In our present economic "crisis"and financial uncertainty , unemployment and "joblessness" is a threat or reality to everyone,even those who populate the household of faith. Those who are fortunate enough to be maintaining gainful employment, are still in constant jeoardy of losing ther job "security", and some, by the possiblity of a fate worse than being "downsized", which is being "FIRED"! There are a number of ways one can enter the high statistics of those who've been "let go" under undesirable circumstances, some legitimate, and some are simply cunningly "trumped up" to deny the employee the legislated benefits and wages they deserve for services rendered. As I labored in the medical profession for numerous years, I witnessed many people get "set up" by "upper management in cooperation with "human" (there was nothing HUMAN about their behaviour) resources" to cheat faithful and dedicated employees out of their pension, retirement, and extended health benefits, much of what was absolutely "ruthless". The way it usually played out, was, after serving the allotted amount of years that qualify one for full company benfits, during the last year or two leading up to their actual qaulification for full retirement,, they would begin to find petty reasons to aggravate or provoke the employee, in hopes that they would voluntarily, separate themselves in anger, thereby disqualifying themselves from all of the accumulated benfits,and their earned retirement package. Being "FIRED" has alawyas had negative connotations, that kind of reflected some inadequacy or undesirability on the "firee's" part. To those who are shallow and simple of mind, they seem to see being "FIRED" as some sort of "brass ring", whereby they can collect a few months of "unemployment benefits" while they sip coffee and inhale Krispy Kreme douughnuts all day. How unmotivated, and uninspired can one be, but then the Word says that the people PERISH without a VISION! By parallell or contrast, things operate in pretty much the same pattern in the realm of the spirit, because the enemy wants to disqualify you from your "earned "income" benefits, and your full retirement package of eternal life, a crown of glory, and a "place around the great white throne",, and provoke you to separate yourself from the Knigdom of God, and your relationship with Him, just before your benefits are about to kick in, in full effect! The enemy wants you to feel "FIRED", when it appears that the Lord is silent in your life, and when there's no detectable evidence of His glory, favor, or any endorsement that He even knows you. The enemy will sit on your shoulder, or ride yoiur back, whispering and tormenting you with accusations and mockings of "FIRED", in those times of testing and being proven by God, that find you isolated, cut off, alone, unaffirmed, disconnected, unvalidated in the house of God, persecuted, and criticized. He will tell you that you need to just hand in your "badge" (salvation), your "keys (stop believing; faith), and spend the rest of your days watching "Lucy:" reruns, and drinking orange "pops". with a serioius "attitude" against God and all things that pertain to salvation and rightousness. He will yell "FIRED" because others who've just joined the Church seem to be getting elevations hand over fist, while you are still parking cars after serving faithfully for a decade. In your marriage, he will torment you with "FIRED" everytime you have a disagreeemnt with your mate and he/she shuts you down or refuses to commuicate, leading you to believe they must've obviously "hired" someone else to scratch their back or their dandruff. Job's wife was yelling "fired" in his face,when he received the report of one overwhelming personal and business loss after another! The prophets of Baal and Jezebel were shouting "FIRED" at the Prophet Elijah, after his finest hour as a man of God, when he retreated in a serious anxiety attack, after an outstanding victory! The real truth about these matters is that , if you really believe way down in your sanctifed soul that "all things work together to the good, for those tha love the Lord", you will not just "GET FIRED", but "GET FIRED UP"! and allow the FIRE of the Holy Ghost to be ignited down in your saved soul, and ignite a new running in your feet, a new shout in your belly, and a fresh song unto the Lord, that the angels can not sing! You need to inform the devil "YES, I"m "fired", and I've got the best seat in the house,because this"FIRE" that I feel, the world didn't give it to me, but it's like the FIRE that was shut up in Jeremiah's bones, and it just won't let me hold my peace"! Take the FIRE of disappointment, frustration, aggravation, vexation, irritation, depression, oppression,and every other flammable presence in your life, and throw yourself a Holy Ghost Bonfire, AND THROW ALL OF YOUR COUNTERPRODUCTIVE, ANNOYING,USELESS, reminders of past disappointments, failures, and seasons of despair, into the flames of deliverance, freedom, and absolute liberty, and rather than waste a perfectly good fire,throw in a few chestnuts , marshmallows, or whatever else works well and tastes even better when roasted over an open fire! Take the flames of your "FIRING" and testify of God's "ANYHOW" GOODNESS, until the whole congregation becomes a towering inferno, and the presence of God is provoked to come down, to drop down, and accept the "fires" of praise as an accetable sacrifice. You don't have to run from or fear any kind of FIRE, or "FIRING", because you were born to be COMBUSTIBLE, and your whole armor of God is flame retardant, so realign your mind, and remember who and what you are. Don't run from your FIRE, but just STOP!(PAUSE AND CONSIDER TE MATTER), DROP(REVERENCE GOD IN THE MIDST OF IT ALL), and ROLL (from one end of the pews to the other, while you get your PRAISE on)!!

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