When I looked at myself what did I see; I saw all that was told to me but I didn't see me. We look to other's to find the beauty within ourselves; for this reason we do not know how to love ourselves. You see we look for love but instead you find lust. Why is that! because of the reflection that you see looking back at us. If all you see is the opposite of you, then you are seeing all that they saw and you're still not seeing who you are. We play these games and say to ourselves that it does not matter. When deep inside you feel broken and defeated. But to fit in with the crowd we put on an air, just so that we can be treated fair. The One thing you must do is learn to love yourself. Get in that mirror and take a good look at yourself; not only from the outside but the inside as well. And know that you have a beauty along with a glow and whether anyone see's it do not let it get to you because you know now seeing your reflection you FINALLY saw youself. No one else can love you the way that you deserve until you first learn how to love yourself.

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