mouth. And I"m paraphrasing here. Many Christians today have become lukewarm and don't care about the things of God. There is a great falling away happening, don't become part of it. Get back to the Body of Christ and enter into the glorious presence of the Lord. Don't forsake the assembling of yourselves like a bunch of heathens. Study His word to rightly divide. The Spirit is urging all His people to come back, come back to the Body of Christ. Don't miss out on what God is doing. God bless you, I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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