Word From The Lord First......

When will you let go of your religious programs, your legalistic and political ways when you gather together with the saints? When will you allow My Spirit to freely move among my people? I am doing a new thing. I am not in the old! I am going to shake up and wake up some of my people and take them out of their comfort zones. I desire to bring My people to a higher plateau in Me and with Me. Those who are truly surrendered will be used in mighty ways. Get rid of your stinking thinking. It is not by your might, it is not by your power, it is by the power of My Spirit. Are you willing to be open enough for me to do new things? Will you put yourself aside and allow My Spirit to move as never before? Let Me out of your manmade boxes of religious ways and beliefs. Do away with man made programs and doctrines. I desire to heal My people, I desire to deliver My people, I desire to set My people free in a very large place and to use them in very powerful ways. It is through each one of you that the world will recognize Me! Have I not said that you are a chosen generation? You were called for such a time as this. Stop standing in the way of the people I long to use. Those things which I wrote in My word about the end times shall come to pass. You are living in the greatest time ever. I am going to use you as no generation before you. I will do things in such an amazing way that even scoffers will have to know that "I AM!" You are a glorious generation and I have chosen you to come to the full revelation of Who I AM! Come to Me often. And when you do come, come with confidence and expect to receive. My divine power will overshadow you and prepare you for the times to come. Moving with My Spirit is easy once you know Me. I can even make it fun. Yet many are afraid of the anointing. Be not afraid for I did not give you a spirit of fear. I gave you a spirit of love, power and a sound mind. Stop being trapped in church politics and come to a higher level with Me where I will give you a freedom you have never known. You will have freedom of fear, anxieties and any other negative thing this world and your enemies want to inflict upon you. You and I will be so one that no demon from hell will be able to shake you. The enemy will do his utmost to try to bring you down, to try to destroy you, but he will not succeed. I AM THE VICTOR! You have victory in Me. Keep praising Me, keep honoring Me, keep rejoicing in your God no matter what! Get rid of your negative attitudes, your stinking thinking, and keep your focus on Me. Watch what I will do through each one of you. Remember that I love you deeply and passionately. Remember that I will never, ever leave you nor forsake you. I have raised a banner against your enemies and My people will rejoice and be greatly anointed by their God. Seek ME and MY KINGDOM FIRST and then I shall give you great favor and bless you beyond your highest imaginations. It is the praise that brings down My power and My blessings. If I asked you to praise Me through your whole service would you do it? If I told you to step out in your healing gifts and touch My children through your whole service would you do it? If I told you to do something that made no sense to you, would you do it? Be open, be willing and most of all be obedient to the leading of My Spirit. Again I remind you to be very sensitive to My Spirit. I am going to shake up the world! I am going to shake up My people and take many out of their comfort zones! Are you ready? Are you willing? I am watching. Let it not be business as usual. Take Me out of your manmade religious and legalistic boxes! Get connected to Me, get connected to one another! I await your reply.

Acts 4:13} Now when they saw the boldness and unfettered eloquence of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and untrained in the schools (common men with no educational advantages), they marveled; and they recognized that they had been with Jesus.

Many of us today are not operating in the anointing and power that God has for each of us. Why is that? Because many of us do not take the time to be with Jesus on a daily basis. He is the only one who can fill us with all of Himself . This is done by His Spirit. It's good to go to school and learn, it's good to sit under leaders and hear what they have to say; but the one thing we all seem to forget is God is the one who puts a call on us and God is the One who ordains. Too often our legalistic and religious ways have gotten in the way of God wanting to use one of His children. We get told : Oh no you can't do that until you get this degree and that degree. Well, guess what? All God is looking for is a surrendered vessel and a willing and obedient heart.

We should be walking in the same anointing and power the disciples had when their mere shadows were healing people. They spent a lot of time with Jesus. Their focus was Him and nothing else. What is our focus on these days? Sadly enough it's on money, material things, power, anything that fulfills our wants and desires for a time. Oh that we would desire all of God and all that Jesus has for us that much! When will we realize that the things of this world will pass away but the treasures of Heaven that we want will be there for us when we get there. We are here to work for His Kingdom and not our own desires all the time. God said it very plainly: Seek Me, seek My Kingdom FIRST and THEN all things will be added unto you. We wouldn't have to work so hard to be prosperous if we were seeking after the Lord first. God wants to prosper us in all our ways but we have to yield to His will first.

No matter what people may say to you, if God tells you or shows you to do something, be obedient and just do it. Always make sure, however, that it is the Lord's voice you are obeying. Make sure everything He is asking you to do lines up with His Word. Most of us who spend a lot of time with God and studying His Word will have this : I know that I know......in our spirits. We recognize the Master's voice because we have spend much time with Him. But for those who spend little or no time, don't think you can't be deceived even tho you are born again. Satan uses Christians! We are so busy trying to be perfect, religious and legalistic that we miss Him many times. We need to remember that Jesus did radical things when He was on the earth. Like it or not, He is about to take some people out of their comfort zone and shake things up.

As my pastor said on Sunday, we don't know what real suffering is yet. We are going through small stuff right now and look at how we get into panic, anxiety and fear. God's word will come to pass, the evil is intensifying and the world is become more wicked. They are calling evil good! All the more reason for us to press into Jesus and into His Word. We may not have the word with us in the future. We may not have churches to go to. Get fed and filled now while you can. Why? So that in the future no matter what comes at you, you will stand firm on the Rock and know that God will take care of His own. Would you be willing to die for Christ's sake? It may come to that. More and more the world and unbelievers are hating Christians. But we need to realize that God loves us and we truly need to have that intimate love relationship with Him to get us through the days to come. It's not about us, it's about Him. Let your light shine! Let love lead the way, not our religious, legalistic and political ways. They shall know us by our love, not what we think we know. Be led by the Spirit in all things in the days to come. Get connected because we will need each other. Let's not wait for calamities to happen before we run to God. Let us be there for Him and for one another in good as well as bad. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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