James 1:19-20} Understand this, my beloved brethren. Let every man be quick to hear ( a ready listener), slow to speak, slow to take offense and to get angry. For man's anger does not promote the righteousness God wishes and requires.

The Lord wanted me to share the definition of the word "emotions": The effective aspect of consciousness. A state of being. A psychic and physical reaction (as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling and phsysiologically involving changes that prepare the body for immediate vigorious action. Too often, many of us, as Christians, are led by our emotions that go into overdrive rather than stepping back, taking a deep breath and looking at situations. When things go wrong we are quick to react and most times it is done in a wrong way. In that time we are not led by the Spirit of God and do not act in a Christian way. In these times we do not glorify God but Satan. Too often we say "it's Satan's fault" when we need to look within ourselves and see our own emotions at work and the poor choices we make. So a man thinks, so he is. And we think all the wrong things and give into those thoughts way too often. Then what happens is we end up making a mountain out of a mole hill. When we linger too long on wrong thoughts, they become an action...too often a wrong action.

So what is the central cause of these reactions? As today's Scripture points are we are NOT slow to speak, nor are we slow to take offense and get angry. Why is that? Because many of us are not working on an intimate relationship with Christ and studying His Word to rightly divide. When we have an intimate relationship with Christ we will have an intimate relationship with one another. Also some of us may be operating in pride where we feel we need to be right all the time. Face it, we will all miss it, and that's ok. We are a work in progress. And there are people who may rub us the wrong way but we need to ask ourselves why they are in our lives. It just could be that God is trying to work something out in us. So we have to stop looking at their faults and look at our own. When we are quick to react we need to look within ourselves to see if we are open to be taught, corrected, rebuked and chastised by God in however manner He chooses to do it. Most times He just may even use someone that we refuse to listen to. We hurt ourselves when we close our minds, hearts and ears to what God has to say. Hurting people hurt people and we are the only ones who can stop this circle of destruction.

People who are very defensive are operating in emotionalism. Their emotions dictate what they are going to do next. And most times it is pointing the finger at someone else to get the attention off themselves. Or they will run away every time and not sit down to talk things over as Christians should do. They do not take time to think things through and hear what God has to say about the situations they are facing. Walls of defensive go up and they refuse to trust anyone...even God! Most times when we operate in our emotions is because we have not allowed God to deal with us in some area. Most root causes are anger and rage. There are other things too such as unforgiveness, wanting our own way, jealousy, critical and judgmental spirits within us and the list goes on. This also shows that we are operating in a wrong spirit of pride and there is no humility in us. Believe me, I'm preaching from a been there and done that experience.

The problem with not dealing with things is that these emotions get stuffed down and since emotions are alive and have power they will hurt our bodies. We will get hit with pain, sickness, disease and so many other things. Not only that but we will destroy every relationship that God brings to our lives, be it marriage, friendship or family. We cannot operate in God's unconditional love when we continue to allow our emotions and feelings to dictate. We may put on a mask of purity, holiness and love but it's all superficial and we're not fooling anyone, especially God. The outside may look good but the inside is as filthy rags...just as in the days of the Pharisees and Saducees. Which Christ warned not to partake of by the way! And believe me if God has us praying for a certain person He will reveal. Why? So we know how to pray for that person. He will do this with the people He can trust to keep their mouths shut and just pray. Believe me it takes a mature Christian not to speak until God says so.

If we truly desire to be a vessel of love and honor for God then we need to truly humble ourselves in these days and allow His Spirit to go into the deepest places and clean out what needs to be taken out. Only He can do this. We can't do it on our own. That means we need to be wide open and bare before the Lord. Otherwise we will go into emotional suicide as I like to call it. I don't know about you but I desire to be led by the Spirit and not by my emotions. I don't want to be a baby Christian, I want to be mature in all of His ways and not my own. How about you? Then what we have to do is lay everything down, stop running away and give Him total access. It may not be fun to go through when He begins to show us things and starts to remove them. But in the long run, it will be more than worth it. My prayer has always been: Lord, help others to see, feel, hear and experience You and Your love through me. I surrender all, have your way. A good prayer for all of us to say. But don't just say the words, allow the work to take place. He loves you and wants so much more for each of us. He will not allow us to operate in things that don't honor or glorify Him, He will deal with it one way or the other. Why? Because undealt with emotions can kill us spiritually, emotionally and even physically! It's going to be a lot harder if we do not submit. There will be a price to pay. It's time we let our Light shine in a dark world. Amen? Let us begin today to be Spiritually challenged and not emotionally led. Let us stop letting our flesh and our emotions dictate to us as to how we will behave. Be led by the Spirit in all things. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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