Sometimes we want to know if there can be any peace in the Body of Christ. Madea says she's got a piece of steel (Smith and Wesson) for those who won't keep the peace LOL. Unfortunately, when we in the Body of Christ don't agree with one another, sometimes we get the Madea mentality and want to fight. We not only fight in the four walls of our church buildings but we fight online as well. Or even more so because we can be as crude as we want to be since the person isn’t standing in front of us and is oftentimes on the other side of the country!! The only way to fight online is by using your words inappropriately. *sigh*

I've seen threats of bodily harm, name calling, bickering, badgering, etc. (I have to laugh sometimes because I wonder if that person is going to spend money to travel across the nation just to beat up someone who has said something to them that they don’t like. THAT is person with NO life!)

I guess, my problem is that I expect people to just stop when things get to a certain point. I'll walk away before I will sit and bicker with someone over an issue. Especially online. When it gets to the point of a wall hitting a wall... time to let the person argue with themselves and move on.

Do I have to agree with everyone on every issue? Absolutely not!!! We have opinions and opinions about other peoples opinions. It’s like being on a merry go round that is turning really fast and no one is getting anywhere…just very dizzy LOL.

Friends, it's almost like we WANT to be divided. Have you noticed that? It’s like we DESIRE discord over peace.

Proverbs 6:12-19 (The Message Bible)

12-15 Riffraff and rascals
talk out of both sides of their mouths.
They wink at each other, they shuffle their feet,
they cross their fingers behind their backs.
Their perverse minds are always cooking up something nasty,
always stirring up trouble.
Catastrophe is just around the corner for them,
a total smashup, their lives ruined beyond repair.

16-19 Here are six things God hates,
and one more that he loathes with a passion:
eyes that are arrogant,
a tongue that lies,
hands that murder the innocent,
a heart that hatches evil plots,
feet that race down a wicked track,
a mouth that lies under oath,
a troublemaker in the family.

Now, I’m not talking about a person with righteous indignation who is speaking about habitual sins and injustices, I’m talking about the troublemakers in the Body of Christ. The ones who are always sowing seeds of discord.

Have you ever seen people who are not content unless there is a lot of mess going on around them? And when there is peace, they stir up mess. Piglet Pastors and Piglet Pew Members! Wallowing in mess… LOL

What happens when you wallow with pigs??? You get dirty! It reminds me of the cartoon character on Peanuts appropriately named “Pigpen”.

Check out the PIG PEN HOE DOWN

Galatians 5:9 says that a little leaven, leavens the whole lump.

Pigs they don’t even know that they are “dirty”.
And those who are clean ignore the dirty little piggy’s dirt and just keep dancing with them.

This little piggy went to market... church folk causing mess in the church book store. You can't even buy a book because they are haggling over the prices with the volunteer cashier!

This little piggy stayed home... because they were more comfortable with watching church on tv than going to church. But they sit in front of the tv and complain about every preacher on TV. I grew up with a person like this. I wanted to tell them to just turn the channel and shut up LOL

This little piggy had roast beef... always got beef with somebody about something...roasting/hot over every issue. Can't stand the pastor's wife, Can't stand the color of the pews, can't stand the music selection... always beefing about something!

This little piggy had none...always complaining about what they and envying others. "Sister so-in-so sure has a nice car. I wish I had one like that. Why she gotta have nice stuff, I deserve nice stuff too" OH LAWD. The envy piggy makes me want to have a bacon sandwich!!!

This little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.... leave church crying every Sunday! Why do they keep going to that church??? I know a person who goes to a church where the Pastor is always hurting their feelings. And I ask them, why do you keep going to that church???

Man, we gotta stop being piggy victims and also stop being Pigs that victimize.

And we wonder why the world doesn't flock to churches! If we see this mess, don't they see it also?

Watch out for those Pigpen People

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Comment by PASTOR CHARLES E BELL JR on July 8, 2009 at 4:40pm

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