When you here the word beauty, what comes to your mind. Is it the way you look or the way a person is shaped. Is it the texture of a persons skin or the length of there hair.

I do not have these things, so I do not see the beauty in me. I can see beauty in everyone else but I can't see this beauty within myself. Did you see that smile that came across her face. Oh how I wish I can put one on my face.

I have forgotten how to smile, I have closed my eyes to all that is around. Because I didn't fit the part so beauty no longer lived in my heart. I saw shades of grey for I lost all sense of hope. No one else saw beauty when they looked at me, this is why I saw no beauty within me.

Then I took a journey through the pages of my life, I began to see beauty that lite a spock, there is a light now that shines from my heart. We miss seeing beauty because we are looking in the wrong place. Beauty is not about what you see on the outside but beauty is what shines from the inside. When I began to understand what beauty really is; it's not about the length of your hair, nor the texture of ones skin, nor is it in your looks or the color of your skin. Beauty shines out of the light that is in your heart, I see no more grey nor do I have darkness in my heart. Beauty is something that we all can possess and it starts from a smile that lights up ones face. Love who you are inside and out, then everyone will see the beauty that lies within your heart.


Written by Marie Rose 4/22/2010

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